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Now, the VOA Special programmer WORDS AND THEIR STORIES.


Today, we will show the word “waste”. It is something people tell us not to do. At home, parents tell us not to watch food in the classroom, teachers tell us not to waste time. On sports team, coaches tell us not to waste energy.

Waste often happens because we use something too much or because we do not use it well, we often use “waste” in arguments. lf we are unhappy with someone, we can say: “Don’t waste my time.” And if you are not happy with something you did, you can say, “Well, that was a complete waste of time.”

We also find it in some useful expressions. The first one is “Haste makes waste.” “Haste” means doing something very quickly. “Haste makes waste” means if you move or do something in a hurry, you could make mistakes. And then it takes more time to correct mistakes. So, if you see your friends doing homework in a hurry, you can suggest, “Be careful with your work, you might make mistakes and then our teacher will make you do it again. Haste makes waste, you know.”

The other common expression is: “Waste Not, Want Not.” This means that if you never waste anything, especially food or money, you will always have it when you need it the most.

Now Let’s hope learning about “waste” in this Words and Their Stories was not a “complete waste of your time.”


I’m Anna Matteo!

Listen again next week for another Words and Their Stories programme from VOA.

【小题1】This passage nay be from ________.
A.a story bookB.a grammar book
C.an English dictionaryD.a radio programmer
【小题2】in Para. 2, the writer shows the meaning of “waste” mainly ________.
A.by telling storiesB.by giving examples
C.by using picturesD.by describing facts
【小题3】According to the passage, “Haste makes waste” in Para. 5 means ________ in Chinese.
【小题4】We can say “________” when some students throw their old books.
A.Don t waste energy.B.Don’t waste my time.
C.Haste makes waste.D.Waste Not, Want Not.
【小题5】What can we infer from the underlined sentence in Para. 7?
A.The speaker wishes her programme can help a lot.
B.The speaker suggests her programme is boring.
C.The speaker is worried about her programme.
D.The speaker thinks nobody believes her words.
知识点:电视与电台语言与文化说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!
【小题1】Kate has a cat but she doesn’t know how the cat feels and what it needs.
【小题2】Betty has a 5-year-old son and she wants to know how to keep him away from danger at home.
【小题3】Jackie works hard and gets tired easily. He wants to learn Chinese kung fu to keep healthy.   
【小题4】Sophie is going to travel in Guangdong next year and she wants to know more about Guangdong, especially the food there.
【小题5】Jane is shy and not good at talking. She often says something wrong when talking with others.
A.Learning Kung Fu is a Chinese kung fu show. You can follow all the moves to keep healthy.
B.Taste Guangdong is a weekly English TV show about foods in Guangdong. Our host will show you around and taste one kind of delicious food each week.
C.Do you often say anything wrong when you talk to others? The show Say What will teach you the right thing to say to different people in different situations.
D. Know Your Pets will tell you something about how to keep a pet and how to understand its needs.
E.Are you worried parents? Do you have trouble with your kids? Kids & Parents can help you understand your kids well and make friends with them.
F.Kung Fu Panda is a cartoon movie for children to watch with their parents. It is about a panda trying to learn kung fu to save his friends.
G.You will get useful information about how to keep away from danger at home. Safe Home is a good show for kids and their parents.

What do people usually like to do in their free time? Different people have different answers. Some people like watching TV, because they think it has lots of advantages.

First, watching TV can give us a good rest. After a day’s hard work, we need a good rest. Watching TV can make us relaxed because of the happy music and TV plays.

Besides, watching TV is entertaining(娱乐性的). There are many kinds of entertainments, like sports activities, entertainments, plays and films all over the world at any time. It’s impossible for us to go to every place to enjoy all the activities in a short time. We need more than ten hours to fly from New York to Paris, a week by train from Beijing to Moscow. But just one second, TV can bring us from a basketball game in New York to a fashion show in Paris by changing channels(频道).

Most importantly, watching TV is educational. Children can learn different kinds of subjects through the educational programs and the special reports on TV. It’s easy for them to learn Chinese from a Chinese teacher in Beijing and to learn Russian from a Russian teacher in Moscow. We can even learn how to act well from the TV plays and a teacher can teach many students without a huge classroom.

【小题1】According to the passage, there are ________ good points of watching TV in all.
【小题2】The underlined word “advantage” means ________ in Chinese.
【小题3】The writer wants to show that ________ in the paragraph 3.
A.TV station sends programs slowly
B.we can travel to different places and have fun
C.TV brings different parts of the world before us
【小题4】We can know that our children can ________ through TV programs.
A.learn many useful thingsB.do their homeworkC.enjoy many TV plays
【小题5】The best title for the passage is ________.
A.TV Brings Good RestB.Today’s TV ProgramsC.The Advantages of Watching TV
