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There was a young prince who had a pet lion. The lion was his friend, but unluckily, the lion was never let out of his cage. This made the lion feel sad because he thought that if he was considered a friend, then why wasn’t he allowed out of the cage?

Next to the lion’s cage was a hyena. He hated the lion. One day, the hyena said to the lion, “If you are the friend of this prince, why does he keep you in a cage?”

When the lion was about to answer, the hyena cut him off and said, “Because of your big teeth.” The prince laughed at this and said, “No. I believe the lion will not hurt me. The reason is because I’m afraid that if I were to let him out, he would leave me.”

The hyena said, “Oh, but you’re wrong, young prince! We love our cages. We’d never leave. Open my cage and I’ll show you.” The young prince opened the cage and the hyena quickly jumped on the prince to eat him. Suddenly, the lion jumped out of his cage and grabbed the hyena. Then the hyena ran off, and never to be seen again.

The young prince was surprised and asked, “Lion, how did you get out?” The lion replied, “My prince, my cage was never locked. I have always stayed here because we are friends. ”

From that day on, the cage door was taken off. The prince learned a valuable lesson that day: A friendship without trust is not a friendship at all.

Word Bank   hyena鬣狗                 grab抓住
【小题1】As the prince’s friend, where did the lion live?
【小题2】Why did the prince keep the lion living in the cage?
A.Because the hyena hated the lion.
B.Because the lion liked living in the cage.
C.Because he was afraid that the lion would hurt him.
D.Because he was afraid that the lion would leave him.
【小题3】Which of the following is not TRUE according to the text?
A.The hyena hated the lion.B.The hyena liked his cage.
C.The lion saved the prince.D.The prince was cheated by the hyena.
【小题4】What do you think of the lion?
A.Kind and believable.B.Powerful and wild.
C.Playful and boring.D.Lazy and sleepy.
【小题5】Why did the lion always stay there even if the cage was unlocked?
A.Because the prince was rich enough.
B.Because he thought the prince as his friend.
C.Because the prince was the most powerful man in the country.
D.Because he didn’t want to leave the hyena.
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A long time ago, there lived a very, very wise King. He was so wise that he knew the ways of almost everything.

One day, a tiny bee lost her way, and flew into the King’s beautiful palace. The little bee begged the King, “Please, let me live, and I will offer you help some other day.”

The King was amused(被逗乐的)to think a tiny bee could one day help a great king like him.He let the bee go and said, “Go, be on your way, for I need nothing more from you today.”

Many days later, a queen was coming to visit from a far﹣away land.

“I hear you are wise,” the queen said to the king, “Would you be willing to put your smarts to a test?”

The King agreed and the queen did her test, with puzzles, quizzes, and difficult questions. But the King solved all the problems perfectly.

On the last day of her visit, the queen came up with another plan.She ordered the workers to produce ninety﹣nine fake flowers, but looking so real and natural. When finished, even the queen could not tell they were fake.She was sure the King would make the same mistake. And from the King’s garden, she took just one real flower, and cleverly hid it among all the others.

The queen then said to the King, “My workers created many beautiful flowers. Ninety-nine are fake, but one is real somewhere.Can you find that one?”

The King smelled the flowers, but they were all so sweet, and all so beautiful. Now which one could the real flower be? The King became a bit nervous. Suddenly, he heard a buzzing sound. Something was there flying around. It was the tiny little bee he saved many days before. “I am here to repay the kindness you gave me, sir.”

The little bee quickly flew over the flowers and sopped on the real one. The King picked the flower and handed it to the queen.

Finally, the queen had to give up and told everyone the kind was truly the wisest man in the world.

【小题1】Why was the king amused by the bee? ________
A.The bee told him a funny joke.B.The bee was testing his smarts.
C.He didn’t believe the bee could help him.D.He didn’t realize the kindness of the bee.
【小题2】What does the underlined phrase “fake flowers” in paragraph 7 refer to? ________
A.Sweet flowers.B.Flowers made by the workers.C.Natural flowers.D.Flowers planted in the king’s garden.
【小题3】In what order did the following happen in the story? ________
a.The king laughed and let the bee go.
b. The bee flew back to the king’s palace.
c.The workers made lots of fake flowers.
d.The king gave the real flower to the queen.
e.The queen picked a flower from the garden.
【小题4】From the story, we can learn that ________.
A.there is no way to test a kingB.a king should be kind to his people
C.sometimes the little can be of great powerD.we should always believe and depend on others

There was a businessman who was deep in debt(债务). He sat on a park bench sadly. Suddenly, an old man appeared before him. "I can see that something is troubling you," he said. After listening to the businessman's story, the old man wrote out a check(支票), and put it in his hand, saying, "Take it and pay me back here exactly one year from today." Then he turned and disappeared as quickly as he had come. The businessman saw in his hand a check for $500,000, signed by John D. Rockefeller, one of the richest men in the world! "I can pay off my debts in a second!" he realized. But instead, the businessman decided to put the check in his safe(保险箱). Just knowing it was there might give him the power to save his business. He went back and worked hard to make his business successful. Within several months, he was out of debt and making money once again.

Exactly one year later, he returned to the park with the check. At the agreed-upon time, the old man appeared. Behind the old man was a nurse. The nurse spoke to the businessman and said that the old man was mentally(精神上)ill and was always telling people he was John D. Rockefeller. The businessman was shocked to hear this.

Suddenly, he realized that it wasn't the money, real or imagined, that had turned his life around. It was his newfound self-confidence that gave him the power to achieve anything he went after.

【小题1】The businessman sat on a park bench sadly because he______________.
A.lost his walletB.owned a debtC.lost his girlfriendD.missed his plane
【小题2】The businessman probably felt______________ when he received the check.
【小题3】The businessman put the check away because______________.
A.he didn't want it to be stolen
B.having the money brought him confidence
C.he hoped to find its real owner
D.he was scared of spending it
【小题4】What happened at the agreed-upon time the next year?
A.The old man asked the businessman to pay back at once.
B.The businessman returned the check to the old man.
C.The old man didn't remember he was John D. Rockefeller.
D.The businessman found out that the old man had a mental illness
【小题5】The story teaches us that______________.
A.poor people are less confident than the rich.
B.it is easy for rich people to become poor.
C.self-confidence plays a big role in one's life
D.mentally ill people understand life's basic truths

The idea may hit you once or twice a year. You come home on a hot summer day, hoping to have a cool bath, and find out there is no water. Then you see how important water is in your everyday life. However, in many parts of the world, water is not just about one’s everyday needs.

In countries like Tanzania, water is hard to get, and the job of collecting water falls on women’s shoulders. Girls are often kept home from school to collect water while their brothers stay at school studying. Studies show Tanzanian girls who live 15 minutes from clean water spend 12% more time at school than those who live an hour away. More time spent collecting water means less time for learning. For these girls, “Knowledge is power” is not just words; it is a sad fact in real life. With less time spent at school, their chances of getting well-paid jobs are small, and they often have no voice in important matters, like who to marry. These girls are often married into poor families. They have little money or knowledge to take care of their children, who often end up dying young. For the baby girls who are lucky enough to live, their life may still center around “water”, just like it did for their mothers.

【小题1】What does The idea mean in the reading?
A.Water is important in one’s everyday life.
B.Water is just about one’s everyday needs.
C.It is nice to have a cool bath once or twice a year.
D.We should not take a bath when there is little water.
【小题2】Why do some girls in Tanzania spend less time at school than the others?
A.Because they have more housework to do.
B.Because their parents don’t allow them to do so.
C.Because they live farther away from the clean water.
D.Because they don’t like studying at all.
【小题3】What do we know from the reading?
A.Children in poor countries die from drinking dirty water every day.
B.Girls who spend less time at school have a harder life when they grow up.
C.Girls in countries like Tanzania are often paid less for the same job than the boys are.
D.Children from poor families are often kept from school to take care of younger children.
【小题4】Which of the following is an important matter?
A.Who to marry.B.Where to go.C.How to speak.D.When to give birth to children.
【小题5】Families in the countries of Benin, Ghana, Guinea and Madagascar deal with the job of water-collecting the same way Tanzanian families do. From the reading, which chart best shows the fact?
