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Have you ever tried Shaxian Snacks(沙县小吃)? You may find Shaxian Snacks restaurants in nearly every Chinese city. But now the popular restaurant chain(连锁店)is going overseas(海外).

Two months ago, Shaxian Snacks opened its first store in the United States. The store is in New York City. It was so popular that all of its food was sold out within three hours on the first day when it was open.

Shaxian Snacks come from Shaxian County in Fujan Province. Many local people left the county in past years to work in other parts of China. And of course, they brought their food with them. Shaxian Snacks sells local food from Shaxian, such as peanut butter noodles(花生酱拌面)and pork wontons(猪肉馄饨). There are many dishes to choose from. Some are traditional, while others are new. But the thing they have in common is that none of them is expensive. That might be why they are so popular. At the Shaxian Snacks store in the US, a full meal costs about the same as a meal at KFC or McDonald’s.

【小题1】What has Shaxian Snacks done recently?
A.It has stopped selling food in China.
B.It just opened its first store in the US.
C.The food in all of its stores in China was sold out.
D.It has opened restaurants in every Chinese city.
【小题2】What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about?
A.How popular Shaxian Snacks is in New York.
B.Why Shaxian County is famous.
C.How Shaxian Snacks became popular.
D.Why many people in Fujian moved to other places.
【小题3】Why is Shaxian Snacks so popular according to the story?
A.Because it has many kinds of dishes.
B.Because it offers traditional snacks.
C.Because it offers many new snacks.
D.Because its dishes are cheap.
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Chocolate is one of the most popular foods in the world. Many people choose it as a birthday gift. When a child gets a box of chocolate as a gift, he may feel happy. It is popular among people, especially among children.
Chocolate tastes nice. People eat chocolate candy, chocolate cake and chocolate cookies. They also drink hot chocolate.
Chocolate is made from cocoa beans. Here are some interesting things about cocoa beans.
In the past, the Mayas and the Aztecs used cocoa beans as money because they were small, easy to carry, and not easy to find. A turkey cost ninety cocoa beans and a small rabbit cost thirty cocoa beans. They also cooked the beans and mixed(混合)them with water. Sometimes they added corn or hot pepper. They did not add sugar. The drink was very expensive. Only rich people could buy it.
【小题1】There are some different kinds of foods. Which is not mentioned(提及)in the passage?
A.chocolate candyB.chocolate cake
C.chocolate cookiesD.chocolate ice cream
【小题2】The Mayas and the Aztecs used cocoa beans as money for some reasons.
Which is 1NOT one of the reasons?
A.They were small.
B.They were easy to carry. '
C.They were not easy to find.
D.They tasted nice.
【小题3】If a person wanted to buy two turkeys and three rabbits, he needed to pay_____ for them.
A.120 cocoa beansB.240 cocoa beans
C.270 cocoa beansD.360 cocoa beans
【小题4】Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.The chocolate is not popular among children.
B.People never drink hot chocolate.
C.The Mayas and the Aztecs added sugar to the beans.
D.The Mayas and the Aztecs mixed the beans with water.
