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Making friends in middle school doesn’t always come easily. If you want to find and make new friends, you can follow the following ways.

Try to join a club

People with similar interest usually join the same club. Clubs are a great place to make new friends and they can show you to people who you have something in common with.

Show your smile

When you walk in the halls, hold your head up and keep your eyes on other people. Smile is the best name card. If you see someone you know, give him a smile, and he will smile to you.

Look for new people

You may not the only one at the new school. Being new is something that you all have in common, so making friends with them can’t be that hard. Talking about your old school, your new school and teachers, you can quickly find who is also new.

Make friends with people you already know

Get to people who you already know. Talk to them and learn more about them. If things go well, invite(邀请)them to do something with you outside school, which will help you make friends with them.

It’s not always easy to make friends in middle school. Here is some advice to help you 【小题1】 and make new friends. Joining a club is a great choice. People can make friends with those who have 【小题2】 interest. When you meet someone, show your smile to them 【小题3】 smile is the best name card. If you are new in a schoolyou can 【小题4】 find who is also new after talking about your old school. Being new is something that you have in common, so it won’t be so hard. Fourth, reach people who you already know. If you can get on well with them, you can invite them to take part in some 【小题5】 outside school. I think these ways will help you a lot.

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Thanks to better health care, most people are living healthier and longer lives. Someone who is born today can expect to live about thirty-five years longer than someone who was born in the nineteenth century.It is even thought that in the future more and more people will celebrate their hundredth birthdays. Here are some rules for a health life.
Get off the sofa
Sure, it is comfortable to sit on the sofa and watch TV. But doctors say you should get off the sofa. To keep fit, you have to walk at least 10000 steps every day. In the past, people's jobs required more physical effort. They often had to walk for miles every day. When farmers were working in the fields, they were keeping fit at the same time. Think about it: Do you get the same amount of exercise today as they did in the past?
Eat healthy food
It is important to eat food that is fresh and natural,for example fruit and vegetables. Fast food is not healthy. You should only have it once in a while.Eating too much of the wrong food will harm your health.
Rest while you can
When we were babies,we slept for much of the night.Teenagers do not need as much sleep as babies,but it is important for you to sleep for about eight hours a night.At weekends,you have   more time,so use it not only for your friends, but also for rest too.
Do not worry, be happy
Many people believe that happiness is important to our general health.Sometimes it is not easy to be a teenager because of the difficulties of school, exams or friendships. If you are worried about something,talk to your parents or your teachers.
【小题1】 For A Health Life
Getting off the sofaYou should walk at least ten 【小题2】 steps a day.
You should get enough exercise every day .
【小题3】 healthy food It’s important for you to eat fresh and 【小题4】 food   
Fast food is 【小题5】 So you shouldn’t eat too much of it.
Resting while you can Teenagers should get about eight 【小题6】 sleep every night.
At weekends, you have more time, you can use it 【小题7】for your friends and for rest.
Not worrying but
【小题8】 happy
【小题9】 is important to our health.
If something【小题10】 you, you can ask your parents or teachers for help.

Life is like a journey. On the way, we have happiness and sadness. Sometimes it is full of regrets. It’s not difficult for anyone around you to tell his regrets. When we get older, we look back and wish that we had made better choices. How can we avoid future regrets?

Make better plans. If you start to do something, you’d better make a plan before doing it. The earlier, the better. You will know what comes first and what comes last. You’ll also know what you should do and what you shouldn’t do. If changes happen, you will have more time to deal with them.

Live a more active life. You can go around more often. More outdoor activities can keep you relaxed and active. You also need to show your kindness to others. “Thank you” can bring a smile to someone’s face. Learn to say “sorry” and don’t be angry with others.

Find the right friend. A friend can make your life colorful and he or she may break your life as well. So you need to think twice when you choose a friend. When you get into trouble, ask friends for help. A little help may get you good results.

Never fear failure. Everybody fails, even the greatest person. We should not fear failure, because failure is not the end of the road.We must take failure as a chance to learn and improve ourselves.

【小题1】We may look back and wish we had made ________ when we get older.
【小题2】Before you begin to do something, you’d better ________.
【小题3】Why shouldn’t we fear failure? ________
