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From young to old, people experience change. Many people refuse change or feel afraid of it. They run away from changes and prefer to stay in their comfort zone. Sometimes, it’s laziness, but mostly it’s because people don’t like feeling that they have no control. It causes worries of bad outcomes, imperfections, bad results, or failing.

The good news is that doesn’t have to be the case. Change can be good for us since they can make us more flexible (灵活的) and open-minded, and it can open doors to more opportunities. What’s more, even if we refuse change, it will enter our life just the same. If we don’t learn to embrace change, then we can’t move forward, and we may be left behind. So, whether it’s changing the way you study, the focus of your learning, or learning a new skill, we need to know how to deal with change.

To make a change, we can try taking small steps. Give ourselves time to change. Find one little thing that we can do at a time, then do it, and then do another. Take small steps forward. It will make the change easier to achieve. If it takes a long time, be patient, and don’t be passive. Don’t worry about failure. Even if it ends with bad results, we still learn from the process, which is also a success on its own.

Remember that if there were no change, there would be no butterflies, so embrace change with courage.

【小题1】What does the underlined word “embrace” mean?
【小题2】Why don’t people like change?
A.They are afraid that they may fail.
B.They don’t have experience to make changes.
C.They think that changes bring no good to them.
D.They are not talented and don’t know how to make changes.
【小题3】How should you make a change according to the text?
A.Take baby steps and be patient.
B.Seek support from your friends or parents
C.Think through what you really want.
D.Find a good partner to encourage you.
【小题4】Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage?
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Do you argue with your parents about making your bed or tidying your room? Are your parents angry because you use the Internet or hang out with friends all the time? If your answers are yes, then our new Family Solutions app can help you.

With the Family Solutions app, teenagers and parents look at family arguments from both sides and solve their problems. The app gives you tips and helps you make better choices. It also helps your parents to understand you.

How does it work? You read different kinds of problems and then choose an answer from different options (选项). The app tells you which answer is the best and why. For example, you’re getting ready to go out with friends, but your parents want you to visit your grandparents. You may choose “We always go there on the weekend. I’m going to hang out.” or “OK! We can go there today, but I’d like to hang out with my friends tomorrow.” Clearly, the first option doesn’t make you or your parents feel good but the second one makes everybody happy.

If you think the Family Solutions app is helpful, you can buy it in the App Store. It will help you live an easy life.

【小题1】How does the writer start the passage?
A.By showing an example.B.By telling a story.C.By asking questions.
【小题2】The underlined word “tips” in Paragraph 2 is closest in morning to “________”.
【小题3】How do you use the Family Solutions app?
A.You talk with experts on it.
B.You read messages from your parents on it.
C.You choose answers to different problems on it.
【小题4】Which of the following is TRUE about the Family Solutions app?
A.It finds a solution for all life problems.
B.It teaches children how to clean rooms.
C.It helps family become more understanding.
【小题5】The writer writes the passage mainly to ________.
A.sell a new app
B.tell a family story
C.show how to make your family happy

Having clean hands is important because people often use their hands to touch their eyes, noses and mouths. Touching these areas gives germs (细菌) the chance to go into the body.

“Washing hands is an important lifetime habit for staying healthy,” doctors say. Cleaning your hands is one of the best and also the easiest ways to protect yourself from getting sick. But it takes more than just placing your hands under running water for a few seconds.

How can you make sure you are washing your hands correctly? Here are five easy steps you can take to wash your hands.

● Wet your hands with warm water.

● Lather up with soap. Be sure to lather the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails.

● Rub your hands for at least 20 seconds-about the time it takes to sing “Happy Birthday” song twice.

● Wash your hands well under warm, running water.

● Dry your hands with a clean towel.

You should always wash your hands before meals after eating, after using the toilet, after returning home, after touching animals ...

We hope you can have the habit of hand washing.

【小题1】Why should we keep our hands clean?
A.Because things are mostly touched by hands.
B.Because it is easy for us to do in our daily lives.
C.Because germs can get into our body through hands.
D.Because cleaning hands can protect ourselves from getting sick.
【小题2】What should we do after we wet our hands with warm water?
【小题3】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.We should use running water to wash our hands.
B.We should wash our hands before touching animals.
C.We should use warm water to kill the germs on ours hands.
D.We should sing the song “Happy birthday” while washing hands.
