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Mobile phones are one of the most useful inventions of the last 50 years, but not everything that is said about them is good. Mobile phones are usually to blame* for a number of things: from headaches to house fires. One theory even blames mobile phones for the disappearance* of bees!

       The theory is that the bees’ navigation systems are damaged by the radiation* from mobile phones. Bees have a built-in system, and this helps them find their way back to their hives*. But recently, thousands of bees have failed to find their way home.
       The problem was first noticed by beekeepers in America and is a lot more serious than it at first seems. The important thing about bees is that most of the plants in many countries of the world are pollinated* by them. Without bees, the plants can’t grow. Many beekeepers in America and Europe have reported losing between 50 and 70 percent of their bees. Jim Piper, a London beekeeper, was recently asked how the problem was affecting him. “My business has been destroyed by this,” he complained.
       Nobody has proved that this theory is true but it’s a fact that bees are disappearing in very large numbers. And we can do nothing without them. Einstein said that if all our bees disappeared, man would only live for four more years! The situation firstly needs to be tested by the world’s best scientists. If the result proves that the theory is correct, we need to do something about it immediately — before it is too late.
【小题1】The purpose of paragraph 1 is ________.
A.to tell mobile phones are one of the most useful inventions
B.to describe some problems caused by mobile phones in our life
C.to show us the fact that mobile phones help bees in many ways
D.to lead to the topic that mobile phones have bad effects on bees
【小题2】The “navigation systems” in bees can tell them to ________.
A.go in a right directionB.stay away from the radiation
C.find the flowers to pollinateD.warn people of house fires
【小题3】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The disappearance of bees has something to do with the radiation.
B.The beekeeper Jim Piper firstly found there were fewer bees in hives.
C.Bees play an important role in the growth of plants in many countries.
D.Scientists are able to work out the problem in an easy way in four years.
【小题4】What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.Bees can only live with people around them.
B.Nobody has proved that bees are disappearing.
C.We may solve the problem with the help of scientists.
D.We may do something before scientists prove the theory correct.
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It’s hard to turn down a tasty banana. They taste good and you don’t have to wash them before eating them. However, British scientists say that the fruit may disappear by 2050.

One reason for this is climate change. Scientists at the University of Exeter collected numbers from 27 countries and areas that produce 86 percent of the world’s bananas. They found that climate change has improved growing conditions in 21 of these countries. In the past 60 years, the production has reached 1.37 tons of bananas per hectare.

(1) Ten of the countries, including India, the world’s biggest producer of bananas, will produce fewer bananas. By 2050, the fruit may die out. (2) Shouldn’t bananas grow more easily if it’s hotter outside? (3) In fact, the perfect temperature for growing bananas is between 24 and 32℃. If temperatures get too high, they will stop growing. (4)

Diseases (疾病) are another danger to bananas. Unlike other plants, the bananas we grow come from shoot cuttings (扦插) rather than seeds (种子). This means that all banana plants have the same genotype (基因型). In other words, if a disease is able to kill one plant, it could kill them all.

One serious disease is called Panama. Caused by fungus (真菌) in the soil, it spreads easily. It has spread across South Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Australia. If one banana plantation meets the disease, it will take 30 years until it is able to grow bananas again. Scientists have yet to find a cure (治疗) for this disease.

【小题1】According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
A.Bananas have already died out in the past 60 years.
B.Scientists has already find a method to cure for the disease.
C.Bananas will keep growing when the temperature reaches 60℃.
D.Both too high temperature and Panama will kill bananas.
【小题2】The underlined word “this” in Paragraph 4 refers to ________.
A.Bananas come from seeds
B.Bananas are from shoot cuttings
C.Bananas have the same genotype
D.Bananas die from a disease
【小题3】Where can we best put “But if temperatures keep rising, this advantage will disappear.” in Paragraph 3?
【小题4】How is the passage organized?

Kitty came into my life twenty years ago. When my son, Josh, and I were walking by “The Stock Exchange” store in our hometown, we saw a basket full of little cats in the window. We talked about getting a cat as a friend to our new little dogs, Asja. It was easy to choose. 【小题1】She has attractive eyes and the sweetest face.

In her new home in the woods, Kitty spent many afternoons climbing trees and playing with the bushes. She easily made friends with Asja. 【小题2】

Kitty was Josh's cat. 【小题3】My love to her came as a surprise because I had never had a cat as a child. I loved to pick her up, holding her into my arms. I danced with her around the room while listening to my favorite music. Every time I took out my yoga mat, she was right under my nose, making her appearance known.

Now Kitty is no longer here with us. The house feels very different. Many times during the day,I find myself stopping to remember if she needs to be fed, or if her water needs to be changed. 【小题4】 I now realize just how much a part of my life she really was.

Kitty stayed as long as she could-twenty years, three months. And as lucky as I was to have her for so long. There will never be a time when I will not miss my Kitty girl. 【小题5】

A.She is always in my heart.
B.They shared the basement apartment for many years.
C.Kitty was the most beautiful one among the little cats.
D.At bedtime, I remember that she is no longer there for a good night kiss.
E.However, she became more and more my cat as Josh grew into adulthood.
