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When I was a kid, my mom liked to make breakfast food for dinner every now and then. And I remember clearly one night, when she had made ________ food for dinner after a long, hard day at work.

That evening, my mom ________ a plate of eggs, sausage and some ________ biscuits in front of my dad. I waited to see if anyone noticed them! Yet all my dad did was eating his ________, smiling at my mom and asking me how my day was at school. I don’t remember what I told him that night, ________ I do remember that he ate biscuits ________! When I got up from the table that evening, I ________ my mom say sorry to my dad for burning the biscuits. And I’ll never forget what he said: “Honey, I ________ burned biscuits every now and then.”

Later that night, I went to kiss daddy goodnight and I asked him if he really liked the burned biscuits. He held me in his arms and said, “Your mum went through a hard day at work today and she’s really ________. And besides, a little burned biscuit will never hurt anyone!”

As I’ve grown older, I’ve ________ his words for many times. Life is full of imperfect things and imperfect people. Learning to accept them is one of the most important keys to create a healthy and lasting relationship.

A.forgot aboutB.looked forC.put awayD.thought about
知识点:家人和亲人家庭生活叙事忆旧 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

A father and his daughter were flying a kite in the park. The young daughter was a little bit tired, so they took a ________ on the bench. When the daughter saw an old man selling apples, she asked her father to buy her an apple. Her father didn’t bring much money with him, but it was enough to buy two apples. So he did, and gave ________ of them to his daughter, smiling.

His daughter held one apple in her left hand and the other in the right hand. Then the father asked her if she could ________ one of the apples with him. When the girl heard this, she quickly took a bite (咬) from one apple. And before her father could speak, she also took a bite from the ________ apple.

The father was ________. He wondered what mistakes he made so that his daughter acted in such a greedy (贪婪的) way. He was lost in thought. Perhaps he was just thinking too much. His daughter was too ______     to understand about sharing and giving. A smile disappeared from his face.

Suddenly, his daughter with an apple in her left hand said, “Daddy, have this one! It’s much juicier and ________.” Her father was speechless. He felt ________ about making the judgment (判断) so quickly about a small child. But his smile ________ knowing why his daughter quickly took a bite from each apple.

Don’t judge anything or draw a conclusion (结论) too quickly. ________ give some more time to understand things better.

A.went awayB.came backC.ran outD.ran off
