语法选择 适中0.65 引用2 组卷280

Four good friends Mouse, Crow, Turtle and Deer lived in the forest. Every day they met at the lake and told each other _________ stories.

One day, Deer did not come to the lake. The other three were worried. “I saw _________ hunter in the forest this morning,” said Crow. “I’m afraid Deer might be caught.”

“Fly over the forest, Crow,” said Mouse. “Please see if you can find Deer.”

It _________ him a few minutes before Crow saw Deer caught in a trap made of ropes. He flew back at once to ask the other two _________ help. When they arrived, Mouse and Crow began to break the ropes. Turtle kept _________ to Deer to make her feel better.

Just then, the hunter came back. “Everyone, leave now!” said Turtle.

Deer ran away with Mouse _________. Turtle just lifted up a foot _________ the hunter got close. “My trap is empty, but a turtle is _________ than nothing.” said the hunter. “I _________ turtle soup tonight.” The hunter picked Turtle up and started for home.

“Now we all __________ help our friend Turtle,” said Deer.

Deer lay down on the way. She seemed __________. Crow flew and landed on Deer’s head. The hunter saw Deer, __________ he put Turtle down to get Deer. As soon as the hunter left Turtle, Mouse ran up and helped Turtle __________ in the forest. Deer jumped up and ran away.

The hunter went back __________ Turtle, but found him gone. “How scary! There is magic here.” he said to __________ in great fear. Then he rushed out of the forest and never came back again. There was magic in the forest that day. That magic was called friendship.

A.talkB.talksC.talkingD.to talk
A.haveB.hadC.have hadD.will have
A.getB.gotC.to getD.getting
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根据短文内容,从A、B、C 个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。

Children always like to play together. A group of boys went out to play on ________ sunny day and they found a big tree. “How tall it is! It will be exciting to climb to the top!” a boy said.

Then they stood around the tree and decided ________ a game to see who could climb to the top of it ________. Their mothers sat not far away and they were watching their children while enjoying the sunshine.

One of the climbers was an 8-year-old boy named Daniel. He wasn’t as ________ as other boys. Actually, he was the shortest kid in the group. Nobody thought ________ would win. Then the game started. All of the ________ tried their best to climb as quickly as they could. To everyone’s surprise, ________ Daniel climbed slower than others in the beginning, he reached the top first in the end.

Daniel’s mother was very proud ________ him after the game. She said to Daniel, “My boy, you really surprised me. I wonder how you made it.”

“It was easy,” Daniel said. “The other children kept looking down as they were climbing. When they realized how high they were, they were afraid of falling off the tree. I, however, ________ only up. I climbed fast because I wasn’t afraid. I kept going higher and higher until I got to the top.”

It is true in life that if we just keep ________ forward without looking back, we can succeed.

A.playingB.playC.to play

One day, a teacher came into her classroom. She gave her students ________ small test. The teacher ________ out the test paper. The students were surprised ________ that there were no questions on the paper, but only a black dot (点) in the center of it. The teacher said, “I just want you to write down what you see on this paper.”

The students did as the teacher said. At the end of the class, the teacher read their answers ________. While the teacher ________, the class was silent. “Each of you tried to describe the black dot—its size and its color on the paper,” she explained. “Yet, I want you to think about something. All of you focused on (关注) the black dot on this test paper and wrote about it, ________ no one wrote about the white area around the dot.”

“Imagine that this paper represents (代表) your life. The white area represents all of your life experiences, and the black dot just represents the bad things you ________ through since you were born. Life gives us many good things like the most exciting moment and ________ time in your life. And yet we focus too much on the problems and difficulties.”

“From now ________, don’t just focus on the black dots in your life. Remind ________ how lucky you are sometimes.”

A.handsB.handedC.will hand
A.seeB.to seeC.seeing
A.readB.was readingC.will read
A.have goneB.wentC.goes
A.happyB.the happiestC.happier

It is a long time since the story happened to me! And it is an unforgettable experience for me. ___________ a cold winter afternoon, I was walking home from a supermarket. My shopping bags were so heavy _________ I decided to stop to have a rest in the park. I walked towards the gate of the park. Then I noticed a man walking out of the restaurant in front of me. He _________ a paper bag in his hand. He walked to a nearby dustbin and started looking through it.

Seeing this, I suddenly felt sad. ___________ poor man he was! I knew the man would take all that he could get, _________ I went up to him and gave him some fruit. The man, with wrinkles (皱纹) on his face, looked up in surprise and took what I gave him.

A big smile appeared on his face and I felt very _______. Then he said “Wow! First someone gave me this sandwich, then this drink, and now some delicious fruit. This is my daughter’s lucky day. I am sure _________ she will be very happy. Thank you, boy!” Then he went away, singing a song happily.

Just then, I understood what the saying “Giving is getting” really meant. Everyone in the world needs help, everyone can _________ help and everyone will be helped to showing kindness. Giving sometimes doesn’t cost much, but it means a lot to the people _________ you help. The man’s happiness at the moment comes into __________ mind every time I have the chance to help others.

A.holdsB.holdC.is holdingD.was holding
A.WhatB.What aC.HowD.How a
