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When an animal helps another animal, it usually gets something valuable in return. For a long time, many scientists thought that only people could act generously just because it feels good.
However, a new study in Germany suggests that chimpanzees (黑猩猩)also do good things for no real reason. And so do children who are as young as 18 months of age. Maybe it is because humans and chimpanzees share an ancestor(祖先) about 6 million years ago.
People and chimpanzees appear to develop such features(特征) without any other training, says Warneken, a scientist in Germany. Warneken and his partners worked on adult chimpanzees that live on an island in the African country of Uganda. They also worked with 18-month-old children in Germany. The researchers performed three experiments on the adult chimpanzees and two experiments on the kids. In the first animal experiment,a person tried to reach his arm into a cage to get a stick,but he couldn’t reach it. A chimpanzee was in the cage,and it could reach the stick if it wanted to.
Thirty-six chimpanzees took part in this experiment one by one, and no chimpanzee saw what the other chimpanzees had done. Even though the animals hadn’t met the person before, they usually took the stick and gave it to the person. What’s more, they did this whether or not the person offered them bananas as a reward. In a similar experiment, 36 children acted in a similar way. They helped the person reach the stick, whether or not they were offered toys for their help.
Researchers did other experiments on chimpanzees and babies. No rewards were offered in either experiment. And still, both the chimpanzees and children went out of their way to help. Still, the new study is different from earlier findings. Researchers have found that chimpanzees don’t give rewards of food to other chimpanzees, even if it costs them nothing to be generous.
【小题1】Warneken and his partners worked with ________.
A.young chimpanzee that live on an island
B.18-month-old children who live in Germany
C.kids who are living with adult chimpanzees
D.adult chimpanzees that live on the African mountain
【小题2】A new study in Germany suggests that ________.
A.people also share information for good reason
B.children know something at the age of 18 months
C.chimpanzees do good things for no real reason, too
D.humans should develop their abilities 6 million years ago
【小题3】Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Thirty-six chimpanzees joined in this experiment one by one
B.No chimpanzee saw what the other chimpanzees had done
C.The animals hadn’t met the person before the experiments
D.Chimpanzee gave the person the stick in order to get a reward
【小题4】From the passage we know that ________.
A.both chimpanzees and children can find their way to help others
B.chimpanzees will reward good food to other chimpanzees
C.children is more generous than chimpanzees in some ways
D.both chimpanzees and children can do the difficult experiments
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How do you usually sleep, on the back or on your side? Here are some interesting sleeping positions.

Starfish is when you lie on your back and sleep with your arms lifted up near your head. According to studies, only 5% of people sleep like this. It often causes lower back pain. You can place something soft under your knees if you have lower back pain. You will feel more comfortable this way.
Soldier Position
This sleeping position is kind of strange, but very common. It’s when you sleep on your back with your arms down and very close to your body. Studies have shown that people who sleep like this may be quieter when they are sleeping. It is actually a good sleeping position, as it helps keep your spine in a straight line.
Sleeping on Your Belly
Do you like to sleep on your belly, but often experience problems? Although many people like to sleep in this way, it’s unhealthy to sleep in this position for a long time. It can make your neck uncomfortable. But if this is how you like to sleep, you might think of using a very soft cooling pillow to keep your neck comfortable.
If this sleeping position is not familiar to you, you should know that at least 7% of the world’s population sleep that way. In this position, you have your hands on or around your pillow, with your head turned to one side. But it may create a twist in the neck. Some studies suggest that generally you’re an active person if you like to sleep in this position.
【小题1】Which sleeping position often causes lower back pain?
A.Starfish.B.Soldier Position.C.Sleeping on Your Belly.D.Freefall.
【小题2】Sleeping in the soldier position usually makes you ________.
A.feel difficult to sleepB.get pain in your back
C.sleep in a quiet wayD.become active in your life
【小题3】According to the passage, which advice is good for sleeping?
A.Put a pillow under your head when you sleep on the belly.
B.Sleep on your belly all night and don’t change your position.
C.Sleep in the Freefall position when your neck isn’t comfortable.
D.Be active and do some sports before you sleep in the Freefall position.
Two-year-old hero Ye Chengfeng saved most of his family from a deadly gas leak(泄漏). As his grandfather lay dead, the child woke up his grandmother and saved five other family members from death.
More and more British school kids use their mobile phones to cheat(作弊)in exams. They use them to send messages to get the answers. So far this year, 1,013 students were caught cheating with mobile phones. Teachers are now teaching themselves so they can find the cheats. They also ask the students to hand the phones in before exams.
A new study shows that girl chimps(黑猩猩) are faster to use tools than boys! Experts found that girl chimps in East Africa use sticks to dig in the soil two years earlier than boys do. But they don’t know why. Girls watched their moms work, but the boys climbed trees. Yes, human girls always learn to write and draw first, but boys often run and play balls earlier than girls.
In Germany, doctors have three ways to help kids who are addicted (上瘾的)to the Internet. First, learning art — Kids learn painting or singing; Second, doing sports — Kids do swimming or horse riding. The last one is to go into nature — Kids plant flowers and grow vegetables. Doctors want kids to find other ways to have fun rather than surf the Internet.
【小题1】How many family members did 2-year-old Ye Chengfeng save?
【小题2】The British teachers are teaching themselves to________.
A.send messages to each other
B.find their students’ cheats in exams
C.stop the students from using their mobile phones
D.ask the students to hand in their phones before exams
【小题3】According to the third piece of news, we know ________.
A.chimps are cleverer than monkeys
B.only chimps in East Africa can use tools
C.human boys always learn to write and draw earlier than girls
D.experts don’t know why girl chimps use tools faster than boys
【小题4】The German doctors help kids addicted to the Internet so that they can________.
A.go into nature
B.enjoy their school life better
C.become famous painters and singers
D.find some other ways to enjoy themselves
【小题5】Choose the best title for each piece of news above from the following six ones:
①Girls learn faster than boys?     ②Phone cheats          ③Little hero
④No cheating!          ⑤Internet cure          ⑥Go into nature

The traditional Chinese lunar calendar (农历) divides the year into 24 solar terms (节气). Start of Spring, the first solar term of the year, begins this year on Feb. 4 and ends on Feb.18.

After Start of Spring everything turns green and is full of energy, people clearly see that the daytime is becoming longer and the weather is becoming warmer.

Here are some things you should know about Start of Spring.

Flying kites Spring is the best season for kite-flying. This is a traditional folk activity, which has a history of more than 2,000 years. It can help build one’s health and keep people from getting sick.

Biting the spring In many parts of China, it is a tradition to “bite the spring” on the first day of Start of Spring. People eat spring pancakes and spring rolls (春卷).

Appreciating plum blossoms (赏梅) Plums blossom from the 12th lunar month to the second month of the next year. The plum blossom always fights against the cold. In China, the plum blossom is praised as one of the four gentlemen of Chinese flowers.

Welcoming spring People in China began holding a special ceremony on the first day of Start of Spring about 3,000 years ago. They made sacrifices (祭品) to Gou Mang, the god of Spring. By the Qing Dynasty, greeting spring had become an important folk activity. In Beijing, government officials welcomed spring in the wild field near Dongzhimen.

【小题1】What do people eat on the first day of Start of Spring?
A.Dumplings.B.Cakes.C.Spring pancakes.D.Mooncakes.
【小题2】Which of the following became an important folk activity on the first day of Start of Spring?
A.Biting the spring.B.Flying kites.
C.Appreciating plum blossoms.D.Greeting spring.
【小题3】What can we know from the passage?
A.After Start of Spring, the daytime is becoming shorter.
B.Flying kites can keep people healthy.
C.In all parts of China, people “bite the spring” on the first day of Start of Spring.
D.Welcoming spring has a history of more than 2,000 years.
【小题4】What is the text mainly about?
A.The tradition of biting the spring.B.The story of Gou Mang.
C.Start of Spring and the Spring Festival.D.An introduction to Start of Spring.
