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Bear details

International Polar Bear Day is Feb 27. Climate change harms polar bears because they depend on sea ice to hunt, produce babies and travel. Every ten years, the arctic(北极的)sea ice has declined(减少)at a rate of 13%.

Over 2/3 of the world’s polar bears are found in Canada.

Polar bears can walk more than 3,000 km each month, An adult male can weigh over 600 kg.

Of the 19 subpopulations(亚群). 4 are in decline.

How can we help polar bears?
Reduce your carbon footprint(碳足迹). It helps to reduce climate change’s effect on polar bears.
Support action groups that protect them.
Learn more about the difficult situation of polar bears.
Support eco-friendly tourism to polar regions(极地)to see them.
【小题1】When is International Polar Bear Day?
A.May 26.B.March 12.C.August 27.D.February 27.
【小题2】Why does climate change harm polar bears?
A.Because they depend on sea ice to hunt, produce babies and travel.
B.Because they depend on sea ice to look after babies.
C.Because the arctic sea ice has declined.
D.Both A and C.
【小题3】Where can we find most of the world’s polar bears?
A.In America.B.In Canada.C.In China.D.In Japan.
【小题4】How can we help polar bears?
A.Increase your carbon footprint.
B.Join action groups to protect polar bears.
C.Learn more about the difficult situation of polar bears.
D.Support more tourism to polar regions to see polar bears.
【小题5】Which of the following is TRUE?
A.An adult male polar bear can weigh over 600 kg.
B.Polar bears can walk more than 5,000 km each month.
C.Of the 18 subpopulations, 4 are in decline.
D.Every ten years, the arctic sea ice has declined at a rate of 23%.
知识点:常见动物科普知识环境保护说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Turkey was proud of his looks. Every time he walked past the other animals, he would show off his feathers and say, “I am so beautiful. Move out of my way!”

The other animals thought Turkey was too proud. They decided to give him a lesson, so Fox wrote a note to invite Turkey to a dance party. Turkey was so pleased. When the sun went down, he got to Fox’s home. Seeing Turkey, all the animals bowed and cheered.

Just at that time, a beautiful peacock(孔雀)showed up. When Turkey saw the beautiful feathers of the peacock, he became speechless. The other animals began to laugh. “I look like a fool.” thought Turkey. He ran out of the house as quickly as he could.

And then, no one saw Turkey for several days. Everyone began to feel bad about what they did. They looked for Turkey everywhere. They just wanted to teach him to be humble. They didn’t want to hurt his feelings. Finally, they found Turkey in an old tree. He looked quite sad. Peacock flew to Turkey and said, “Your friends are worried about you. They feel sorry for you.” “We are sorry for the joke we played on you, Turkey.” the animals said. “I am sorry I was so proud.” replied Turkey. “I think we should have another dance party!” said Fox. So they went towards Fox’s home together.

【小题1】Where did they have the dance party?
A.At Turkey’s home.B.In an old tree.C.At Peacock’s home.D.At Fox’s home.
【小题2】Why did turkey leave the dance party?
A.Because he was tired.B.Because he was fooled.
C.Because he had a fever.D.Because he had to go home.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “humble” mean in Chinese?
【小题4】Which is the best title for the passage?
A.What a party!B.The proud Turkey.C.Turkey’s bad luck.D.Who is more beautiful?
Lizards (蜥蜴) are unusual,but they can make good pets because most of them are small and easy to care for. They do not make loud noises,and they do not need to go for walks or take baths.
Of course, some lizards make better pets than others. One of the most popular lizards in pet store is the bearded dragon. Bearded dragons are active during the day and do not mind people holding them. Geckos are another popular pet lizard. They are a little more difficult to care for. Geckos are active at night and need a warm place to live.Like bearded dragons,they can be held by their owners.Both of these lizards can live ten years or more when they are well cared for.
Two lizards that are bad choices for pets are iguanas and chameleons. Iguanas can grow to be almost two meters(nearly six feet),so they need a big space to live in.They can also bite or scratch (抓伤) their owners.Chameleons do not hurt their owners,but they are quite difficu1t to care for. While iguanas can live up to twenty years,chameleons do not live very long. Most do not live more than five years.
【小题1】This reading is about        
A.wild animalsB.good and bad pets
C.the life of lizardD.the importance of lizards
【小题2】Which is true according to the passage?
A.It is not hard to care for most lizards.
B.All lizards are dangerous to children.
C.Lizards are better than dogs or cats.
D.Pet 1izards need walks and baths.
【小题3】Which lizard would be good for a child to watch and play during the day?
A.A geckoB.A chameleon
C.A bearded dragon.D.An iguana.
【小题4】The writer of the passage probably thinks that         
A.iguanas are not good pets for children
B.all lizards are good pets
C.most lizards are dangerous,so do not keep them as pets
D.no matter which lizard you get,do not hold it
