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Navigation(导航)is an important ability for animals to find food and living places. Researchers in Israel have performed an experiment and found that goldfish are able to navigate on land after receiving around 10 driving lessons.

The experiment was led by a research team at the Ben-Gurion University. It was made to see whether goldfish could find their way in a very different environment.

Researchers developed a robotic car that could drive forward, backward, and from side to side. They called the car a FOV — Fish Operated Vehicle(鱼驱动车). A goldfish was placed inside a water box on the FOV. Using a set of wheels with a camera system, the FOV recorded the fish’s movements and swimming directions, and then moved in the same direction.

The scientists worked with six different goldfish. They placed the car in a small room with a pink target(目标)on one side. The fish would get food when the car touched the target. After a few days of training, the fish navigated to the target. At first, it took them about half an hour to drive to the target. But by the end of the experiment, they were able to complete the same task in less than a minute. Shachar Given, one of the researchers said, “As anyone who has tried to learn how to ride a bike or how to drive a car knows, it is challenging at first.”

Not only did the goldfish show that they could drive to the target, but also they weren’t fooled by false targets of other colors. They were also able to get free when the car hit a wall.

Although the fish may not have realized they were moving on land, these results show that a fish has the ability to navigate outside its natural environment of water. It can enrich scientific knowledge of animals’ navigation skills.

【小题1】The researchers perform the goldfish experiment to see if goldfish could ________.
A.find food and living placesB.ride a bike or drive a car like humans
C.live in the land’s navigating systemD.navigate in a different environment
【小题2】What do we know about the FOV?
A.It was placed inside a water box.B.It could control the fish’s directions.
C.It could follow the fish’s movements.D.It was driven by a camera system.
【小题3】The fish would get food as long as the car ________.
A.avoided hitting a wallB.touched the pink target
C.moved in the small room freelyD.touched the target of other colors
【小题4】Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
A.Scientists Teach Goldfish to Drive a Car on Land,B.Scientists Offer Goldfish Food and Lessons.
C.Scientists Invent an Animal Navigation System.D.Scientists Put a Robotic Car to Good Use.
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Talking to friends, family or workmates can make us feel happy. Not talking to others can also hurt our mind and body.

A group of researchers (研究员) found that just talking once a day can make people feel happier and less nervous. Jeffrey Hall, one of the researchers, “We can change how we feel by talking. Just one conversation (交谈) can help.” The researchers studied seven kinds of conversations that make people feel closer. They found that sharing jokes, talking about recent events, giving real praise and caring for others can help people feel better. And they can give people a happier life.

The researchers asked more than 900 people at five universities in the US to have one of these conversations every day. The people then said how they felt after talking. The researchers found that ______. But the people who had more good conversations had better days. Hall said, “This means that the more you listen to your friends, care for them, the better you feel at the end of the day.”

The researchers also said that meeting and talking face-to-face is better than talking on the phone or social media for our well being. They can bring us more happiness.

【小题1】How can we make people feel better according to the passage?
A.By listening to parents.
B.By talking about problems in study.
C.By sharing jokes.
D.By talking about future life.
【小题2】What did the researchers ask the people to say after they had a conversation?
A.What they said.
B.How they felt.
C.Why they talked.
D.Who they talked with.
【小题3】Which sentence is the best for “_____” in Paragraph 3?
A.even one good conversation can make people feel good
B.there’s no need to have a good conversation
C.it’s difficult to talk with others
D.only talking is helpful to people
【小题4】The underlined word “well being” in the last paragraph means ________ .
A.happy lifeB.meaningful words
C.good wishesD.healthy body
【小题5】The passage mainly tells us ________.
A.the importance of speaking
B.ways to talk with others
C.talking too much hurts our body
D.conversations make us happy

Ten years ago, Professor Richard Wiseman set out to study luck. He wanted to know why some people are always in the right place at the right time, while others always experience ill luck.

Many people volunteered for his research. Over the years he interviewed them, watched their lives and had them take part in his experiments(实验). He carried out a simple experiment to discover why there were differences in their ability to catch the chance.

He gave both lucky and unlucky people a newspaper and asked them to look through it and tell him how many paragraphs were inside. He had secretly placed a large message halfway through the newspaper saying, "Tell the researcher you have seen this and win S50. " This message took up half of the page, but unlucky people missed it and lucky people caught it.

Unlucky people are just more nervous. They are busy looking only for what they need and this stops them from noticing the unexpected. As a result, they miss out on the chance. Lucky people are more relaxed and open. The can see everything that is in front of them, not just what they are looking for.

Richard’s research shows that lucky people live by several principles(原则). Here are some of them.

Listen to your gut instincts((直觉), they are often right.

Be open to new experiences and break your usual thought pattern(模式).

Spend a few moments each day remembering things that went well.

See yourself being lucky before an important meeting or phone call.

【小题1】Richard carried out the experiment to discover the differences in their ability to _________.
A.catch the chanceB.watch their lives
C.remember thingsD.listen to gut instincts
【小题2】The unlucky people tried to find _________ in the newspaper.
A.the pageB.the secret messageC.the paragraphsD.the differences
【小题3】According to the text, lucky people __________.
A.have a habit of looking through newspapersB.are always busy looking for what they need
C.feel nervous when meeting the unexpectedD.are able to break their usual thought pattern
【小题4】Which of the following might be the best title for the text?
A.Living by PrinciplesB.Lucky and Unlucky People
C.A Special ExperienceD.Being Relaxed All the way

                                                                                                                           How Will We Live in 2035?

Welcome to life in the future! You get up in the morning and look into the mirror. You’ve just had an anti-aging treatment, so your face looks youthful. In 2035, many people of your age could live to be 150, so at 60, you’re not old at all.

Science has also found amazing ways to keep people healthy. There are nanotechnology(纳米技术) treatments for many illnesses, including cancer. And if any part of your body is not healthy, you can “grow” a new one in a laboratory. As you get dressed, you say to your shirt, “Turn red”, it becomes red. In 2035, “smart clothes” contain nanoparticles that carry electricity, the electricity can light up your clothes, and program them to change colors or patterns.

On the way to the kitchen, you want to call a friend. Your cell phone is by the window and the material of the cell phone take in energy from the sun, so you don’t need to pick up the phone. You can just touch your jacket sleeve to make the call.

These are just some examples of nanotechnology all around you. Scientist Ampy Buchholz say, “Your whole body and surroundings will become part of the same network.”

Finally, it’s time to go to work. In 2035, car drive themselves. Just tell your “smart car” where to go, and soon you will be there.

So, will all these predictions come true? Perhaps the future is much closer than we think.

【小题1】What does the writer say about aging in the future?
A.Age 60 is not old at all.
B.People who are 150 will look like they are 60.
C.People who are 60 can expect to live 150 more years.
D.Age 60 will be very old.
【小题2】In the 2nd paragraph, the word “electricity” means ________.
【小题3】Which statement would the writer probably agree with?
A.Nanotechnology will become very common in the future.
B.Nano-sized particles may be dangerous to people’s health.
C.The cell phone takes in energy from the jacket sleeves.
D.Life will be less interesting because everyone will look the same.
【小题4】Which of the following predictions is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A.Clothes will be able to change their patterns.B.You will be able to grow new body parts.
C.There will be no more cell phones.D.Clothes will program to change colors.
【小题5】The passage is mainly about ________.
A.medical treatments of the futureB.how future technology may affect our lives
C.how people will work and have fun in the futureD.robots in the future
