任务型阅读-补全句子 适中0.65 引用2 组卷64
Dear Sis,

How are things back home? Everything’s going great here!

Today, I had acupuncture (针灸) for the first time! I woke up this morning with a bad backache, so I called the hotel reception desk and asked if they knew of any nearby hospitals. They gave me a list of some places I could go to, and it included an acupuncture clinic that was right next door, so I decided to have a try.

I was surprised when the clinic staff started putting in needles (针), because I hardly felt anything at first. I thought it would hurt, but in fact I didn’t even know that I had any needles sticking in me. Then I started feeling a warm sensation in my lower back, and I became very relaxed.

I think it must have helped, because my back stopped hurting. Afterwards, I went to a shop next door that sells Chinese herbal medicines. I was amazed because there were huge glass jars full of all kinds of roots, leaves, and plants, and all sorts of things I cannot even describe. Then behind the counters was a large cupboard going all the way up to the ceiling (天花板), full of wooden drawers containing different kinds of ingredients. I didn’t know what to buy, so l ended up buying two boxes of dried ginseng (人参) — one for me, and one as a gift for you. I’ll give it to you when I get back.



【小题1】What’s wrong with John that morning?
【小题2】Where did he go for help to solve his trouble?
【小题3】Why did John feel surprised when the clinic staff started putting in needles?
【小题4】What did John think of the acupuncture to treat his backache?
【小题5】What did John mainly introduce to Sis in his letter?
知识点:疾病应用文叙事忆旧 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Liu Mingxiao, 13, is a pretty and smart girl. She comes top in her class. But many students try to stay away from her because her mother has AIDS(艾滋病). Liu’s father has died of AIDS. But Liu didn’t get it.

AIDS means fear(惧怕)for most people. “Nobody wants to play games with me. They call me bad names behind my back. Even a teacher who used to like me turns her back on me now. It makes me feel sad.” said Liu.

Liu’s mother didn’t know what happened to her daughter until one day Liu came back home with her nose bleeding(流血的),“ She fought with a boy who said something bad about her father.” said Liu’s mother. “My heart really hurts. My daughter did nothing wrong!”

For many of these children, the biggest problem they now face is how other people look at them. Many of them have to drop out of school(辍学)because they can no longer stand others’ indifference(冷漠).

“People are afraid of AIDS because they know little about it,” said Wang Chongrun, head of a group to help children living with AIDS. Wang went to the villages and gave lessons about AIDS to the people there.

“Many of these children are just as healthy as others,” Wang said.

“Even if they have AIDS, it’s still safe to eat and play with them. They need our love and understanding. A friendly smile means a lot to them!”
【小题1】Nobody wants to play games with Liu Mingxiao because she comes top in her class .
【小题2】Is it safe to eat and play with the people who have AIDS?
【小题3】Why do many children whose parents have AIDS leave school?
【小题4】People ____________________ AIDS because they know little about it,

Recently, Flu (流感) widely spreads from one person to another. This is especially true to people who are weak. If you are weak, you are more likely to catch flu easily. Do you know how you can avoid flu?

Keep in good health

The best treatment to illness is a good health. You can eat everything you want but (A) ________ that your diet is healthy. The healthier you are, the better it is for you to avoid any type of illness around. Most doctors suggest plenty of fresh fruit juice and water in order for one to avoid flu.

Stay away from people with flu

If a member of the family or a friend has flu, stay away from him/her (B) ________ he/she is well. Flu is very communicable (传染的) and you can catch it by going with the person with flu. Wearing a mask and avoiding using things that the person with flu is necessary to keep away from flu.


Exercising will make you stronger, which means a stronger immune (免疫的) system too. (C)经常运动,这样你就会保持健康。 It doesn’t matter what kind of exercise it is. What is important is that you are making your body stronger to stop illness from attacking (攻击) you.

Be happy

Happy people are healthy people. (D) Their life is quite free and comfortable, so they can keep away from illness easily. If you are unhappy, which affects your immune system, you will easily get sick.

Avoiding the flu is easy. Just boost (增强) your immune system and it will take care of the rest.

【小题5】能将文中划线的词 stop替换的词是:

Wuhan is the capital city of Hubei. It is a beautiful, large and very important city in China. During last Spring Festival, the city received much tons of attention because a novel corona-virus (新型冠状病毒) appeared there and spread around the country. Several days before the Spring Festival, Wuhan was locked and the city became quiet and still.

A big fight against the novel corona-virus was going on there. The doctors and nurses there became brave warriors (勇士) in masks (口罩), glasses and protective suits. Many of them had to work over ten hours every day, drinking little or no water. They risked their health and even lives to treat the patients. Thousands of doctors and nurses from other cities and provinces in China went to Wuhan to support them. There is no doubt that they were all heroes in the fight.

Besides doctors and nurses, everyone in our country was doing their own part in the fight against the novel corona-virus.

That Spring Festival was not as fun as it usually is. It even brought us to tears many times. However, we will never forget those difficult days, not only for the awful virus, but also for the efforts we made together and the lessons we learned.

【小题1】Wuhan _____________ because of a novel corona-virus.
【小题2】Wuhan _____________ and the city became quiet and still.
【小题3】Who went to Wuhan to support the doctors and nurses there? _______________
【小题4】 ________________
【小题5】 ________________
