完形填空 适中0.65 引用1 组卷64

My brother and I were driving home at midnight. Our car stalled(熄火)_______. My brother tried to start it but it was_______. It turned out that we had run out of _______. Luckily for us, a car came by and the driver offered to _______ my brother to a place where he could get help.

I stood on the road, _______ my brother. Soon I began to feel a little bit afraid and _______ not going along with my brother. Suddenly, I heard the roar (隆隆声)of a _______. Before I knew what was happening, the rider had turned his motorcycle around and _______ right in front of me. He asked me what I was doing there at this time of night. I _______ my predicament (窘况). He told me that I could ________ up the car and go to his home where there was some spare oil. I politely refused his offer. He looked at me for several ________ and rode off.

I got into our car quickly. I heard the roar again and began to shake with ________. There was a loud knock on the window and I saw ________ who had spoken to me a short while ago. He lifted his left hand, with his right hand pointing at the little tank(箱)he was ________. He waited with me after filling the oil tank of my car.

Later, my brother returned empty-handed. He was so ________ that he gave the motorcyclist fifty dollars. However, the motorcyclist refused and went on his way.

A.listening toB.looking afterC.waiting forD.agreeing with
A.my brotherB.car driverC.a strangerD.the rider
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Once a king built a highway(交通要道) in his kingdom(王国). And then he decided to have a competition. He asked as ______ people as he could to take part in it so that he could see who could travel the highway best.

On the day of the competition, lots of people came. They travelled the highway all day, but ______ they arrived at the end, most of them looked very ______ and complained(抱怨) to the king. They said that there were some rocks on the ______ at one place and they were in the way. It was difficult to walk through and they had to try another way. At the end of the day, a traveler ______ the finish line and walked over to the king. He was tired and dirty, but he showed great respect to the king and handed him a bag of gold. He explained that he ______ to clear the rocks and found that bag of gold. He hoped that the king could help him ______ the gold to its owner.

______, the king said, “You are the owner of the gold. This is the ______ for the winner. You travel the road best because you clear the road for ______.” What a wise king!

A.give awayB.give offC.give backD.give out
A.someB.anyC.the otherD.others

Isabella and Soledad Meade are still in primary school. But they have a workstation, and it sells painted rocks. The whole thing began as a ________ for their mom.

“On Mother’s Day, we decided to make our mom a garden because she likes plants. I thought the garden needed color, so I painted some ________. And my sister Soledad put these rocks around the garden to make it look even more beautiful,” says Isabella.

“When we showed the garden to our mom, she was very ________. Our mom gave us lots of hugs,” Soledad says.

Their dad also liked the girls’ work. He put pictures of the rocks on his social media(社交媒体) page. People began to ________ and posted messages asking how much they cost. Then they began buying rocks. The family couldn’t believe it!

With the help of their family, the two ________ a workstation at home. “We do one at a time,” says Soledad. “I do the background and when it dries, Isabella does the design(设计).”

But earning money for themselves wasn’t enough. The girls wanted to use the rocks to ________ people. They decided to hold a rock-painting contest(比赛) to raise money for cancer patients(癌症患者) in their town. When it was over, the sisters gave all the money they had raised to those patients. The act of ________ made them feel very good, and they decided to give part of the money they will get from selling painted rocks to people in need in the future.

“I'm getting better as an artist, and I just want to grow with our workstation,” says Soledad, who plans to be a full-time artist when she gets older. ________ we can continue to make money for college.” “And help others,” Isabella adds.

A.looked upB.picked upC.set upD.lifted up

When I was in college, a white cat sometimes showed up on our school. It was clear that he was a stray (流浪的) cat because he looked thin and _________. Students would play with him after class and _________ him all kinds of food. The school didn’t say anything about the cat for a long time.

But one day, we were told that one of our fellow students had an infectious (传染性的) disease and that the cat was possibly the source (起源). After that, we were not _________ to touch any stray animals on campus. The school started to make _________ to keep animals off campus as well.

Since we were not allowed to feed the white cat, it was _________ for him to find food on the street. He became weak and skinny. But while the rest of us forgotten the cat, a guard (保安) at our school decided to take on the responsibility (责任) of _________ him. He took the cat to a veterinarian (兽医) for a health check. He then went to a nearby supermarket and _________ food for the cat, as well as a small bed for him to sleep in. He made sure the cat was healthy and comfortable.

It might seem like a small effort to some people. But this man risked (冒风险) his job—his only source of income—just to feed a tiny cat who no one else cared for. It was a very heartwarming thing to see.

A.finding outB.caring forC.giving up
