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How do you feel about nature? After spending hours indoors, do you feel better when you visit your local park? Most people think that nature is good for our bodies and brains. However, humans are spending more time inside and less time outside. For example, the number of visitors to Canada’s national parks is getting lower every year. And in countries such as the USA, only 10% of teenagers spend time outside every day. Many doctors feel that this is a problem in the twenty-first century.

As a result, some doctors are studying the connection between nature and health: one example of this is the work of Dr Matilda in Sweden. The doctor gave people a maths test. During the test, their heart rates (心率) were fast. After the test, one group of people sat in a 3D-virtual-reality (虚拟现实) room for fifteen minutes with pictures and sounds of nature. Their heart rates were slower than people’s in the other group.

The virtual touch with nature helped them feel more relaxed. Another good example of how nature is good for health comes from Canada. In Toronto, researchers studied 31,000 people living in the city. In general, they found that healthier people lived near parks.

Because of studies like these, some countries and cities want nature to be part of people’s everyday life. In Dubai (迪拜), for example, there are plans for a new shopping mall with a large garden so shoppers can relax outside with trees, plants and water. In Switzerland, “forest schools” are popular. Schoolchildren study their subjects in the forests and do lots of exercise outside. And South Korea (韩国) is another good example: it has new forests near its cities and around 13 million people visit these forests every year. So after building cities for so long, perhaps it’s now time to start rebuilding nature.

【小题1】What does Paragraph 1 mainly talk about?
A.Teenagers’ problem in the 21st century.
B.How much time we spend outdoors.
C.Feeling about nature.
【小题2】Match the countries or cities with the information and choose the right answer.
①the USA                     a. Children study in the forests and do lots of activities outside.
②Dubai                           b. About 13 million people visit new forests near its cities every year.
③Switzerland               c. A new shopping mall with a large garden will be built.
④South Korea               d. 10% of teenagers spend time outside every day.
A.①-a ②-d ③-b ④-cB.①-d ②-c ③-a ④-bC.①-d ②-c ③-b ④-a
【小题3】What do the results of the studies show?
A.Nature can help people feel more relaxed and be healthier.
B.The maths test is difficult and makes people nervous.
C.People's heart rates get slower in a 3D-virtual-reality room.
【小题4】What can we infer from the last sentence of the passage?
A.Nature is more important than cities.
B.Nature should be part of people’s daily life.
C.People have lived in the cities for so long.
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①Tomatoes taste great. With a lot of vitamins, they are good for you, too! People all over the world enjoy this amazing fruit.

②Not all tomatoes are red. They can be yellow, orange, pink, or white. All tomatoes are green before they are ready to be picked. Then the tomatoes turn their true color. That’s when they’re ready to eat!

③Tomatoes first grew in the Americas. The Incas (印加人) grew them over 1,000 years ago. They were brought to Europe (欧洲) in the early 16th century. The people in Spain and Italy seem to be the first Europeans to accept them as food. In France, people grew tomatoes in the garden just to enjoy their beauty. Many people there thought tomatoes would make them sick. It was years before some of them would eat tomatoes.

④Tomatoes are fruits. They grow from seeds. They won’t grow in cold weather. But with water, sunlight and warmth, tomatoes grow fast. They can grow in pots or in the ground. As the plant grows taller, people may tie it to a stick. Then the flowers come out and turn into fruit. Some kinds of tomatoes can be picked in about six more weeks. Some tomatoes are large. One kind of tomato can weigh as much as two pounds.

⑤You can eat raw (生的) tomatoes. First, wash them. Then, cut them up for salads or sandwiches. Tomatoes can be cooked, too. They can be boiled or even fried. Do you use ketchup (番茄酱)? It is made from tomatoes. Tomatoes don’t have a smell. But they taste great in foods. Many dishes around the world use tomatoes.

【小题1】From the passage, we know that tomatoes ________.
A.come in different colorsB.grew in Europe firstC.can grow in all weathersD.have a special smell
【小题2】The underlined phrase “some of them” in paragraph 3 refers to ________.
A.some people in IncaB.some people in ItalyC.some people in SpainD.some people in France
【小题3】Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage?
【小题4】Which of the following is the best title of the passage?
A.The Importance of TomatoesB.All about Tomatoes
C.The History of TomatoesD.Growing Great Tomatoes

Do you shop online with websites like Taobao? When you make an order on Taobao, the money you pay doesn’t go directly to the sellers. 【小题1】 After you receive your goods and click the “confirm receipt(确认收货)” button, Alipay then gives the money to the sellers. This process is called “third party online payment”. There is a transfer station(中转站), or a third account(账户), between sellers and buyers to make online shopping safe. 【小题2】 Sellers can also avoid receiving no money after sending out goods. These transfer stations are usually set up by payment service companies such as Alipay, Tenpay and Yeepay.

【小题3】 That is because companies like Alipay are fighting over money with the banks. Users can invest(投资) in financial products through Alipay and make money. Thus lots of people choose to put money in Alipay rather than in banks.

But We Chat payment is not the same. We Chat doesn’t have its own account. When paying through WeChat, the buyers’ money goes directly to the sellers. 【小题4】

In a word, companies like Alipay or WeChat are all trying to attract more users and make online shopping easier. 【小题5】

A.New payment methods such as quick response codes(二维码) have become popular, too.
B.Buyers don't need to worry about paying for goods and then receiving nothing.
C.That’s why so many people are excited about receiving and handing out “red envelopes”, or gift money to their friends.
D.While most online sellers and shoppers like the third party online payment system, banks are not very happy.
E.Instead, it goes to Alipay, which keeps your money for a while.

It can be really awkward (尴尬的) if someone sees you talking to yourself. But don’t feel bad about it! Talking to yourself is actually good for you.

You probably know that thinking is good for the mind. It helps us do things like making plans and controlling our feelings. Speaking out loud is like showing what is in your mind. It can help us do better in different areas like school, sports and work.

When nice words come from oneself, they help to believe in him or her more. In 2009, a study invited 72 tennis players to take part in some matches. Researchers put the players into two groups: one group that said nothing while playing, and the other that talked to themselves while playing. They found that the self-talkers played better than those who said nothing.

Talking to yourself can also help us control bad feelings. “Imagining yourself in the third person (人称) can lead people to think about themselves more similar to how they think about others,” said Jason Moser, a teacher from Michigan State University, US. This can help us see things from a different point of view. It also works well when we’re feeling sad or angry.

Self-talk also helps improve memory. Researchers tested four different ways to remember things: reading quietly, reading aloud, listening to someone else read and listening to a recording of oneself reading. Those who read out loud remembered the information the best, researchers said in their study. It’s because the information may become a long-term memory if said out loud.

【小题1】The underlined word “it” in the second paragraph refers to “________”.
A.speaking out loudB.controlling your feelings
C.showing what you want to doD.thinking before making plans
【小题2】In 2009, a study found that ________.
A.talking to friends is a good way to relaxB.talking to oneself helps to do better in sports
C.talking to your teachers can help to win the matchD.talking to others make players do better in matches
【小题3】The writer uses the words of Jason Moser to show that ________.
A.self-talkers see things in a different wayB.self-talkers think about others differently
C.self-talkers usually work better than othersD.self-talkers talk to others when they are sad or angry
【小题4】According to the passage, talking to oneself helps to ________.
① improve memory             ② build a strong mind
③ control bad feelings             ④ make us believe in ourselves
