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When I finished shopping in Wal-Mart, it was raining heavily outside. Many people were standing at the door of Wal-Mart. I joined them and waited for the rain to stop.

As I stood there, I heard a little girl speak to her mother, “Mum, let’s run through the rain.”

“What?” her mother asked.

“Let’s run through the rain!” she repeated.

“No, Honey. That’s not a good idea. The rain is too heavy. We cannot run through it,” her mother said.

“But you said we could run through the rain this morning, Mum,” the little girl said as she pulled her mother’s arm.

“This morning? When did I say we could run through the rain?”

“Don’t you remember? When you were talking to Dad about his cancer (癌症), you said, ‘If we can get through this, we can get through anything!’ ”

The girl’s mother kept silent for a moment. Then she said, “Honey, you are right. Let’s run through the rain.” Then they ran off.

Some people stood there watching and smiling as they ran through the rain. But others followed them, and I followed them too. We screamed and laughed all the way to our cars like children.

It was a precious moment in my life. And I hope you will take the time to run through the rain too, because the rain is just like the difficulties you meet in your daily life.

【小题1】What did the writer do before he met the little girl?
【小题2】What do you know about the girl’s father after you read the passage?
A.He was badly ill.B.He went abroad.C.He fell asleep.D.He was dead.
【小题3】What did other people do when the girl and her mother ran through the rain?
A.They kept quiet.B.They just stood there and waited.
C.They followed them too.D.They drove away quickly.
【小题4】What does the rain mean according to the writer?
A.Just rain.B.Happiness.C.Our life.D.Difficulties.
【小题5】What’s the Chinese meaning of the underlined word in the last paragraph?
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Alice spends her summer vacations walking back into history. Alice is 15 and she is a guide who shows visitors around the Fort(城堡) Delaware Museum in New York. “This year, I spun wool(纺毛线) on a spinning wheel. Last year, I was a candle maker. My first year, I cared for the garden and looked after the animals. All the jobs I’ve had at the fort have been really fun.”
Fort Delaware is a living-history museum that shows how life was in frontier(边远地区) America in the mid-1700s. “Reading about history can’t compare to experiencing it for yourself,” says Alice.
The experience begins as soon as visitors enter the fort. The smell of wood smoke fills the air. Women in petticoats (long skirts) and men in knee breeches(knee-length shorts) are busy with their chores. The guides show visitors how the settles(移民) would have carried out everyday work. “Kids are surprised when I tell them that one of their jobs would have been to make candles,” says another guide, 16-year-old Jane. “They don’t realize that kids back then had to work hard.” She also shows visitors how to play with toys and games.
They are playing historical parts, so the guides can’t wear shorts or T-shirts when the weather is hot. But the clothes of the past can easily change modern kids into people from 18th century. “The clothing felt strange at first, but it does make it easier to get into characters,” says Jane.
Working at the fort has helped Jane to appreciate her life even more. Alice agrees, “The fort has taught me how hard life was and how much work there was every day. We are so lucky with everything we have now. Life wasn’t always this easy.”
【小题1】Fort Delaware in New York is a _____________ museum.
【小题2】Alice has been to the Fort Delaware Museum at least _____________.
A.onceB.twiceC.three timesD.four times
【小题3】Which of the following is TRUE about the life in frontier America in the mid -1700s?
A.People couldn’t make fire.
B.Kids played with toys and games all day long.
C.People could use a spinning wheel.
D.Kids didn’t feed the animals.
【小题4】Why do modern kids have to wear the strange clothing while playing historical parts?
A.Because wearing the strange clothing makes kids fun.
B.Because it is easier for kids to get into characters.
C.Because kids like wearing the strange clothing.
D.Because the weather is hot.
【小题5】The main idea of this passage is that _____________.
A.all the jobs Alice has had at the fort have been really fun
B.how hard life was and how much work there was in the past
C.reading about history can compare to experiencing it for yourself
D.we are so lucky with everything we have now, and then we must appreciate them

Radio host: Good evening, this is Star Talk. Today we invite our old friend Susan to share her story.

Susan: Good evening. Today I’d like to talk about a girl—Stella Green. She inspired (鼓舞) me most.

I teach climbing in the camp. One morning, we were watching a video about climbing when Stella Green came. She opened the camp door sitting on a wheelchair (轮椅) and told me she wanted to go climbing. We didn’t understand why such a disabled (有残疾的) girl came here.

At first, I was afraid Stella would feel sad. I moved the wheelchair closer to the wall. When Stella stood up, she took the first climbing hold and began to put her feet on the other holds. I soon knew that those legs didn’t need me. They could finish the climbing themselves. And move after move, Stella made me surprised and cry. When reaching the top, she cried out happily.

From this experience, I know Stella and I have a great lesson—never give up (放弃), trust yourself and do all you can.

That’s all. Thank you.

【小题1】Why did Stella come to the camp?
A.Because she wanted to watch the video.
B.Because she wanted to go climbing.
C.Because she wanted to talk to Susan.
【小题2】How did Susan feel at first before Stella began the climbing?
【小题3】What does the underlined word “hold” mean?
【小题4】Why did Susan cry when seeing Stella move by herself?
A.Stella’s action inspired her.
B.She was so sad to see Stella climbing hard.
C.She was afraid Stella would get hurt.
【小题5】The passage may be a(n) _______.
