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Alzheimer’s patients (阿尔茨海默氏症患者) forget many things in their lives. 【小题1】. It seems that no company wants to hire (雇佣) these patients and society has “forgotten” about them. However, a restaurant in Shanghai invites these patients to work there. And it has a beautiful name: Forget Me Not Cafe.

In this restaurant, six of the waiters and waitresses have Alzheimer’s disease. Every day before work, a group of volunteers retrain them on how to take orders and serve the dishes. 【小题2】. In this way, these waiters and waitresses can remember the orders more easily.

These people may not work as fast as other servers, but they always try to do their best. “【小题3】. And the customers are very nice and tolerant (宽容的), “ said one of them. “I’m happy and confident here!”

Working at this restaurant provides these patients with a good chance to connect with society: 【小题4】, but most Alzheimer’s patients don’t have that chance. According to a recent report, more than ten million people in China have this disease. The restaurant hopes to bring more attention to this group. This disease may make people forget, but let’s help them to remember with love.

A.This can help to develop their hobbies
B.The volunteers take good care of us
C.Some of them can’t even take care of themselves
D.This can help to slow the worsening (恶化) of their disease
E.The volunteers also mark the name of each dish with a number
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There is an old saying about volunteer work that goes like this: “No one can do everything, but everyone can do something.”

Today, many people volunteer their time and energy to help others. There are a lot of ways to meet other people’s needs. For example, some volunteers provide help after a disaster. Others are happy to get dirty while repairing homes or planting trees or flowers in poor neighborhoods. Young people see suffering and loneliness around them and find ways to help. And history lovers help archeologists (考古学家) search for ancient objects to help deepen knowledge of the past.

Volunteers also work in many areas around the world, including Hati. Years have passed since a 7.0 earthquake shook the nation. The exact number of people who died may never be known. Thousands of survivors of the Haitian earthquake lined in temporary (临时的) shelters for more than 3 years. Former American President Jimmy Carter and his wife Rosalynn joined five hundred volunteers in the town of Leogane to build houses.

Organizations do not have to be large to get volunteers. An activist group in Dharamsala, India is a good example. Jodie Underhill from England arrived in northern India several years ago. She planned to volunteer for an environmental project. She could almost not believe how much rubbish was ruining (摧毁) some of the area’s most beautiful sights. Ms Underhill learned about how to deal with the rubbish while taking part in other volunteer projects. Soon enough she formed her own group, Mountain Cleaners. Ms Underhill says the work is very hard. But she praises the group’s efforts as a wonderful experience. The young Englishwoman says the Indian media started calling her “Garbage Girl”. And she says she was pleased with the name.

American teenagers also volunteer in many ways.            

【小题1】How did Jodie Underhill feel when she saw beautiful sights ruined by the rubbish?
【小题2】What can we learn from the passage?
A.Ms Underhill formed her own group to make money.
B.The number of people who died in Haiti’s earthquake is unclear.
C.History lovers can’t learn the history from ancient objects.
D.Ms Underhill was called “Garbage Girl” by the American media.
【小题3】What may the next passage talk about?
A.The reason why people offer their services to others.
B.The way to join a volunteer group.
C.The volunteer work that American teenagers do.
D.The advantages that volunteers can bring.

Traveling to a farm and spending several hours getting your hands dirty, it might sound like an unusual way to spend a vacation.

Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms (WWOOF) is an organization (组织) that helps travelers enjoy “volunteer vacations” on farms. The idea is simple. 【小题1】 In return, they can get free rooms and meals. The vacation can be a few days or a few weeks long. Volunteers do different work like cutting wood, feeding animals.

【小题2】 It lets travelers and farmers take part in a cultural and educational exchange (交流) when they spend time in nature.

At least, that’s what Sue Coppard had in mind when she started the organization. 【小题3】 However, she wanted to spend more time in the countryside. So she thought it might be a good idea to stay and work on a farm. Since she worried that she would be lonely, she asked others to join her. After a successful trial (试验), with 15 volunteers, more people started showing an interest in working on farms. Today, 【小题4】 You don’t need any farming experience—just your willingness (意愿) to learn!

A.But WWOOF is about more than that.
B.Travelers volunteer on a farm for about four to six hours a day.
C.it’s possible to join WWOOF in more than 130 countries.
D.Would you be more interested in learning to make cheese?
E.In 1971, Coppard worked as a secretary in London.
A special student carriage(通学车厢)
The train No.6063\6064 links(链接)38 stations along the way from Baoji of Shanxi to Guangyuan of Sichuan. It passes by 24 schools, so there are always many students taking the train. The students live in mountainous areas. And they need to take the train between schools and home every week. It always takes a long time for them to go to school and go home on the train. In order to help them, the head of the train Xiang decided to do something for the children. He and other workers spent time turning one of the carriages into a special student carriage. There are bigger desks and a library. Many kind-hearted people donated(捐赠)over 300 new books to this library. There are books and stationery(文具) on each desk. Students can read all kinds of books, do their homework and talk with students from other schools on the train.
Xiang said, “I hope more and more people can donate books to the train to help these students.”
【小题1】The special student carriage passes by_______ stops and _______ schools from Baoji to Guangyuan.
A.38; 24B.60; 63C.60; 64D.24; 38
【小题2】The books in the special student carriage come from________.
A.the head of the trainB.the workers on the train
C.some kind-hearted peopleD.the students
【小题3】Students can't         on the train.
A.read all kinds of booksB.do their homework
C.have classesD.Talk with other students
【小题4】What can we learn from the passage?
A.The students live in big cities.
B.The head of the train and some works are kind-hearted.
C.There aren’t many students take the train.
D.There are over 500 new books on the train..
