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During the two sessions (两会), people around the world talk about China. Have you ever wondered what issues (话题) Generation Z (“Z世代”: people born 1995-2009) are most interested in? The latest survey from TEENS might give you some clues.

The survey lists 10 categories (类别), including social issues, education and culture, with each having several sub-issues (子话题). By March 10, more than 1,300 Gen Zers have taken part in the survey, including some from overseas. Let’s take a look.

In March, TEENS did a survey on topics of the two sessions to see what interests Gen Zers the most. Among all issues, mental health of minors (未成年人) got the most votes. Promoting (弘扬) traditional culture (83%) and military talent cultivation (人才强军) (82%) followed closely.

The top choices of Chinese Generation Z are not unexpected. Take mental health as an example. Reports on mental health problems of minors have increased in recent years. The rate of depression (抑郁) among minors was nearly 25 percent, according to the Report on National Mental Health Development in China (2019-2020). In November 2021, the Ministry of Education included screening (检查) for depression in students’ regular health checks. The survey shows that teenagers themselves have realized the urgency (紧急) of the problem and want it solved, too.

Born between 1995 and 2010, Gen Zers are often hard to define (定义). People seem to know little about them. Thanks to this survey, we are able to get a glimpse (瞥见) of what Gen Zers care about and paint a picture of what they are like.

The attention they give to mental health shows that they care for their own well-being(福利). They are alert (警觉的) to how they feel. When they don’t feel well, they are brave enough to speak out and ask for help.

Although they are young, they understand the power of tradition and culture. They believe that China is deeply rooted in traditional culture, which can give them great strength and inspiration (启发).

Instead of only focusing on themselves, Gen Zers also set their eyes on a bigger picture. They care about China’s position (地位) in the world and believe that technology and talents can help make a strong army and nation.

“A nation will prosper only when its young people thrive,” said President Xi Jinping. As Gen Zers have sharp insight (洞察力) and a great sense of responsibility, they are expected to become the engine room (最具影响力的部分) in realizing China’s rejuvenation (复兴).

【小题1】How many categories are included in the survey done by TEENS?
【小题2】What topic makes Gen Zers most interested in?
【小题3】If Gen Zers have problems with their mental health, what will they do bravely?
【小题4】In Gen Zers’ opinion, what can help make our army and nation stronger?
【小题5】As Gen Zers, what personality should you have? (言之有理即可)
知识点:青少年问题说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Adolescence (青春期) is important in everyone’s life. It includes a lot of big changes.

The most common change is the physical change. During this stage (阶段), teenagers start to grow more quickly. 1.他们会发现他们比以前更高。 They also begin to notice other body changes, like the change of their voice.

Appearance (外貌) becomes very important in life. They care a lot about what clothes they wear and what hairstyles they have. 2. They usually spend much time looking in the mirror and dressing themselves .

Teenagers have an increasing need for private space. They don’ t want their parents to go into their rooms. When meeting something, they like keeping diaries. Their parents want to know some secrets about them, they usually become very angry and even argue with their parents.

They become more independent than before. Since teenagers’ way of thinking changes, they hope to be treated as an adult and get respect and trust. 3. They want to make their own decisions on some things, such as deciding whether to go abroad or not . Some of them even want to get away from their family and experience a different life.

Teenagers develop friendships. Teenagers at this time always put their friends first. They used to share everything with their parents, but they prefer to share everything with their friends now. Friendship is very important to them.

【小题4】Why do teenagers become angry or even argue with their parents?
【小题5】What is important according to the last paragraph?

Last summer holiday, some of you might have spent a lot of time playing video games online. However, you won’t be able to do this anymore. Recently, China introduced new rules that cut online gaming time for minors (未成年人), in order to prevent them becoming lost in video games.

Starting from September 1, 2021, minors will be allowed only an hour of play time between 8 pm and 9 pm on Fridays, weekends and public holidays. Services can’t be offered at any other time to them. The online game companies must also make sure that minors register (注册) or log-in (登录) with their real names.

However, this isn’t the first time that China has put limits (限制) on gaming time for minors. In 2019, it passed laws limiting play time to less than 1.5 hours on weekdays and 3 hours on weekends and holidays for minors, with no game playing allowed between 10 pm and 8 am.

The new rules quickly caused discussion. Some people support them, while others are surprised at how strict the rules are. “Children have little control over themselves, so they need guidance and monitoring (监管),” one user wrote on Sina Weibo. Others are worrying about it. “What if kids use their parents’ names to log-in?” asked another Weibo user.

The new rules also call on parents and schools to work together. In this way, we can make sure the rules are followed.

1~2题完成句子;3题简略回答问题;4题找出并写下第四段的主题句;5 题将文中画线句子译成汉语。
【小题1】New rules that cut online gaming time were introduced to prevent minors _____ in video games.
【小题2】Now, minors must register or log-in with _____ when playing online games.
【小题3】According to the laws in 2019, how long could minors play online games on weekdays?
