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I grew tomatoes this year. That may not seem like a big deal to some people, but for me, it was ______ !

You see,   I used to ______ things. When I planted things, I often forgot to water them,   or watered   them too much. Sometimes, no matter what I did, they would just die. I slowly believed that I couldn’t grow anything. I was irresponsible(不负责任的), so I gave up.

This summer, I had a ______. It was not big but it was beautiful. I suddenly wanted to plant some tomatoes, but I was afraid that I would kill them. I thought for a long time, and told myself I was irresponsible. But finally I couldn’t help buying four tomato plants. I really wanted to plant them. I placed them in my yard and spent time with them. I watered them, talked to them and put some eggs shells(壳) in the soil. The tomato plants grew, actually grew. They weren’t dying. They weren’t wilting(枯萎). I was so ______ that I took care of those plants all the time, even when I was feeling tired or lazy. I didn’t give up. When those tiny baby tomatoes first formed, it seemed like a miracle(奇迹).

I had told this story about how irresponsible I was for a very long time. It had been so long that I ______ it was a story. I looked around my world to see where else the story had affected me. All the times I was afraid of doing something because I didn’t think I could ______ it.

But here, these plants ______ that the old story wasn’t true. Now, whenever I tell myself I can’t do something, I think of the story about planting tomatoes. I got a lot of enjoyment out of   ______   growing something at last.

知识点:哲理感悟叙事忆旧个人经历植物 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

I went to see one of my friends. A car hit(撞)her two days ago. I only saw her grandmother in her room when I got to the hospital. Her grandmother came from Russia, but her English was _______ for her to talk with others.

I told the grandmother that I was the girl’s _______. And we talked about her _______ .

“She always looks around before _______ the road.But the driver drove too fast. And the doctor said she was not well...” The grandmother couldn’t say _______.

I could see that she was _______ . I went around the bed and hugged(拥抱)her. She did the same to me.

After five minutes, she raised(抬起)her head and _______ me. I said that I would do everything I could to _______ her. I also told her that she could call me any time, day or night.She thanked me and hugged me again. She was very _______ about my coming.

________ is friendship? It has nothing to do with money. It is easy to get. It could come from a hug, a call and so on. You know, even a small giving can help a lot. Find your friend in your life.

A.good enoughB.enough goodC.well enough
A.go acrossB.acrossC.crossing
A.looked atB.waited forC.laughed at

I didn’t have passion (激情) in my life. But one thing changed my mind. It was then that I learned how _________ it is to have passion in life.

That day I went home in Mom’s car. When Mom _________ at a red light (灯), someone on the side of the road caught my eye. It was a man _________ in rags (破旧衣服). He didn’t have a home. That didn’t interest me, _________ I saw many people like him before. Those people usually looked unhappy and hopeless. But this man was _________ in some way. He was not sitting down _______. Instead (然而), he had a _________ in his hand and was dancing happily to the music. The radio seemed to be the most precious (珍奇的) thing. “Mom, why does that man have a radio though he’s _______?” I asked.

“He _________ it.” she said.

“But why doesn’t he use the money to buy food or clothes? He didn’t __________ it.” “Well, Sarah, sometimes food and clothes aren’t the most important.”

That man must care so __________ about music that he bought a radio instead of food or clothes. I knew that __________ is the key to life.

After that, I am always thinking of __________ is truly important in life. A home, a meal, clothes—these things are only __________ of the life. What we often forget is that we all need a joy, a light in a __________ day. We all need a passion which gives a person the happiness they need to keep going.


A little girl thought she was not as beautiful as other girls, and nobody liked her. So she was ________ happy. She always stayed at home by herself and didn’t talk to anyone.

One day, her mother gave her a beautiful hair clip (发夹). When she ________ it, she looked much more beautiful than before. She decided to go to school in the beautiful hair clip.

On her way to school, she found that everyone who saw her smiled at her. Most of her schoolmates said “Hello” to her, and this never happened before. She thought that the beautiful hair clip ________ them all to her. She was so happy ________ all of the wonderful things.

Although all her classmates wanted to know ________ happened to her, she didn’t want to tell them about her beautiful hair clip.

When she went back home after school, her mother asked her, “Did you know you ________ your hair clip at home? I found it by the door this morning.”

She was ________ to hear what her mother said. She knew that she didn’t wear the hair clip to school at all.

It’s not important what we wear or how we ________. The most ________ thing is how we think about ourselves. ________ we want to do a thing successfully, first try to be confident. If we think we can, we can.

