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Many Chinese people were moved by an eight-year-old girl, Zhang Xiaoxiao. She said she would give shrimps (虾) from her school lunch to her mother who was in poor health and unable to do heavy work. “She said she couldn’t eat them all, but I know she is worried about me,” her mother said.

The headmaster of the school played an important part in educating such a loving girl. The headmaster said, “In our school, there are more than 180 students, and most of them are left-behind children. Some of them can meet their parents only once a year.” Some children live in the school. Because some of them were too young to live alone, he and his wife lived with boys and girls separately. The headmaster tried his best to help the students. Though born in 1982, his hair had turned white and his students called him “headmaster papa” or “headmaster grandpa”.

Besides the government subsidies (补贴), the headmaster also spent his own money buying food, such as shrimps and beef. The school lunch had become the best meal for the children. He wanted the left-behind children to have good education even in villages. He worked as an English teacher, Chinese teacher, purchaser (采购员), electrician (电工) and even a cook. With his effort, there were more students in the school than before. But what worried him most was that students didn’t have special sports, music and art lessons. He expected to have art and sports teachers in his school.

When Zhang Xiaoxiao’s story was reported, many people paid attention to the school and volunteers came. Now, the school has a full-time English teacher and three volunteer teachers giving children music and physical classes.

【小题1】According to the first paragraph, why were people moved by Zhang Xiaoxiao?
A.Because she was a girl full of love.
B.Because she never wasted food at school.
C.Because she bought shrimps for her mother.
D.Because she looked after her mother every day.
【小题2】The underlined word “them” in Paragraph 2 refers to ________.
A.volunteersB.the teachersC.students’ parentsD.left-behind children
【小题3】From the passage we can infer (推断) that ________.
A.the headmaster is too old and has white hair
B.Zhang Xiaoxiao didn’t like eating shrimps at all
C.some of the students were too old to live in the school
D.the headmaster doesn’t have to teach English now
【小题4】The passage is mainly about ________.
A.a girl who gave her lunch to her mother
B.a volunteer who could do many kinds of jobs
C.a school which had a lot of left-behind students
D.a headmaster who tried his best to help the students
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With the help of a student project, older couples can celebrate the big day many years after they married, Xu Lin and Zhou Lihua report in Wuhan, 2023.

After being married for 38 years, Zhang Jianjun and Qin Shumei decided it was time to get a picture. Dressed in formal clothes, they are finally ready for their wedding photos. The photographer, lighting operator and makeup artist are all young people. They communicate with the elderly couple to help them overcome nervousness to make sure of good photos.

They are all students from Wuhan University of Engineering Science, in Hubei province, and they are taking wedding photos for those who had no chance to do so when they were young, as a form of community service.

“I’m thankful that I’ve realized my dream to wear a wedding dress,”says Qin, 64, from Shijiazhuang, Hebei province. “Our love is not the intense(强烈的) type, but we believe it’s important to be with each other.”

While young people today like to travel to a famous place to have their wedding photos taken by a professional photographer, the older kept their big day simple—new couples around the 1970s often only took a black-and-white photo to remember the big day.

It was not until the early 1990s that professional wedding photo studios appeared in the Chinese mainland. Based on that reality, Yu Jinwen, 35, a professor from the university, started the meaningful project in 2015.

It is also because of his grandfather. When he passed away in 2010, the family searched for a suitable photo of him but could not find one and had to use the photo on his ID card as a photo for the funeral(葬礼). It became Yu’s greatest regret in life.

“The program has pleased the elderly and helped improve the ability of young students,”   Yu says.“China is an aging society and juniors should pay more attention to seniors, many of whom are too shy to express their needs.”

【小题1】When did Zhang Jianjun and Qin Shumei marry?
A.in 1982.B.in 1984.C.in 1983.D.in 1985.
【小题2】Why did the young people communicate with the elderly couple before taking photos?
A.Because they wanted to help the old overcome nervousness.
B.Because they can learn something from the old.
C.Because they want to make more money.
D.Because they would like to improve themselves.
【小题3】Which of the following is true?
A.The students take wedding photos for all the old people.
B.The wedding photo studios appeared in China before 1990.
C.Yu Jinwen started the project because of his grandmother.
D.The students taking wedding photos for the elderly are volunteers.
【小题4】What do you think of Yu according to the passage?
【小题5】Which is the best title for the passage?
A.Wedding photos for the elderly.B.Love of the elderly.
C.Love of young people.D.Students from Wuhan University.

In April this year, we can see lots of bags full of small changes(零钱)at bus stops in Tianjin. They were made for passengers to turn their notes into small changes. And such an idea came from four students from Zhong Bei Middle School, Tianjin. “People will feel worried when they take a bus without coins. We just want to do something to help them,” said Wang Yongcun, 15, one of the four students. The four boys spent their whole weekend making the change bags. After that, they went to see the number of the passengers at each bus stop near their school, and then chose the top six stops to put the bags. Many people think that the four boys really do a good job. But, things didn’t go as the boys thought. Two days later, they found that the money was gone, and that even the bags were taken. It really made them sad but they would not give up. Their classmates and teachers came to help them in time. They put their pocket money in bags again, and the teachers also taught them to make better change bags. They tried their best to do it. The four boys feel very happy because they do something good for the passengers. Their warm hearts are moving. More and more people are beginning to join in the activity.

【小题1】The students put the change bags ________.
A.on the busesB.at the bus stopsC.under the desksD.near the parks
【小题2】It took ________ the whole weekend to make the change bags.
A.the parentsB.the teachersC.the passengersD.the four boys
【小题3】Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A.The idea of small change bags came from four boys.
B.The passengers didn’t put money in the bags.
C.The teachers didn’t give up when the bags were taken.
D.The small change helped the passengers much.
【小题4】This passage tells us ________.
A.making change bags is difficultB.pocket money can be helpful
C.giving help brings us happinessD.every coin has two sides
