选词填空-短文 适中0.65 引用1 组卷129
阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限     用一次。
come       adult       he       stone       into       think       for       during       while       what

Once upon a time, there was a little clever boy called Sima Guang. One day, he played hide-and-seek with other children in the garden. 【小题1】 the game, one boy wanted to hide in a very secret place in order not to be found. At last, the boy decided to hide in a very big vat (大缸). He 【小题2】 it was empty, so he ran towards it and climbed up onto the edge of the vat.

Unexpectedly, the vat was full of water. As soon as he climbed up onto the edge of the vat, he jumped 【小题3】 it. As the water was deep and the vat was so big, the child was nearly drowned (溺亡). He tried to climb up the vat but could not do so. He cried 【小题4】 help. Seeing this, the other children were frightened and ran off to call the parents for help. Sima Guang remained (留下) there and planned to save 【小题5】 friend. But the problem was that he was not tall enough to reach the edge of the vat and it would take time for the 【小题6】 to come. Sima Guang thought for a 【小题7】 and suddenly he 【小题8】 up with an idea. He picked up a big 【小题9】 from the ground, and threw it at the vat. “Bang!” The vat broke and the water ran out immediately. The child in the water was saved. 【小题10】 a clever boy Sima Guang was!

The story tells us that no matter what problems are, we should always stay calm and think of ways to solve them with our wisdom.

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用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整正确。 (每个单词仅限用一次,每空只填一个单词)
think     they     be     dollar     careful     can     fill     cleaner     pull     lucky

Every Christmas Eve, there is a tradition of holding a party and a lottery (抽奖) in my company. The rule is that each of us pays ten 【小题1】, and one person takes all the money home.

That day, the office was 【小题2】 with joy, and everyone wrote names on different pieces of paper and put 【小题3】 into the lucky box. However, I hesitated (犹豫) when writing. Because the 【小题4】 son was going to have an operation (手术) soon, but she didn’t have money to pay for the operation. Although I knew the chance of winning the lottery was low, I wrote down her name.

Here came the moment. The boss shook the box, and finally took out a note. Then, the boss 【小题5】 read out the winner’s name. It was the cleaner! Cheers broke out in the office, and the cleaner almost cried and said, “I’m really the 【小题6】 person ever! With the money my son 【小题7】 receive the treatment and live a happy life again!”

At the end of the party, while I was 【小题8】 about this “Christmas miracle”, I walked to the lottery box and took out a piece of paper. It was written with the name of the cleaner! I was very surprised. I decided to 【小题9】 out more pieces of notes. Although the handwriting was different, the names 【小题10】 all the same. My eyes turned red, and I suddenly understood there was really a miracle of Christmas in the world, which was created by love.


two   people   important   be   he   stand   finish   surprise   take   slow

Once there lived a little boy in a village. For him, winning was very 【小题1】.

One day the little boy took part in a running race in the village. In the first race, he competed with two other young boys and won. The crowd cheered for 【小题2】 and the little boy felt proud.

Later, the 【小题3】 race started and two strong challengers raced with the boy. Once again, the little boy finished first. The boy shouted, “Another race please!”

This time, two new challengers—a weak old lady and a blind man were 【小题4】 to the starting line by an old man. The boy felt confused (困惑的), but he still stood at the starting line. Race started and the boy was the only one to 【小题5】 that race.

The little boy raised his arms happily. However, to his 【小题6】, this time no one from the crowd cheered. And everyone 【小题7】 just looking at him silently.

“What happened?” the boy asked. The old man replied, “Try again, but this time you must finish the race together.”

The little boy then went to the starting line and 【小题8】 between the old lady and the blind man. Then he took both of them by hand and walked 【小题9】, and at last the three crossed that finishing line.

This time at the end of the race, the crowd cheered for a long time! The old man said, “Good boy, you have won much more than a race! You have received 【小题10】 respect (尊敬).”
