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Seasonal sleep problem

Summer has arrived. What comes with it is the feeling of tiredness during the day. This is commonly known as “summer drowsiness(夏乏)”. Let’s take a closer look.

Who may have summer drowsiness more easily?

• People who like to eat cold food.

• People who stay up late.

Physical exercise is always good for your health.

Running, swimming, ball games and even taking a bath helps increase blood circulation(循环). This makes you less sleepy.

Why are we sleepy in summer?
Biological clock

Your biological clock has not been adjusted(调节)according to the seasonal change of day and night.

Less blood in the brain

In summer, the capillaries(毛细血管)relax. More blood runs to the surface, while less goes to the brain and other parts of the body.

A healthy waking and sleeping timetable is important in fighting this kind of drowsiness.

【小题1】People who ______ may have the feeling of summer drowsiness.
A.sleep earlyB.enjoy iced cokeC.play soccer
【小题2】Which is the cause of summer drowsiness?
A.We have to do morning exercises every day.
B.Blood in our body runs too quickly in summer.
C.Our body has not got used to the seasonal change.
【小题3】According to the reading, we can fight summer drowsiness through ______.
A.exercising oftenB.taking fewer showersC.getting up late
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