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How will the Internet change the world? Will we enjoy a smarter life in the future? Recently, many of the world’s biggest Internet companies took part in an important meeting. They talked about how to build a future for our online world. The Internet can make our lives easier in many ways. The companies at the meeting showed us some of their latest technology. Here are some examples. Let’s take a look.

Lip reading machines

They can not only read faces. They can also read your lip movements. The Chinese Internet company Sogou has made lip reading technology. You don’t need to speak aloud. The machine turns your lip movements into voice or text. This could be very useful if you are in a noisy place and people cannot hear you on your phone. Police can also use this technology. Sometimes they see criminals on city-monitoring cameras, but they don’t know what they say. The lip reading technology can help people with this.

Smart shoes

Your feet might hurt if your shoes don’t fit you. This won’t happen if you wear “smart” custom-made shoes. The Xiemofang company brought a machine to the meeting. The machine scans your feet. It records 39 parts of your feet. It also has a database (数据库). The database has more than 10,000 kinds of shoes. You can choose the colour and style. It also gives you suggestions for your choices. The suggestions are based on records of other people’s feet. You can get your new shoes after 10 days.

Unmanned supermarkets

You walk into a supermarket, pick out your goods and go to check out. But there is no worker. There is just a tablet (牌子) that says “Please smile”. When you smile, it gives you a discount (打折). Your money goes from your Alipay account to the supermarket. You don’t need to do anything. The Alibaba company has made this supermarket. When you go into the supermarket, it knows your face and your Alipay account. It also knows your facial expressions. So it knows how much you like your goods. The supermarket not only makes shopping easier, but also comprehends you.

【小题1】Many Internet companies took part in an important meeting to show us ________.
A.how powerful the online world isB.how to use technology on the Internet
C.how to enjoy a life in the futureD.how technology makes life better
【小题2】Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A.There are no workers in the unmanned supermarkets.
B.If you smile, you can get a discount in the unmanned supermarkets.
C.The machine can recognize not only your face but also your Alipay account.
D.You needn’t pay anything if you are satisfied with your goods.
【小题3】The passage is probably chosen from ________.
A.a book reviewB.a science fiction
C.a technology magazineD.a news report
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A student project has showed another power of AI: It can be good at locating (确定……的准确位置) where photos are taken.

The project is called Predicting Image Geolocations(or PIGEON). It’s the work of three Stanford students. They made it in order to identify (确认) locations.

The team also showed the AI a few personal photos it had never seen before. To their surprise, the program was, in most cases, able to tell where the photos were taken.

PIGEON works well because it can pick up all the little things in photos. It can notice small differences in leaves, soil and weather. The group says the technology can be used in many ways. It could check roads that need fixing. It may also help researchers do surveys of the environment.

However, this new power is likely to cause some risks. It could be used to get personal information, says Jay Stanley, an expert. Stanley worries that companies might soon use AI to find out where you’ve traveled. Governments might check your photos to see if you’ve visited certain countries. The Stanford students know the risks well. Because of these worries, they don’t allow the public to use their program.

Stanley thinks the use of AI for identifying locations will become even more powerful in the future. What will that mean? Well, be very careful about what’s in the background in the photos you post online! Though AI seems much smarter, it can still be made good use of as long as we are wise enough. After all, we humans can learn and think by ourselves.

【小题1】What can the AI do according to the project PIGEON?
A.It can tell where the photos were taken.
B.It can discover who the photos belong to.
C.It can find out when people took the photos.
【小题2】What does the underlined phrase “pick up” probably mean here?
【小题3】Why do they not allow the public to use the new power of AI?
A.Because there will be more powerful AI in the future.
B.Because people might use it to get personal information.
C.Because the government will find who traveled in their countries.
【小题4】How can you avoid the risk?
A.By taking less personal photos.
B.By sharing photos online with care.
C.By avoid travelling to foreign countries.
【小题5】What’s the writer’s opinion?
A.AI will be smarter than humans.
B.Humans can make use of AI wisely.
C.Humans need to learn more useful skills.

Programming Pain

Robots are useful and taking place of humans in some areas because they never get tired and can't feel pain. However, some researchers believe it's a good idea to program robots to feel pain.

Researchers from Leibniz University of Hannover in Germany are working to develop an artificial(人造的)robot nervous system to teach robots how to feel pain. "Pain is a system that protects us," said Johannes Kuehn, one of the researchers. "When we try to avoid the pain, it helps us not get hurt.”

Think about how many injuries you would receive if you couldn't feel pain. Even though pain hurts, it helps us avoid danger and treat our wounds. The same will be true for robots. As a great number of people work closely with robots, the robots must behave in a safer manner. Kuehn believes that by protecting robots from damage(伤害),they'll be protecting people as well. Damage,to robots if left unseen could lead to workplace accidents.

Rather than feel pain, some robots are designed to show pain or see it in others. Asada, an engineer at Osaka University in Japan, and his workmates have made sensors (传感器)that pick up many types of touch signals(信号).These touch and pain signals can turn into emotions and expressions on a robot’s face. Asada believes that these systems could finally lead to robots seeing the pain on human faces, an important skill for robots designed to care for elderly people, for example.

Antonio Damasio, a professor at the University of Southern California, argues that programming robots with a sense of pain may cause an artificial sense of feeling to develop. But he says that this communication is not the same thing as a robot truly feeling and expressing emotions or pain. If one day, robots could actually feel as humans do, Damasio has a suggestion for the number one rule for robots: Feel good.

【小题1】What does the word in Paragraph 3 refer to?
A.The feeling of pain.B.The injury we receive.
C.An artificial system.D.A new kind of robot.
【小题2】Which is the right process to show and see the pain?
① Turn signals into expressions.
② Notice pain on human faces.
③ Make some sensors.
④ Pick up touch signals.
【小题3】What can express Antonio Damasio's attitude(态度)about the program?
【小题4】The aim of programming robots to feel pain is   ________
A.to take place of humansB.to avoid human accidents
C.to control robots completelyD.to serve humans better
