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It’s the eve(前夕)of Chinese New Year. Jim’s parents are ______. His father is cleaning the house. His mother is ______ delicious jiaozi. They are ready(准备好)for the ______. And they are waiting for(等待)Jim to come back home, too.

______ is Jim now? He is on the way back home. His parents want him to come back ______. But he meets a woman on the way. The woman looks worried(焦虑的), and she asks him to ______ her. She says she is also going home, but her ______ is broken(损坏的). After hearing her words(话), Jim puts her bike into his car and ______ her home.

When Jim gets home, his parents are ______ waiting for him. He tells them what happens(发生)on the way back home. They are very happy(满意的)about ______ he does. Then the family have a big dinner together.

A.at schoolB.at homeC.at the zooD.at the supermarket
知识点:家人和亲人家庭生活志愿服务传统节日 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!
Choose the words or expressions to complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词或短语,完成短文)

When I was a little girl, my mother enjoyed reading books. She would ask my father to bring many books from the library. My mother liked finishing a story without any ________. So she would finish up all her housework quickly and then she kept plenty of time to read.

One Sunday my father borrowed a very popular novel (小说) from the library. On the way home he bought some hot snacks because he thought that it would be happy for us to ________ the snacks when having some family talks. But after he gave the book to my mother, she was completely lost in it. She then read books without talking to any of us.

Then something changed in our family. It was Christmas season and some ________ visited us at our home. My sister and I had a(n) ________ time playing with our cousins and we enjoyed the delicious food, but something made my father a little angry. My mother kept herself in her own room all the time, reading her new novel. My aunt noticed my mother’s problem and decided to solve it in her own way.

My aunt took my mother’s novel away and didn’t give it to her until she ________ that she would never get crazy about reading again. Since then, my fimily has enjoyed a ________ life. Now my mother still prefers reading books, but only when she is alone.

A.slowerB.more worriedC.more famousD.happier
Dear son,

Haven’t seen you for some time. These days our sweet moments keep running into my mind. I think there can be magic in the touch of a hand that loves you. Since you were born, I remembered, as a _______ , you reached for me whenever you were hungry or just needed to be held. Sometimes, _______ you woke at night, just the touch of my hand would make you back to sleep. My hands picked you up when you fell, and I gave you a big hand _______ at your sports games. That’s the magic in the touch of a hand with love.

As you grew older, I _______ that you didn’t hold my hand much any more. I told myself it was part of growing up, and I should just be ________ you could do things on your own now. But when I’ve been needed so much for such a long time, it’s hard to step _______ and feel unnecessary.

On that day, I was visiting you in your city. As we were about to cross a _______ street that was filled with traffic, you took my hand suddenly and shouted, “Hang on to me, Mom,” then _______ me safely across. At that moment, I realized that my boy became a man and our roles changed. We still needed each other, but in different ways.

My dear son, you have taught me to depend on _______ just as you once depended on me. The loving hands “touch” us, even if we live miles away. That’s because there is always a silent _______ between us that says, “I am here and you are not alone.”



