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AI makes our lives easier and better. Let’s see the amazing AI.

Cool driverless buss

A bus door opens and you get on. Wait, where is the driver? Here is a new kind of driverless bus called Apolong.

It can seat 14 people and doesn’t need a driver. The bus follows traffic rules. It stops every time it sees a stop light.

Your close friend

Hi, everyone. I’m Xiaoice, a chatbot(聊天机器人). I speak like a 17-year-old girl. If you feel lonely, you can talk with me. I’m good at singing, writing poems and telling stories. I want to be your friend!

World’s first AI anchor(主播)

Hey, look! The famous Chinese anchor Qiu Hao is reporting the news for us. But, is “he” really Qiu Hao? The answer is “no”. This is the world’s first AI anchor.

It looks and speaks just like a real person. It speaks both Chinese and English. It can work 24 hours without any mistakes. The AI anchor joins Inhuman reporting team. You might see it on TV soon.

Popular AI artist

This beautiful painting was at an auction(拍卖) in 2018. It sold for about 3,000,000 yuan! But it is not a work by a famous painter, such as Vincent van Gogh. It was painted by an AI artist. Three Frenchmen created the AI.

The AI artist studied over 15,000 paintings. In this way, it learned to paint. Now it is among the most popular artists in the world.

【小题1】The fact about Apolong is that ________.
A.there is a driver in itB.there are 24 seats in itC.it stops every time it sees a stop light
【小题2】Xiaoice CAN’T ________.
A.go out to play with youB.talk with you if you feel lonelyC.be your friend
【小题3】The painting is ________.
A.a work painted by Vincent Van Gogh
B.worth about 3,000,000 yuan at an auction
C.studied by three French artists over 15,000 times
【小题4】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The AI anchor can only speak English.
B.The AI anchor can work 24 hours without mistakes.
C.The AI artist is one of the most popular artists in China.
【小题5】We can probably see the passage in ________.
A.a guidebookB.a noticeC.a newspaper
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Driving coaches might soon be replaced (代替) by AI in the near future. A company in China has developed an AI-powered driving coach called Robo Coach, and it’s already being used in some driving schools.

Robo Coach is not a human-like robot that sits next to you and complains (抱怨) about your driving skills. The AI driving coach developed by Beijing Yi Jia Jia Technology is actually a teaching and safety control system. The other ways in which Robo Coach are different from human driving coaches are even funnier, though. Robo Coach will call you “mommy” or “daddy”.

Robo Coach has more than 40 different sensors (传感器) on the car to notice people, other cars and roads. Robo Coach uses sensors to stop if the car runs into something or increases speed suddenly for no reason, similar to how self-driving cars work.

It communicates with learners and helps decision making and instructions. And to make faster decisions, the car is also provided with radar (雷达) systems. The system isn’t just keeping new drivers from meeting accidents. It also collects information on their driving behaviors and even body positions. It studies these driving habits in real time to see if the learner is too traditional or easy to be angry during practice and then changes its teaching style. By recording all the problems a learner runs into during lessons, the system tries to help the new driver correct past mistakes and prevent new ones.

Robo Coach is now being used in 5 driving schools owned by Yi Jia Jia Technology as well as 22 other driving schools across China.

【小题1】The driving coaches must be replaced by AI in the future.
【小题2】Robo Coach sits next to you and complains about your driving skills.
【小题3】If the car increases speed suddenly for no reason, Robo Coach will stop it with the sensors.
【小题4】The system not only keeps new drivers from meeting accidents but also collects information.
【小题5】Robo Coach is being used in 27 driving schools of Yi Jia Jia Technology.

①Looking for a dream job has never been easy, but at least in the past you knew that the person you had to move was a workmate. More recently, however, bosses are putting the duty of finding the most acceptable worker on the non-human shoulders. AI systems can go through thousands of resumes (简历) much faster than a person or even a team of people can. What’s more, programs have been invented to run video interviews, too.

②While those who support such systems believe that this super useful hiring (雇佣) method is the future, others fear that the systems have serious problems. Because AI systems use unfair information to learn how to choose people, the hiring process may actually be more unfair when AI is used. A recent example of this was Amazon’s AI-hiring system, which automatically (自动地) paid no attention to women because most technical workers were men.

③Naturally, job searchers are trying anything they can to satisfy the AI’s selection criteria (标准). Now, in South Korea, where a number of the top companies use AI for hiring, many job searchers attend special continuation schools (补习学校) to learn how to pass their AI interview.

④Of course, many of the skills taught are nothing more than educated guesses. Without knowing exactly what to do to please it is very difficult. However, there are still some things you can try. For example, use industry-specific terms in your interview answers because AI often searches information for specific (特定的) key words. Another tip is to keep your resume’s style simple. That way, the AI can search it more easily.

⑤It seems our success could very well depend on the mysterious decision of a machine mind. It sounds unfair, and it may be. In the end, the power to either change the system itself or at least make it work for you is in your hands as long as you make up your mind.

【小题1】What does the underlined phrase inhuman shoulders refer to?
A.Bosses.B.AI systems.C.Workmates.D.A team of people.
【小题2】What does the writer think of Amazon’s AI-hiring system?
A.It’s not fair to women.B.It knows about women.
C.It prefers to choose women.D.It doesn’t like women.
【小题3】What do job searchers do to satisfy the AI’s selection criteria?
A.They try to learn how to use computers.B.They try to change the AI-hiring systems.
C.They write letters to some AI companies.D.They learn how to pass their AI interview.
【小题4】Which paragraph talks about the skills of how to please AI system?
A.Paragraph 2.B.Paragraph 3.C.Paragraph 4.D.Paragraph 5.
【小题5】What’s the best title for the passage?
A.Making up your mind.B.Hired by a machine mind.
C.The AI’s selection criteria.D.Amazon’s AI-hiring system.

From robots, ice-making technology, to hydrogen-powered (氢动力) buses, the high-tech, green and safe, 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics are ensured by 212 technologies, which were used to provide strong support for the “simple, safe and wonderful” Olympics.

The high-tech firstly ensures the safety of the Olympics. Robots were used for cleaning, body temperature checking, and environment monitoring (监测). Moreover, more than 150 COVID-19 monitoring systems (系统) were used to check the air at all points in the place.

“Green” is also one of the key words for the “high-tech Winter Games”: The torch is specially made, which makes it light and keep working well at high temperatures; The hydrogen-powered buses used in Yanqing and Zhangjiakou and the tableware (餐具) used at the Games which are made from plants, are cleaner and better for the environment; The environment-friendly ice ground made use of the-world’s largest cooling system that can make ice in a faster and greener way; And for the first time in the history of the Olympics, all the places were completely powered by green energy such as wind.

The visual technologies provide good visual experience for those watching the games on the screen. With the support of 5G and cloud technologies, viewers can enjoy the clearest real-time experience of the games at home. As a result, Beijing 2022 became the most-viewed Winter Olympics of all time.

Behind all the high technologies in this Winter Olympics is a showcase of China’s scientific and technological achievements. While we are celebrating the Olympics, we also celebrate the development in technology that makes our lives better.

【小题1】In the games, robots were used to _________.
A.clean the placesB.hold the torchC.cool the airD.control body temperature
【小题2】The “green” idea of Beijing 2022 can be seen in _________.
① the robots   ② the torch   ③ the tableware   ④ the ice ground   ⑤ the visual experience
【小题3】Compared to other winter Olympics, Beijing 2022 has _________.
A.the lightest torchB.the fastest busesC.the simplest systemD.the most viewers
【小题4】According to the text, Beijing 2022 shows to the world that _________.
A.China is becoming richer and richerB.China is winning more and more sports events
C.China has developed a lot in technologiesD.China has trained a lot of great sports players
【小题5】Which of the following best shows the structure of the text?
