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What do different countries do to keep students safe?


At public primary schools in Japan, earthquake training are held once a month. They teach students safety tips for earthquakes. Regular training helps students escape from earthquake-stricken areas without causing any stampedes (踩踏).


Most students in Australia take first-aid courses at school. They learn basic first-aid knowledge in the class, such as how to call an ambulance (救护车) and what to do when someone is hurt. The government is trying to make all kids take such courses.


Most US school buildings have fire escapes. A fire escape has platforms (平台) with stairs and ladders (梯子) at each floor of a building. They are usually made of steel and built outside of the building. People can get to the fire escape through a special fire-exit door or through a window. It is not a good idea to jump out of a window from higher than two floors. You may hurt yourself.

【小题1】In their first-aid class, Australian students learn ________.
A.how to escape from a fireB.how to call an ambulance
C.how to stay safe when they play soccerD.how to stay safe during an earthquake
【小题2】If there is a fire, US students should ________.
A.jump out of a windowB.stay in their classroom
C.go out through a fire escapeD.use the lift to exit
【小题3】Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A.Earthquake drills are important in Japan.
B.Basic first-aid knowledge is taught in Australia.
C.Buildings often catch fire in the US.
D.US school buildings usually have fire escapes.
【小题4】The passage above might show up in ________.
A.sports magazinesB.historical booksC.cinema ticketsD.student newspapers
知识点:自然灾害与防范自我保护说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Oct 29, 2012 was a dark day for the American people. A huge hurricane (飓风) named Sandy hit the US, along with thunderstorms, heavy snow and flooding. It caused great damage in many places. Cities like New York were left with flooded streets and no electricity.

A hurricane is a kind of tropical cyclone (热带气旋) that is found in the northeastern Pacific Ocean, South Pacific, or North Atlantic Ocean. When it appears in the northwestern Pacific, it is called a typhoon. Southern China has the longest record of experiencing typhoons in the area.

So hurricanes and typhoons are the same thing; the only difference is where they happen. They form on the sea and are caused by temperature differences.

There is another kind of cyclone called a tornado. A tornado forms from the twisting (扭曲) of rising air. It's a violently rotating (旋转的) column of air that connects with clouds above it and the land below.

Tornados form on the land and often begin with thunderstorms. The US has the most tornados of any country. This is because of some of the special features of the North American continent. The continent spreads from the tropical north to the arctic (北极的). There are no large mountains from east to west, so it is easy for warm and cold air to meet. When this happens, thunderstorms soon follow.

As for Hurricane Sandy, scientists believe that it began due to unusually warm water. Then it joined with a large Arctic weather system, which increased its size and changed it into a winter storm with far more power.

【小题1】What do we know about Sandy?
A.It hit the US in summertime.B.It is a kind of natural disaster.
C.It came with thunderstorms and rain.D.It caused little damage to New York.
【小题2】What can we infer from Paragraphs 2 and 3?
A.Hurricanes can also be called typhoons.
B.Typhoons usually appear in the northeastern Pacific Ocean.
C.Hurricanes and typhoons are totally different.
D.Hurricanes and typhoons are caused by the same things.
【小题3】The underlined word "it" in Paragraph 4 refers to ________.
A.airB.a cycloneC.a tornadoD.a column
【小题4】Warm and cold air easily meet on the North American continent because ________.
A.the continent is wide
B.there are no high mountains there to stop the air
C.they are too strong to be stopped
D.the continent spreads from the east to the west
【小题5】What would be a good title for this story?
A.Hurricane SandyB.Hurricanes and Typhoons
C.Cyclones in Different AreasD.Winter storms in the US
This spring, the town of Oso saw twice the usual rainfall. When the sun finally shone, LoAnna and Kris's three older kids ran outside. Inside, LoAnna nursed their four-month-old Kristian. Suddenly LoAnna heard a loud noise. She rushed outside in time to see a half-mile-wide mud and sand thundering down the hill toward them, knocking over hundreds of trees.
LoAnna gathered everyone into the bedroom farthest from the falling hill side and waited.
Kris got a call from LoAnna, He hurriedly drove home.
Highway 530 was covered with thick sand, fallen trees. Kris had to run home.
The mud came up to his knees. Suddenly he heard a woman screaming for help. He pulled through mud, over pieces of houses to the source of the cries.
At first, he saw an arm reaching up through the debris. There, a woman, buried under pieces of walls. furniture, and trees. was holding a baby. Finally, he freed the baby. By this time, other citizens had come.
After saving the woman, Kris moved on. He was still a mile from home. Ahead lay two fallen houses. He heard a moan. Stepping toward the house, Kris nearly killed himself in the mud. An older man was trapped in house debris. He was twice Kriss weight. He'd have to wait for more help.
Just then, Kris heard another man moaning from the second house. Kris pulled away some pieces of the house, but the man was buried too deeply for him.
Hearing helicopter(直升飞机) on the roof, Kris climbed up, met a member of the search-and-rescue team and led him to the first man. Then he headed back and kept digging until he could turn the second man over. After the rest of the team arrived, Kris moved on to find his family.
Kris finally reached home. It was flooded, but the mud had stopped just shy of the house. His truck was gone, as were LoAnna and the others. He checked cars and houses nearby for survivors, then ran to the command center.
Not long after he arrived, he saw his truck coming down the road. LoAnna jumped out.
Kris was praised by the Red Cross for his heroics.
【小题1】The purpose of the first two paragraphs is to       .
A.create an unusual setting of the story
B.introduce the central idea of the story
C.describe a turning point of the story
D.review the main character of the story
【小题2】Which of the following is the correct order of the story?
a. Kris found a man buried too deeply for him.
b. Kris heard a woman screaming for help.
c. Kris led a rescue member to save the older man.
d. Kris found LoAnna, kids and his truck gone.
e. Kris was nearly killed in the mud.
【小题3】Which of the following sentences is TRUE?
A.Kris saved three persons in all.
B.Kris saved the baby by himself.
C.Kris pulled the first man out of mud.
D.Kris found some survivors near his house.
【小题4】Which sentence best shows the central theme in the text?
A.Kris got a call from LoAnna.
B.He was still a mile from home.
C.He saw his truck coming down the road.
D.Kris was praised by the Red Cross for his heroics.
