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My name is Li Ming. My home is in Changshou. Do you know it? It is in Chongqing. 【小题1】 is a beautiful city. Changshou is not a big city, 【小题2】 it is very nice and clean. There is a 【小题3】 in Changshou. It is called(叫做)Changshou Lake(长寿湖).

Our house is near Changshou Lake. Behind our house there 【小题4】 a big old tree. My grandfather tells me that the 【小题5】 is very, very old. There are many birds in the tree. We call it a “bird tree”. Our house is near the lake. The lake is big and blue. There are a lot of fish in the lake. After school, I go there and catch(捉)fish 【小题6】 my friends. It is very 【小题7】. I like fish and I 【小题8】 like catching fish.

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