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Modesty(谦逊) is a valuable quality in many cultures around the world. In China, this is no different. However, the phrase “毛遂自荐” seems to disagree with this.

During the Warring States Period, the Qin army marched(进军) on Handan. Seeing that Handan was in danger, Prince Pingyuan sought help from the state of Chu. He wanted to pick 20 talented people to go with him. However, he could only find 19 people who were good enough. Then, a man named Mao Sui volunteered.

Prince Pingyuan looked at Mao Sui with doubt, “How long have you been here with me?”

“Three years,” Mao Sui answered.

“I hear that a person with talent is like an awl(锥子) in a cloth bag. Its sharp point will soon pierce(戳) through the bag. You’ve been here for a long time, but I haven’t seen any of your achievements. Maybe you don’t have any talent.” said Prince Pingyuan.

“What I’m asking you now is to put me into that bag. If you do that, I will pierce through it. But not only the point—the whole awl,” Mao Sui said confidently.

Impressed, Prince Pingyuan allowed Mao to join his team, and Mao proved very helpful. Now the phrase “Mao Sui recommending himself” is used to describe someone who volunteers to do a task.

However, there is a fine line between self-confidence and arrogance(傲慢). It’s important to believe in yourself, but a strong ego can harm your career and professional relationships. So we recommend letting your work speak for itself.

【小题1】Where was Mao Sui from?
【小题2】What does the phrase “毛遂自荐” mean?
A.Show modesty.B.Feel unconfident.C.Be professional.D.Volunteering for a task.
【小题3】The underlined word “that” means ________.
A.putting an awl into a bagB.putting Mao Sui into a bag
C.letting Mao Sui join the armyD.refusing Mao Sui
【小题4】What can we learn from the passage?
A.Modesty isn’t a valuable quality.B.Mao Sui was a confident person.
C.Prince Pingyuan didn’t like Mao Sui.D.The writer thinks we should have a strong ego.
知识点:历史人物记叙文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Emperor Taizong of Tang (January 23, 599—July 10, 649), personal name Li Shimin, was the second emperor of the Tang Dynasty of China, ruling from 626 to 649. As he encouraged his father, Li Yuan (later Emperor Gaozu) to rise against Sui Dynasty rule at Taiyuan in 617 and subsequently defeated several of his most important rivals, he was ceremonially regarded as a cofounder of the dynasty along with Emperor Gaozu.

He is typically considered one of the greatest, if not the greatest, emperor in all of Chinese history. Throughout the rest of Chinese history, Emperor Taizong’s reign was regarded as the exemplary model against which all other emperors were measured, and his “Reign of Zhen Guan” (贞观之治) was considered a golden age of Chinese history and required study for future crown princes. During his reign, Tang China flourished economically and militarily. For more than a century after his death, Tang China enjoyed peace and prosperity.

In 630, Emperor Taizong sent his general Li Jing against Eastern Tujue—to which Tang had once submitted—defeating and capturing its Jiali Khan Ashina Duobi and destroying Eastern Tujue power. This made Tang the dominant power in East and Central Asia, and Emperor Taizong subsequently took the title of Tian Kehan (“Heavenly Khan”).

Emperor Taizong was, in opposition to nobility of the time, a frank rationalist, openly laughing of superstitions and heaven's claimed signs, and modifying important rites in order to ease agricultural labour. The modern Chinese historian Bo Yang opined that Emperor Taizong achieved greatness by accepting criticism that others would find difficult to accept and trying hard not to abuse his absolute power (using Emperor Yang of Sui as a negative example), as well as employing capable chancellors Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui, and Wei Zheng. Emperor Taizong’s wife Empress Zhangsun served as a capable assistant to him as well.

【小题1】What was the age of Li Shimin when he was dead?
【小题2】What was the influence of “Reign of Zhen Guan”?
A.Tang dynasty got poorer.B.Many of literatus (士大夫) were killed.
C.Tang Dynasty was established (建立).D.Tang dynasty was peace and prosperity.
【小题3】Which of the following is true?
A.Li Shimin is Li Yuan’s Father.B.The Tujue defeated Li Jing in 630.
C.Wei Zheng helped Li Shimin a lot.D.Zhangsun was Li Shimin’s sister.

The small town of Hay, on the River Wye, sits between England and Wales. It was a quiet place until 1961.That year, a man named Richard Booth came back from a trip to the US with a lot of secondhand books. He bought the town’s old fire station and changed it into a shop to sell them. For the next 10 years, he bought more empty shops and made them into bookshops too. Hay became the world’s first “book town”.

With the money he made, Booth bought the town’s old castle(城堡). On April 1, 1977, he jokingly called himself King of Hay and said the town was now a country! Some local people thought he was a little crazy.

But he wasn’t crazy at all. The joke made more people come to Hay and buy secondhand books. By the 1980s, there were 1 million books on sale in the town’s over 30 bookshops. Then in 1988 the first literature(文学)festival began in the town. Writers from all over the world came to talk about their new books, along with scientists, reporters and even the President of the US! Now there are book towns in Europe, Australia, Canada and even Malaysia. No one could believe that everything started from the little town with only 1300 people.

【小题1】What can we learn about Booth?
A.He wanted to buy more castles.B.He bought the whole town.
C.He called himself the king jokingly.D.He was crazy after selling books.
【小题2】What did writers from all over the world come to the town for?
A.Meeting the President of the US.B.Buying things in the old shops.
C.Joining in the literature festival.D.Visiting the town’s old castle.
【小题3】What’s the text mainly about?
A.A famous literature festival in 1988.B.A book town and its development.
C.A funny joke about the king of Hay.D.A bookshop selling secondhand books.

The ancient silk road was a once in a life time journey. It was one of the most important milestones of trade and culture in world history, and the pioneer, Zhang Qian, could not be easily forgotten by history. He was an outstanding diplomat, traveler and explorer in the Han Dynasty of China, honored as the “the first Chinese to open their eyes to see the world” and “the Columbus of the east”.

In 138 BC, at the reign of Emperor Wudi, Zhang Qian was sent to the west of China for an alliance with the Yue-chi people to fight against the Xiongnu. He started his trip from Chang’an (now Xi’an in Shaanxi Province) to Longxi (in Gansu Province). Along the way, no matter how difficult the environment was, his faith was firm. But unfortunately, Zhang was caught by the Xiongnu people just as he left Han, and was held prisoner for ten years.

Zhang finally managed to escape with some of his men and continued to travel west without any dry food or drinking water. Due to the excellent skill of' shooting arrows, they survived by eating some birds and other animals along the way. When Zhang at last reached the Yue-chi in Northern India, he was disappointed to find that they didn’t want to fight against the Xiongnu people. On the return journey, Zhang Qian and his men were again caught. It was not until 125 BC that they returned to Chiang’an.

Though Zhang hadn’t finished his mission, he brought back first-hand information on the geography, ethnography, and societies of Central Asia. The paths Zhang Qian explored later served as the highways connecting Europe, the Middle East, Mesopotamia, Central Asia, and East Asia. Commodities, crops, animals, religions, ideas, music, technology, and artifacts have been transported by diplomats, merchants and soldiers along this network of highways, which have, since the 19th century been known as the “Silk Road”. Zhang Qian has been remembered as the great explorer that opened up a new area of cultural exchange between East and West with long-lasting treasure well observable today.

【小题1】What is the passage mainly about?
A.Zhang Qian and Yue-chi people.B.The importance of the Silk Road.
C.The paths Zhang Qian explored.D.Zhang Qian and the Silk Road.
【小题2】The word "alliance" in Paragraph 2 has the similar meaning to _________.
【小题3】According to the passage, what is true about the Silk Road?
A.Columbus set the footprints on the ancient silk road.
B.The Silk Road was a highway to Europe in Han Dynasty.
C.Zhang Qian was a pioneer opening up the Silk Road.
D.The Silk Road has the greatest value in Chinese history.
【小题4】Which words best describe Zhang Qian?
A.Brave and strong-minded.B.Careful and confident
C.Proud and open-minded.D.Honest and excellent.
