阅读理解-六选五 较易0.85 引用1 组卷65

Education is an important part of British life. Robinson is one of the middle school students. Here is his daily school life.

“I leave home at 6:45 and walk 20 minutes to catch a yellow school bus to school. 【小题1】 because the bus must stop many times to pick up other students.

We must wear a school uniform to get into the school. In my school, boys are required to wear white shirts and long black trousers. 【小题2】 but they are allowed to wear skirts.

When I get into the school, the first thing to do is collecting my tablet PC from the PC Center. Then I must go to my tutor’s room before 8:30, and 【小题3】

About 8:50 I leave tutor’s room and head for my first class. I have selected different subjects for different weekdays such as Math, Drama, French, and Music, and this first class usually lasts an hour.

After four classes in the morning, I get my rest during 12:30-2:10. During the break, I usually have a snack and chat with friends. 【小题4】 I usually bring myself a box of packed lunch, but I also eat in the school canteen sometimes.

【小题5】 and some of my classmates choose to stay for club activities. As for me, I have to go back home directly before the darkness comes.

A.he will tell us the news or what we should do that day.
B.The last class of the day ends at 3:10.
C.It takes me an hour every morning.
D.Then I take a short break.
E.Then it is lunch time.
F.The uniforms for girls are the same.
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The Teacher’s Secret Lesson

Mrs. Lin was a teacher who had been teaching for more than 20 years. She was known for being strict and serious, but she also cared deeply about her students and wanted them to succeed. One day, during a math lesson, Mrs. Lin decided to share a secret lesson with her class.

She stood at the front of the room and said, “Class, I have a story to tell you. When I was your age, I wasn’t a very good student. I was weak in math and many other subjects. But my teacher took the time to work with me and help me understand the knowledge. That’s why I became a teacher—so I could help students like me.”

The class was amazed. They couldn’t believe that their strict teacher had once been a struggling student. Mrs. Lin continued, “I understand that some of you may have problems too. But I want you to know that I believe that you can succeed. When you have difficulty in learning, you just need to try your best to work.”

From then on, the class reached a new level of respect for Mrs. Lin. They realized that she wasn’t just a strict teacher, but also a caring teacher who wanted to help them succeed. And because of her encouragement, many of the students began to work harder than they ever had before.

【小题1】One day, during a math lesson, Mrs. Lin decided to share ________ with her class.
A.a secret lessonB.a way of making friends
C.a funny storyD.a math memory game
【小题2】Mrs. Lin told her students ________ when they have difficulty in learning.
A.understand the knowledgeB.continue helping others
C.try their best to workD.learn another subject
【小题3】After the class, Mrs. Lin’s students ________.
A.cared about their friendsB.told their teachers a secret story
C.began to help othersD.respected her more and worked harder

Opinions on Life Skills Education

Although students are busy studying, it is important to remember another area of study—life sills such as washing clothes and growing vegetables. They are useful in our daily life. Here are some opinions about life skills education.

Mrs. BlairChildren need to learn most of the life skills at school. As parents, we can help them take part in activities around the house and in the neighborhood.
KevinI’m not sure whether it is necessary because I haven’t tried life skills classes yet. In my school, many students pay no attention to learning life skills. They don’t think it will improve their chances of getting into college.
Li PingWe have life skills classes at school. They are quite useful. They help prepare for everyday real-life situations, from washing dishes to preparing a meal. These activities give us knowledge we need to live on our own.
MaryHaving life skills classes at school is important. Besides, there are other ways for us to learn life skills. We can watch videos on the Internet. We can also learn from our parents and take part in the activities with them.
【小题1】Why do many students in Kevin’s school pay no attention to learning life skills?
A.Because they are not interested in it.B.Because it’s helpless for attending college.
C.Because they are not sure what to learn.D.Because it’s useless to improve living standards.
【小题2】What does Li Ping think we can get from life skills education?
A.Knowledge for college.B.Chances to help our neighbors.
C.Knowledge for living by ourselves.D.Chances to learn from our parents.
【小题3】Who have the same opinion on life skills education?
A.Li Ping, Kevin and Mary.B.Mrs. Blair, Kevin and Mary.
C.Mrs. Blair, Li Ping and Kevin.D.Mrs. Blair, Li Ping and Mary.
