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When we are born, we are given names that stay with us for our whole lives. Some names include good wishes and hopes from parents, while others may be unique(独一无二的)and easy to remember. But do you know how the new coronavirus(冠状病毒)got its name?

According to International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses(国际病毒分类委员会), an organization that names new viruses, the task of naming a virus is no less important than naming a person.

When a disease breaks out, people focus on the public health response and the official naming of a new virus is often put off. But naming a virus is never easy. Over the past ten years, some improper names have caused problems. In 2009, the “swine flu(猪流感)” was widely used before the official name, H1N1 virus, was announced. This led Egypt to kill all of its pigs even though it appeared and spread among people who hadn’t been near pigs. In 2015, MERS(Midle Eat Respiratory Syndrome(中东呼吸综合征)) caused a backlash(强烈抵制)against the nations and people of this area.

So in 2015, the World Health Organization(WHO)announced that the names of viruses should be easy to remember but avoid being named after geographic place, people, classes of animals and foods.

Following these rules, the new coronavirus we are suffering from(遭受痛苦)was named “COVID-19” by the WHO on Feb 11. In this name, “CO” means “corona”, “VT” stands for “virus” and “D” means “disease”.

Next time you read about a virus you don’t know(线索), you may get some clues about it from its name.

【小题1】According to the first paragraph, what are the features(特点)of people’s names?
【小题2】Is the task of naming a virus less important than naming a person?
【小题3】What problem did the virus named “swine flu” cause?
【小题4】When was the new coronavirus named “COVID-19”?
【小题5】According to the passage, how can we know about a virus that we don’t know?
知识点:说明文新型冠状病毒 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Family VS Friends

It is Saturday afternoon. You and your friends are planning to go to the movies and then have a dinner together. Just as you start to get ready, your dad reminds you that it is your aunt’s birthday and the whole family is going out to dinner to have a celebration. How can this end without a quarrel?

The tension(紧张情绪) between teenagers and their families mainly comes from how to balance what they want with family hope. You once spent most of your free time with your parents. When you want to spend more and more time with your friends, your parents’ feelings may get hurt. They might feel that they are losing control of you during the period. You might feel angry that so many family requirements are placed on you.

Here are a few things you can try to make it a little easier to ease(缓解) the tension between you and your family.

Tell your plan to your parents first and ask your parents whether there is anything else planned at that time.

When your buddy activities come with a family event, try to find out if there is any way you can do both. You can spend a little time with each group. You can go to the family event and ask to be with your friends next time. You can also invite your friends to the family event.

Suggest something you would really like to do with your family. When your parents know you want to spend time with them, they will feel better.

Sometimes the results cannot always make both pleased. However, the tension can be eased if you think about the feelings of your family, yourself and your friends.


The tension between teenagers and their family and how to 【小题1】 with it.


A scene

You will see a film and have dinner together with your friends
while your family are planning to 【小题2】 your aunt’s birthday.

The reasons

Teenagers try to achieve a 【小题3】 between what they want and their family hope.
You 【小题4】 to spend your spare time with your parents. Your parents may feel hurt because they might think you are out of control.
Your parents require you so much that you may feel angry.


Tell your parents your plan first and ask them whether they have already planned anything else.
Try to find out a way you can to comfort your family as 【小题5】 as your friends when you and your family have different plans at the same time.

Many things can cause driving accidents. You can’t control all of them, but the following steps (步骤) can help you cut down on the number of accidents while you are driving.

First, look where you’re going. By doing this, you can see if the road is clear.

Second, keep as much space as you can between your car and other cars. This is your Zone (区域) of safety. If you are driving at a speed of 10 miles (英里) an hour, it is wise to leave at least one car length (长度) between your car and the car in front of you. In heavy traffic, it is difficult to leave that much space between cars. But you should try to keep enough distance (距离) between your car and the car in front of you.

Third, before you change roads, turn your head around all the time to see everything around you.

Fourth, be careful in bad weather. Always turn on your headlights (车头灯) as this not only helps you to see other cars but also helps them to see you.

Finally, be polite all the time. Even if (即使) some drivers make you angry, don’t shout at them. You may never see them again in the future.

Title (题目):【小题1】
StepsWhat to do when driving.
Look where you’re going.See if the road is clear.

Keep space between cars.
When driving at a speed of 10 miles an hour, 【小题2】 between your car and the car in front of you is wise. In heavy traffic, keep enough distance.
Change roadTurn your head around all the time 【小题3】.
【小题4】Always turn on your headlights
Be polite all the time.【小题5】 when they make you angry.

Many doctors say that lots of young students have problems with their minds. Some students become worried because they have to study very hard. Others have problems getting on well with their parents and classmates. (A) Parents and teachers should care more about this problem.

Then doctors gave some examples. A middle school student from Xi’an was doing badly in his lessons. He thought his teachers and friends often laughed at(嘲笑)him, he became so worried that one night he left his home without telling his parents. Another student, a 14-year-old schoolgirl from Shanghai, was afraid of tests. When she was reading the test paper, she couldn’t think of anything to write.

A report says about 25% of the young students in Shanghai have problems with their minds. They often felt worried and unhappy. Unluckily, many of(B)them won’t ask for help. Some think they will look stupid(愚蠢) if they go to see a doctor. Others won’t talk about their secrets(秘密).

Now doctors give some good ideas to young people about the problems:

Talk to your parents or teachers often.

Try to get on well with the people around you.

Go to see a doctor if you often feel unhappy.

【小题2】请找出The student wasn’t good at his schoolwork in Xi’an.的同义句。


Most students have two kinds of problems. Some are worried about their _______. Others can’t _______ on well with their parents and classmates. When a 14-year-old schoolgirl was reading the test paper, she could write _______. A report says a _______ of the young students in Shanghai have problems with their minds.
