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People in different places have very different ideas about what to eat. In our country, for example, people from the south like to eat rice while people in the north love dumplings or noodles. In Hunan or Sichuan, hot food is people’s favorite; however, people in Shanghai or Suzhou eat sweet dish almost every day.

But even if people live in the same part of the country, their tastes (口味) are not always the same. Old people and young ones have different tastes; men and women also have their different preferences (喜好). In a restaurant, some customs order thick and heavy soup, while others drink thin and clear one. A few people only eat vegetables. They do not eat fish or chicken at all!

So it is not easy for restaurants to meet the needs of all customers (顾客). To make more money, the restaurants in cities try their best to cook different kinds of foods.

【小题1】What do people from the south like to eat?
【小题2】What kind of food do you think He Jiong in the TV program The Happy Camp perhaps (可能) likes to eat?
A.Hot food.B.Sweet food.C.Salty food.D.Cold food.
【小题3】Do people in the same part always have the same tastes?
A.No, they don’t.B.Yes, they do.C.Sorry, I don’t know.D.Yes, of course.
【小题4】Is it easy for restaurants to meet the needs of all customers?
A.Yes, it is.B.No, it isn’t.C.Yes, it isn’tD.No, it doesn’t.
【小题5】Why do restaurants try their best to cook different kinds of foods?
A.To make more money.B.To meet more people.C.To be good at cooking.D.To get enough customers.
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House of Pizza(比萨)

We have three sizes of pizzas—small, medium and large. A small pizza with bell peppers(柿子椒), onions and olives(橄榄)is $3.50. A medium pizza with mushrooms, tomatoes and cheese is $ 4.70. A large pizza with olives and cheese is $5.00.

Welcome to our pizza house!

Lunch Special

We have some great specials. The pizza which has cheese and tomatoes is just $ 2.50. The cheaper one for $1.50 has green peppers(青椒)and onions. The pizza and salad lunch special is $2.90.

Time: 11:00 a.m.—2:00p.m.

Pizza Express

The Californian pizza which has mushrooms, olives and green peppers is just $ 3.00. The pizza which has bell peppers and olives is $ 2.50. The hot dog is $1.50. The lemonade(柠檬味汽水)is $1.00. The apple juice is $ 0.50.

Order a meal today!

Tel: 825-3933

【小题1】If you want to buy a small pizza, a medium pizza and a large pizza in the House of Pizza, you need to pay________.
【小题2】If you go to the House of Pizza, you can buy a medium pizza with________.
A.bell peppers, onions and olivesB.olives and cheese
C.green peppers and onionsD.mushrooms, tomatoes and cheese
【小题3】If you only have $ 1.50 with you, you can buy ________at lunchtime.
A.a pizza with green peppers and onionsB.a pizza with cheese and tomatoes
C.the pizza and salad lunch specialD.a pizza with bell peppers and olives
【小题4】If you want to order a pizza, you can call________.
【小题5】In the House of Pizza, you can buy________.
A.the lemonadeB.the apple juiceC.the iced tea(冰茶)D.a large pizza

Did you know lots of food that could be eaten gets thrown away? Even though we try to save food, about two billion (十亿) tons of it end up in the trash every year. This is really surprising, especially when we think that nearly one billion people around the world don’t have enough to eat. What’s even more surprising is that the extra food thrown away in places like the United States and Europe could feed all those hungry people!

Why do we waste so much food? Sometimes, bugs (虫子) damage the food before it can be picked, or it doesn’t look nice so stores don’t want to sell it. Foods can also go bad in stores or at our homes if we buy too much or forget to eat it. Sometimes, we cook more food than we can eat and end up throwing it away.

To fix the food waste problem, we need to make some changes. In places where people are still developing better ways to farm, improving how food is picked, stored, and moved can save a lot of food. In places like the United States, we need to make people more aware of (意识到) how much food they’re wasting. Some restaurants have started serving smaller meals and reminding people to take their leftovers home.

With not enough land, water, and energy for everyone, it’s important to think more about how we use food. As more people live on Earth, we need to stop wasting food and take action to use it better.

【小题1】Why is food waste a surprising problem?
A.Because it costs a lot of money.
B.Because food never goes bad in nature.
C.Because there is more food than people need.
D.Because the wasted food could feed all the hungry people in the world.
【小题2】What can we learn from Paragraph 2?
A.Food waste can be seen everywhere.
B.Half of the food we buy end up in trash.
C.Bugs are the biggest cause of food waste.
D.Nobody would buy the food that doesn’t look nice.
【小题3】What’s the main idea of Paragraph 3?
A.Food waste is the worst in the United States.
B.Developing better ways to farm makes a difference.
C.We should take action to stop food from being wasted.
D.All restaurants should ask people to take leftover home.
【小题4】What does the writer end the text with?
A.A famous saying.B.Big numbers.C.A call to action.D.Advice to housewives.
【小题5】What’s the best title for the text?
A.Why do We Waste FoodB.Fighting Food Waste
C.Which Country Waste the Most?D.Buying Less Than What We Need
