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The Rules of Candaroon

             Candaroon is an old castle(城堡) of India. There are too many rules in it. Here are some interesting ones:
             1. Everybody must bow(鞠躬) to the king three times.
             2. Visitors must knock at the castle door three times.
             3. Boys must wear red and blue socks.
             4. On Thursdays, everybody must speak Candarese.
             5. Children must eat peanuts for breakfast
             6. Rabbits must have a bath(洗澡) every month.
             7. Everybody, except the king, must walk backwards.
             8. Children must go swimming every day.
             9. Cats must wait outside the castle.
【小题1】What does everybody have to do when they see the king?
【小题2】Can boys wear white or black socks?
【小题3】Who must walk backwards?
【小题4】What do children have to eat for breakfast and have to do every day?
【小题5】What do you think of the rules in this castle?
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Funny School Rules in the World

Every school has its own (自己的) rules. Most rules are the same. But some are different. And some rules are funny to us. Here are some funny school rules:

● Strict Japanese rules

②Most Japanese schools ask students                  (穿,戴) uniforms. Some schools even regulate (规定) the colour of underwear (内衣)! Other Japanese schools tell students that they cannot go to the movies, leave home at night or play video games at home.

● Different shoes in the US

At some US schools, students must have a pair of indoor (室内) shoes at school every day. This can keep the schools clean.

● No strange hair in the UK

In some British schools, students can’t wear strange hairstyles (发型). But the students can wear strange hairstyles during the World Cup years.

【小题1】What funny school rules are there in some schools of Japan?
【小题2】Why must the students in some US schools wear indoor shoes?

The Rules of Candaroon

             Candaroon is an old castle(城堡) of India. There are too many rules in it. Here are some interesting ones:
             1. Everybody must bow(鞠躬) to the king three times.
             2. Visitors must knock at the castle door three times.
             3. Boys must wear red and blue socks.
             4. On Thursdays, everybody must speak Candarese.
             5. Children must eat peanuts for breakfast
             6. Rabbits must have a bath(洗澡) every month.
             7. Everybody, except the king, must walk backwards.
             8. Children must go swimming every day.
             9. Cats must wait outside the castle.
【小题1】What does everybody have to do when they see the king?
【小题2】Can boys wear white or black socks?
【小题3】Who must walk backwards?
【小题4】What do children have to eat for breakfast and have to do every day?
【小题5】What do you think of the rules in this castle?
