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For the past 50 years, spanking has been used to punish children less and less. But what about yelling (喊叫)? Almost everyone still yells at children from time to time, even those parents who know it’s useless. Shouting is probably the most unwise behavior of parenting today.

In people who often yell, their children often feel stressed. A published in the Journal of Child Development showed that yelling at children has results similar to body punishment. Yelling will only make your child feel that you are out of control. It makes you look weak.

But most parents, myself included, find it really hard to spend the day without yelling. The latest research on shouting asks parents two questions: What should I do? How can I give up this habit?

Don’t yell at him every night just because the child throws his shoes around, but ask him in the morning if he can leave the shoes in place when he goes home. Make sure you go home and put your shoes away. If your child puts his shoes in place, even if they can put them near where they should be put, tell him that this is good, then hug him.

ABC Praise is a very effective way. You must be happy, so you must put a silly smile on your face and even raise your hand to wave. Next you have to say what you praise with a very happy and pleasant voice. The third step is to touch the child and give him some words of praise. It makes children notice the praise that comes with correct behavior. That’s the point.

If children behave better, then we won’t yell. If we don’t yell, children will behave better. Let your child do what you want and don’t do what you don’t want through the day. Praise is effective. And punishment is not.

【小题1】What may happen if parents often shout at their children?
A.They will be more stressed.B.They will be better at study.
C.They will behave better.D.They will get more praise.
【小题2】Which of the following is a suitable way to correct children’s behavior?
A.Forbid children having dinner when they come home with a B on the paper.
B.Tell children to turn off the light while leaving a room in a gentle voice.
C.Punish children seriously only once if they forget to tidy up their toys.
D.Always shout at children when they don’t clean the mud from shoes.
【小题3】What is the best title for the passage?
A.Yelling Lead to Higher Depression.
B.Stop Yelling and Try ABC Praise more.
C.Good Behavior Comes with praise.
D.The More Yelling, the more Progress.
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Everyone deals with stress. It is a part of human nature, and nobody can avoid it. 【小题1】

Find something interesting in the material you are learning.

A lack (缺少) of interest makes studying more difficult. 【小题2】 To fix this problem, try to find some interesting points from the homework. This way, your work will seem less boring.


Have you ever burned the midnight oil to finish your homework on the last day of a holiday? This probably makes you feel bad. Try to put what you need to get done on paper instead of keeping it in your head can be helpful. It will stop you worrying about the lack of time you have.

Make time for yourself.

Try not to spend all of your time doing nothing but studying. Taking a walk with your dogs or making some cookies will not decline (降低) your grades. Dancing to your favorite artists’ new music is also a good way. 【小题4】 Because you have a lot of work doesn’t mean you should become a robot.

Ask for help.

Sometimes, you can’t solve a problem alone. 【小题5】 Ask a teacher or a friend for help if necessary. That way, you will feel much better.

Remind yourself that life moves on.

If you find yourself in a state of panic(悲观的), take a deep breath and tell yourself that better days are sure to come. Nothing is impossible for a willing heart.

A.Make a study plan.
B.Helplessness always makes things worse.
C.Take these short breaks to relax yourself.
D.But we can still take some steps to make us feel better when face it.
E.When you are bored at doing something, it will probably take longer to do.
