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Marty was new at school. Usually when you’re the new kid, you lay low, but not Marty. On his first day, he made a toothpick (牙签) ____. One second he was holding the toothpick, and the next second it was gone! Everyone was asking him how he did it.

“It’s magic! ” Marty said ____, “At my old school, they actually called me ‘Magic Marty’. ”

“Is he serious?” I thought, turning to walk away. It’s not magic. He’s tricking everyone, and I’m going to ____ how he does it!

That night at home, I found a ____of toothpicks, trying to figure out how Marty had made one disappear. ____ the only thing I learned was how to poke (戳) my hand 11 times with a toothpick. I put all the toothpicks into the box and went to bed.

The next day, Marty was going on about how he could make things float (浮动). He had a ring in one ____ and a pencil in the other. I watched from the back, hoping to catch a ____.

That’s when I saw it: a thin piece of fishing line tied around the end of the pencil and attached to (附属于) a button on Marty’s shirt! ____ enough, he made the ring “float” by sliding it over the pencil and hanging it from the line. No one else ____, and soon the dining hall was clapping. When the crowds were gone, I walked over. It was time to put a(n) ____ to the Magic Marty show.

“I know how you did it,” I said, folding my arms. “It was fishing line.”

Marty went silent. He looked ____. “So, are you going to tell people?” He asked.

I thought about it for a moment. ____ I told, I’d finally be able to prove (证明) that Marty’s magic was fake (假货). But then Marty might ____ his new friends. How would that make him feel?

“Nah,” I ____ said. “I won’t say anything.”

Marty let out a relieved sigh, and I turned to walk away.

“Wait!” Marty ____ in front of me. “You’ve got a pretty good eye for magic. If you’re interested, you can join me.”

We’ve been a magic team for three months now. It turns out that instead of a fake magician, Marty is a real friend.

A.put outB.look outC.sell outD.find out
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I'm Elisa. Several days ago, our family were sleeping in Canada's Banff National Park when a wolf(狼)suddenly ________ our tent. My husband, Matt, was hurt. This is a ________ thing to post on my Facebook, since I haven't fully understood ________it had happened yet.

It was like something out of a terrible ________. Matt threw his body in front of me and the boys, and fought with the wolf as ________ caught his arms and hands. We were shouting for help as he was fighting with it and trying to save us. I ________ my body on top of the kids and Matt made the wolf not move by holding its mouth closed with his hands, but he ________ and the wolf started to drag(拖)Matt away, while I was catching his ________ trying to get him back. I don't think I'll ever be able to describe the terrible experience ________.

It was then that Russ ________ into the picture. He kicked the wolf and it finally let go of Matt. They continued to throw huge rocks ________ the wolf while we ran as fast as we could to the car for safety. ________, the wolf ran away. And then Russ sent us to the nearest hospital and we got the ________in time.

It could have been so much worse, and we are just feeling so happy that we are all still sitting here as a ________ family. Matt is our hero and we are forever ________ that Russ came to help and saved Matt's life.

A.looked intoB.cleaned upC.broke intoD.ate up

When I was a kid, my family didn’t live a rich life. As a result, we couldn’t _________ to eat out in a restaurant. My mother always cooked in the evening after she returned home from work.

One day, my mother had a very tiring day in the office and was exhausted. After returning home, she went into the kitchen and started preparing supper for us. When she was frying some eggs, she _________ to concentrate on her cooking and the eggs got burned. She wanted to throw them away, but eggs were _________ for a family like mine back then. So she placed them in a plate and decided to eat them herself.

After the eggs were _________ on the table, my father looked at them for a while. But he said nothing. He just smiled at my mom and then asked me how my day was at school. Then he started eating the eggs. He finished them _________ so that my mother and I wouldn’t have to eat them.

Later that night, I heard my mom _________ to my dad for burning the eggs. And I’ll never forget what he said, “Honey, I love burned eggs.”

The next day, with _________ I asked Dad whether he really liked burned eggs. He held me in his arms and said, “Your mom had a _________ day at work yesterday and she was really tired. I didn’t want to _________ her. Besides, a little bit burned egg won’t hurt anyone.”

My father was a very __________ man, and I learned to be such a man from him.


Over the summer, one of my teenage son’s high school classmates lived in a remote country place. There she had no Internet and phone service. Because he could _________ call or text his friend or reach her on social media, Will picked an old-fashioned _________ to stay in touch. Once a week, he tried to sit down and write a letter.

I haven’t written a letter for years. When Will asked for writing materials to get _________, I struggled to remember where we put the paper and envelopes. But once we found what we needed from a shelf and Will biked to the post office for _________ , he settled into a spot near the living room window and set to work. As my son wrote letters, I just spent time in another corner of the house reading some essays of one of the world’s greatest writers, Virginia Woolf.

Woolf, who died in 1941, worried in her own time that as _________ became cheaper and easier, people would think _________ about what they were trying to say. They would _________ the dream of letters that were “the polish of phrases and the   arts of the writing master.”

The texts and emails we now dash off by the dozen each day seem the fulfillment of Woolf’s worries. I’m not giving up my smart phone and laptop, _________ I’d be lost without the convenience of connecting with masses each day with a few quick keystrokes (按键).

But my 17-year-old son _________ me this past summer that in an age of instant communication, hand-written mail still has its ____________ .

A.take upB.give upC.make upD.put up
