阅读理解-七选五 适中0.65 引用1 组卷61

Do you make a resolution on New Year’s Day? How to make a good resolution? 【小题1】

●Plan for the resolution.

It is not enough to have a goal (目标). You need to think out some right steps (步骤) for the resolution. So make your plan. 【小题2】 And it’ll also tell you how to make the goal come true at last. Making a plan is very important.


If you make your plan later, you may forget your resolution gradually (逐渐地). It’s important that you start making your plan right now.


You should write your resolution and plan in some places, such as a notebook or your diary.

●Think “year around”, not just New Year’s.

You can’t finish anything in one day. You make a resolution in one day. 【小题5】 It may need a hundred small steps. New Year’s resolution should be a starting point. You must keep a habit of making your resolution come true gradually.

A.Make your plan right now.
B.Write down your resolution and plan.
C.Maybe the following can help you.
D.It doesn’t mean you must finish it in one day.
E.Make your resolution come true.
F.A good plan will tell you what to do next.
G.Your dream will come true one day.
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Today I’ll talk about how to improve your pronunciation. Language researchers say pronunciation and fluency (流利度) are the biggest difficulties, followed by grammar and listening. However, most people don’t regard pronunciation as a very important part of communication skills. They pay more attention to vocabulary. One reason is that most people don’t even realize their mispronunciations. So it’s important to find out the words you mispronounce first. You should listen to experts those who make fewer pronunciation mistakes. When listening to them, you should pay attention to words that sound strange, because you may pronounce the same words differently. When you meet such words, look up their right pronunciations in a dictionary. You can also search for words that are difficult to pronounce and make a list (清单) of them. At last, read aloud. Now you’ve got the correct pronunciations of the words. It’s time to practice reading them out every day.

【小题1】Most people think grammar is the most important part in communication.
【小题2】Most people don’t realize the importance of pronunciation because they are able to pronounce correctly.
【小题3】Experts think there is no need to find out the words you pronounce in a wrong way.
【小题4】After pronouncing these words correctly, you should practice reading these words loudly.
【小题5】The writer gives us some advice on improving pronunciation.

There is an old Chinese saying, “If someone gives you a little drop of water, you should return a spring of water.” 【小题1】.

We thank our parents who give us lives. They work hard all the tie in order to give us a better life. They give us food and clothes to keep us from hunger and illness.【小题2】.We are taken after well by them.

We thank our teachers who give us dreams. It’s not easy for teachers to educate us.【小题3】. But they ask for nothing from us. We are well-educated by them.

Meanwhile, we even thank people who hurt us, because they teach us important things. We thank people who gives us up,【小题4】. We thank people who are selfish(自私的), because we learned the importance of being kind.

There are lots of people that we should thank in our life.【小题5】. For example, we could do what we can do to offer help if they are in need. Also, it’s a good choice to prepare some small gifts on special days. What’s more, taking care of ourselves and trying our best to live a meaningful life is also a good way to thank those who love us and really care about us.

A.They teach us what is right and what is wrong to make us better men
B.because they teach us how to be independent
C.That means if someone helps you a bit, you should thank him a lot
D.We should express our thanks with actions, not just words
E.They teach us a lot of things besides knowledge

If you want to keep your houseplants better, you should water them properly. Here are a few steps you can take to help make watering easier.

When you plant something, leave enough room so that you can pour in some water. Importantly, never let your plants sit in water unless they like water. Some people are likely to water every plant too much or just forget them when houseplants are no longer so exciting or new. Some people don’t recognize the differences between their plants. For example, watering a sunflower isn’t the same as a rose. So search for some information to make sure what kind your plants are.

You may know top watering. Here’s a different way—bottom watering. Bottom watering is good for many plants whose leaves don’t like to get wet. When you water houseplants from the bottom up, their roots get stronger because they’re always growing directly down toward the moisture (潮湿). Use a long-necked watering can. This will allow you to offer water without wetting the leaves. When you do it correctly, this method is suitable for such kind of houseplants.

Do we need to water plants every day? It depends. Remember to water your plants at a fixed time and keep on. Mark the time on your calendar to remind yourself to check if your plant needs watering. And you’d better water in the morning. Watering at night means moisture, which may lead to illness.

【小题1】What does the underlined word “recognize” in paragraph 2 probably mean?
【小题2】How does the writer explain the steps of watering houseplants?
A.By listing numbers.B.By telling old stories.
C.By offering advice.D.By expressing feelings.
【小题3】The last paragraph is mainly about ________.
A.the watering toolsB.the time of watering plants
C.the watering placesD.the results of watering plants
【小题4】How is the passage organized?
