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Americans love cars. They go everywhere in them. 85% of people in the US go to and from work by car. And most adults have driving licenses. Why does this car culture exist?

How it started

America’s love of cars started after the war when soldiers returned home from World War Π to rebuild their lives. They borrowed money from the government to buy houses and cars which became the symbols of status(地位). The more money they had, the bigger their cars were.

Making of roads

During the war, President Eisenhower noticed what good roads Germany had. He decided to build new four-lane(四车道)roads in America. He said if something happened suddenly, the two-lane roads wouldn’t be able to carry all the cars that would suddenly leave the cities. Car and oil companies liked his idea and building started.

Car lovers

Not just teenagers are crazy about cars. Some Americans love their cars so much that they paint their cars beautifully. These are called Art Cars. Every April there is an activity in Houston, Texas, where they show their cars.


Cars have polluted the environment. American President Bush refused a worldwide law that is against pollution. Many countries were angry about it. Bush said he had to think of the American economy(经济)and all the American people that make money from cars. Factories say they want to make cars that pollute less. But others say making cars that pollute less will never be as good as having fewer cars.

【小题1】When did Americans begin to love cars?
A.Before the new two-lane roads were built.B.After World War Π.
C.During World War Π.D.Before World War Π.
【小题2】The underlined word “building” here means “the building of________”.
A.companiesB.soldiers’ livesC.housesD.roads
【小题3】What were other countries’ feeling about Bush’s decision?
A.They agree with him.B.They showed anger to it.
C.They paid no attention to it.D.The passage doesn’t tell us.
【小题4】The meaning of the last sentence is: “________”.
A.It’s better to have fewer cars.B.It’s better to make cars that pollute less.
C.It’s easier to make cars that pollute less.D.It’s easier to make people have fewer cars.
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These days shared bikes are becoming the center of attention in my WeChat friend circle. Many of my friends are sharing photos of themselves riding bikes, especially during the weekend in natural parks, and I can see people logging in (登录) and out of shared bike apps.       

I’m very happy that there are shared bikes on the road. They have saved us a lot of time during special situations, and on beautiful, clear days, people enjoy riding them outside the city.

I tried shared bikes last week, and I didn’t like them very much. I think the first shared bikes without baskets are designed for athletes. They are very hard to ride, and the seats are not comfortable. It makes me wonder whether people really like riding shared bikes or are just saying this to agree with others.

A friend secretly told me she tried the bikes to fit in. She doesn’t like bikes and finds Beijing’s roads too hard for bike riding. But recently, the only way to hang out with her friends is riding out of town together. To join in social activities, she had to pick up bike riding again.

Another friend admitted that he started talking about and sharing photos on shared bikes in order just to appear modern and fashionable to friends. He started paying attention when shared bikes first came into use.

These views will give me something new to think about when I ride these bikes again.

【小题1】What does the writer himself think of shared bikes?
A.They are very difficult to ride.B.Their seats are comfortable.
C.Athletes like shared bikes.D.They can save us a lot of money.
【小题2】The underlined word “admitted” may mean _______________ in the passage.
A.told a lieB.told the truthC.kept a promiseD.kept a secret
【小题3】Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.It’s quite simple to use shared bikes at special time.
B.Some people only appear to be interested in shared bikes.
C.The writer likes the bikes without baskets because they are for athletes.
D.Some people like to share photos riding bikes because they want to agree with others.

By 2050, the world will be urbanized(都市化的). Nearly 70% of the world’s population will live in cities. Many of them will develop into large cities with a population of more than 10 million. Moving people around each large city will be a very big challenge. The traffic speed in London will fall to about 7 miles per hour. Around the same speed it was 150 years ago, in the days of the horse and cart.

But city planners are working on ways to solve the problem.

Self-driving Cars
Robot Taxis

Self-driving cars or robot taxis will play a part.

It’s predicted(预测) there’ll already be more than 30 million self-driving cars on the road by 2040. People don’t need to drive by themselves. By 2050, there will be robot taxis in the city streets. We can call the taxis just at a single touch.


Pubtie transport(交通工具) like buses will be highly personalixed(个性化).

People don’t need to look through the bus timetable. Buses will be connected on the Internet and make the way by themselves according to where the people need to go.


Bikes will be helpful on that slow last mile of travel, too.

Cities could build special roads for them high above city streets. Xiamen in southeast China already has an 8-kilometer bicycle way to protect riders like that. That may be another kind of urban transport in 2050. It will be multi-level(多层次).

For many people, urban transport in 2050 might be cool.

【小题1】Most of people will live ________ by 2050.
A.in big citiesB.in small citiesC.in LondonD.in villages
【小题2】________ means of transport will help the traffic in the future according to the passage.
【小题3】The underlined word “Self-driving” probably means ________ in Chinese.
A.People need to go out by robot taxis.B.People need to have a driver on their own.
C.People don’t need to drive by themselves.D.People need to drive a car when they go out.
【小题4】Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.The traffic speed in London will be slow because of the large population.
B.There will be robot taxis in the city streets by 2040.
C.Buses can make the way by themselves.
D.Roads for bikes will be high above city streets.
【小题5】The best title for the passage may be ________.
A.Cars In The FutureB.Buses In The Future
C.Bikes In The FutureD.Transport In The Future
