阅读理解-判断 适中0.65 引用1 组卷93

The rockets take astronauts and man-made satellites (卫星) into space. The satellites are used for communication, weather checking and research.But how do satellites stay up without falling down? There are two different forces(力量) influencing the satellites. One of them is the force of gravitation(地心引力), which tries to pull the satellites towards the earth and is like a rope which keeps the satellites from flying away. The other force is created by the turning of the satellite around the earth. This force tries to take the satellite away from the earth. With these two forces, the satellite goes round and round.

Everything that goes up has to come down. It is only a matter of time before a satellite comes back to the earth. As time goes by, the satellite loses its speed, which makes the force pull it towards the earth stronger than the force pulling it away. This makes the satellite fall down to the earth.

【小题1】The satellites can’t be used for doing research.
【小题2】There are two same forces that caninfluence the turning of the satellites.
【小题3】The force created by the turning ofthe satellite helps to take the satellite away from the earth.
【小题4】The satellite will lose its speed as time goes by.
【小题5】It’s possible for the satellite to stay in space forever.
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A teacher stood on the top of a ladder truck. It was five stories high. She held an egg that was attached(系) to several balloons and was about to drop it. The students below fixed their eyes on her and held their breath. Would the egg survive the drop?

Welcome to Kelly Coombe’s science class at Marsh Junior High in Chico, California. Coombe organized this activity to help students better understand the laws(定律) of physics.

She divided the 34 students into 17 teams of two people each. Each team designed a structure that would prevent an egg from breaking when dropped from about 15 meters high.

The students used different materials to protect the eggs. The typical materials included cotton balls, drinking straws(吸管), cardboard, socks and balloons.

Josh Addington and Bowen Jiang thought of a creative idea. They built a pyramid out of drinking straws and put the egg into a “capsule(胶囊)” on the top of the pyramid. Then they tied a helium-filled balloon(氦气球) to the top to keep the device moving in the right direction, and put a water balloon at the bottom to allow the device to lightly land on the ground. “Our egg survived!” Jiang proudly told his teacher and classmates.

Coombe said the project was a “great way for kids to get excited about science”.

【小题1】What was the purpose of the egg-dropping activity?
A.To protect an egg from breaking when dropped.
B.To design stronger houses.
C.To help students understand the laws of physics.
D.To break lots of eggs at the same time.
【小题2】Before the activity, the students ________.
A.looked for a strong egg to drop
B.designed a structure to protect the egg
C.did physics exercises
D.did other experiments with eggs at home
【小题3】________ are not typical materials for this activity.
A.Cotton ballsB.Drinking straws
C.Socks and balloonsD.Ties

When in fear, ostriches(鸵鸟) hide their heads in the sand instinctively(本能地) in the hope that trouble will pass them by. In fact, ostriches don’t hide their heads in the sand to avoid danger. Not only would they be unable to breathe, but when you think about it, they really have no reason to do so.

Ostriches are the fastest animals walking on two legs, able to run as fast as 40 miles per hour. They stand around 9 feet tall and weigh 350 pounds. If in danger, they can give a kick that is powerful enough to kill a lion. So why do ostriches bury(埋) their heads in the sand?

When it’s time to start a family, the ostrich digs a big hole that is between 6 and 8 feet wide and 2 to 3 feet deep. They bury the eggs safely in the ground, and then the mom and dad take turns sitting on the eggs to protect them until the babies are ready to come out of the eggs. A few times a day, the ostrich parents bury their heads in the ground to turn the eggs using their mouths.

When it has eggs to protect, the ostrich will run, attracting enemies to go after it. Thanks to their fast speed, ostriches are able to easily shake off the enemies, leaving their eggs and themselves free from danger.

【小题1】What’s the second paragraph mainly about?
A.Where do ostriches live.B.Why do ostriches bury their heads in the sand.
C.How do ostriches look like and the ways they protect themselves.D.Why can ostriches run fast.
【小题2】What kind of hole does the ostrich usually dig?
【小题3】Why do ostriches usually bury their heads in the sand?
A.To fight against enemies.B.To take care of their eggs.C.To get away from danger.D.To bring their babies out.
【小题4】How do ostriches protect their eggs when in danger?
A.By burying their eggs in the sand.B.By leading enemies away from their eggs.
C.By fighting with their enemies bravely.D.By taking their eggs out of the hole.


Paper or Plastic? _______

①Governments around the world are bringing about an end to plastic straws and bags. More and more businesses are using paper products as an alternative (替代). Paper is considered by many to be better than plastic. However, it, too, is harmful to the environment.

②Firstly, paper bags and straws are made from trees. Trees, as you know, can reduce carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere (大气层). They can slow down climate change. An increase in the use of paper bags can cause more deforestation.

③Secondly, the production of paper items requires more energy and water. About 10 percent more energy and four times as much water is used to produce a paper bag than a plastic one. You might say that we can use recycled paper to save that energy and water. This seems to be a good idea. However, it takes even more energy and water to go through the recycling process than to make a brand new paper bag. Products made from recycled paper are also often short-lived.

④Furthermore, paper products are heavier than plastic ones. That means they require more fuel to transport. Seven trucks are needed to transport two million paper bags, while only one truck is needed to transport the same number of plastic bags. The increased weight also leads to a larger amount of waste once the bags are thrown away.

⑤Paper products are actually a lose-lose for both the environment and businesses. They are more expensive than plastic products. A paper straw costs about 5 to 12 cents, while a plastic one usually costs only about 2 cents.

⑥The most environment-friendly solution is to avoid single-use items altogether. Products like glass water bottles and steel straws can be used over and over again. They are much better than either paper products or plastic products. Through increasing the use of these items, you can greatly reduce your throwaway waste and truly make our Earth a greener place!

【小题1】According to the passage, we may fill in the blank in the titile with “_______”.
【小题2】The underlined word in paragraph 2 most probably means “the act of _______”.
A.planting treesB.cutting down treesC.protecting trees
【小题3】By writing this passage, the writer mainly wanted to _______.
A.compare plastic products with paper ones
B.correct people’s wrong ideas about plastic products
C.suggest people use reusable products like glass water bottles
【小题4】Which of the following best shows the structure of this passage?
