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The first ladies of China and the United States, both famous for their talent and good taste in fashion, joined primary school students to finish making a qipao dress in Beijing on Thursday. Accompanied by Peng Liyuan, the wife of President Xi Jinping, Melania Trump visited Banchang Primary School in Dongcheng District in the morning. At the gate, Peng and Melania waved to students who held the flag of the two countries. There was also a team of students dressed in red playing waist drums (腰鼓) and dancing to welcome the distinguished guested(贵客) in a warm and traditional way.

Peng and Melania visited different classes at the school, including English, Peking Opera and astronomy(天文). They also joined the students in painting pictures of panda baking Chinese and US snacks. The students presented their calligraphy, handicrafts and handmade models of ancient Chinese architecture to the two first ladies. A girl gave a Chinese knot to Trump. The US first lady thanked her and said she will take it back to “decorate(装饰) the White House”. Peng and Trump then watched a student performance including dancing, tai chi fan exercise and English and Chinese songs.

Peng said that the friendship between the two nations is deep-rooted and has a long history. The two first ladies agreed that children in China and the US should know more about each other and make friends.

【小题1】Melania and Peng Liyuan are famous for their talent and good taste in fashion.
【小题2】Melania Trump is the first lady in America.
【小题3】The two first ladies were welcomed by a team of high school students.
【小题4】Chinese knot means “中国剪纸” in Chinese.
【小题5】The two first ladies think children between two countries need to know more about each other and make friends.
知识点:国家与民族其他著名人物记叙文细节理解词句猜测 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

For thousands of years, no other countries have been as mysterious (神秘的) to the world as this one. It makes you wonder what’s inside the pyramids (金字塔), how people made mummies (木乃伊) and why they put them in the pyramids. 【小题1】.

Built along the world’s longest river, the Nile. Egypt is the second largest country in Africa. As a land rich in beauty, history and culture, ancient Egypt left behind many treasures for the world.

Egyptian characters (文字) are some of the oldest characters in the world. It looks similar to our oracle bone inscriptions (甲骨文). 【小题2】. The Latin alphabet (字母表) we use today is one of them.

When it comes to medical science, Egyptians left us mummies, which we are still exploring (探索) to see how they kept a dead body in a perfect condition for such a long time. Egyptians covered bodies with a special salt. This makes the body dry, which keeps looking lifelike. Some mummies are more than 2,000 years old.

【小题3】. Do you know that the solar calendar we use today actually came from ancient Egypt? Back around 4000 BC, Egyptians had a 365-day calendar with 12 months, each lasting 30 days, along with a special five-day festival.

Today this land of mysteries still attracts many people. Most of them want to get a taste of the great pyramids. Scientists have found more than 130 pyramids in Egypt, according to National Geographic. The biggest is the Great Pyramid of Khufu in Giza. It is about 136.5m tall, which is almost as tall as a 40-story building. 【小题4】.

A.The ancient Egyptians also had their own way of timekeeping.
B.But if you want to enter the pyramid, you’d better not stay in it for a long time.
C.This is Egypt, one of the oldest civilizations (文明) in the world.
D.Before the Eiffel Tower was built, it was the tallest building in the world.
E.Their characters influenced (影响) many others.

Holland(荷兰)is the magical land of tulips(郁金香) and windmills(风车). The tulips bloom(开花) from March until May. Holland is famous as the largest flower selling country in the world. The windmills, however, are important for the people of Holland.


Keukenhof is the most famous and largest flower park in the world. Will you visit Holland in spring? Then be sure to visit Keukenhof, you will see the beautiful Holland tulips and other famous flowers in Holland.

Single Bloemenmarket

Rain or shine, this famous floating(漂浮的)flowers market in Amsterdam is filled with colorful fresh flowers from Monday to Sunday. Though the best months are in March, April or May, the floating flowed market is a great place to find tulips at any time of the year.


Schiedam is the best choice if you want to see the largest windmills in the world. With heights up to 33 meters, they are hard to miss.

Zaanse Schans

Zannse Schans is also a good place you should visit. About 250 years ago, over 600 windmills formed the first industrial area in the world. It produces paint, paper and so on. Today it’s an open-air conservation area(自然保护区) and museum, which interests thousands of visitors each year.

【小题1】Holland is ____ selling country in the world.
A.the largest flowerB.the largest windmills
C.the smallest flowerD.the smallest windmills
【小题2】If you visit Keukenhof in spring, you can enjoy ____.
A.tulips and other flowersB.tulips and some windmills
C.different kinds of plantsD.plants and some windmills
【小题3】You can see tulips _____ in the floating flower market.
A.every month except MarchB.at any time of the year
C.only in March, April or MayD.from Monday to Saturday
【小题4】The largest windmills in the world lie in ______.
A.AmsterdamB.Zaanse SchansC.SchiedamD.Keukenhof
【小题5】From the last paragraph, we know Zaanse Schans ____.
A.has few visitors each yearB.is an animal conservation area
C.doesn’t have any windmillsD.is a good place to see windmills
