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Why does the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side.

Most people know this joke. But recently, some people have been much more worried about how the grizzly bears(灰熊)and mountain lions can cross the road.

“Millions of animals die each year on US roads,” the Federal Highway Administration reports. In fact, only about 80 ocelots(豹猫)exist in the US today. The main reason? Road kill.

“Eco-passages(生态通道)” may help animals cross the road without being hit by cars. They are paths(道路)both over and under roads. “These Eco-passages can be extremely useful, so that wildlife can avoid road accidents,” said Jodi Hilty of the Wildlife Protection Society.

But do animals actually use the Eco-passages? The answer is yes. Paul Beyer of Northern Arizona University found foot marks left by mountain lions on an Eco-passage that went under a highway. This showed that the lions used the passage.

Builders of Eco-passages try to make them look like a natural part of an area by planting trees on and around them. Animals seem to be catching on. Animals like grizzly bears are using the bridges and underpasses.

The next time you visit a park or drive through an area with a lot of wildlife, look around. You might see an animal overpass!

【小题1】What does the example of “ocelots” show in the passage?
A.Wild animals become more dangerous.
B.The driving conditions improved greatly.
C.Many animals are killed in road accidents.
D.The measure for protecting wildlife fails to work.
【小题2】How many kinds of animals are mentioned in the passage?
【小题3】What can we know about an “Eco-passage”?
A.An underground path for cars.B.A path for animals to cross the road.
C.A room built for the safety of the area.D.A bridge for animals to get over a river.
【小题4】What does the writer mean by saying “Animals seem to be catching on”?
A.Animals are increasing in number.
B.Animals are crossing the road in groups.
C.Animals begin to learn to use Eco-passages.
D.Animals begin to realize the dangers on the road.
【小题5】What is the best title for the passage?
A.No killing animals.B.Animals are endangered.
C.Cross the river safely.D.Special bridges for animals.
知识点:常见动物人与动植物说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Here comes 2022, the Year of the Tiger! For Chinese people, the tiger is the king of all the animals. So in Chinese culture, tigers stand for being brave, strong and powerful! That’s why in China you can see pictures of tigers on the walls of temples and houses. They are to protect these places from disasters and danger.

In ancient times, some great generals (将军) were called the “tiger generals”. Normally, generals would be given a tiger-shaped piece called hufu to send soldiers. Tigers also have a place in the lives of Chinese people. Chinese babies often wear tiger hats and shoes which are made in the shape of a tiger’s head. Parents hope their kids will grow to be as strong as little tigers. People make cloth tigers during Dragon Boat Festival. It is said that the “tigers” could “eat up” the bad animals and keep illness away. In some parts of China, people make tiger-shaped buns (馍) when the new year comes.

Westerners also consider tigers as a symbol of Asia. Singapore, South Korea, China’s Hong Kong and Taiwan—were called “The Four Asian Tigers”. In the book Life of Pi, the Canadian writer chose a tiger as the partner for Indian boy Pi on his adventure. French fashion brand (品牌) KENZO takes the tiger as its main pattern when it tries to show Eastern elements.

Tigers are my favorite animals. If you ask my mom, she’ll tell you that my best-loved toy while growing up was my toy tiger, which I still treasure dearly to this day. As a young animal lover, I felt so sad that they were endangered and I wanted to help protect them.

【小题1】Why do Chinese people paint tigers on the walls of temples and houses?
A.To make their buildings attractive.B.To show their love to tigers.
C.To better get away from bad luck.D.To celebrate the Year of the Tiger.
【小题2】What will people do to wish their children strong?
A.Give them a tiger-shaped piece called hufu.
B.Dress them with tiger hats and shoes.
C.Make cloth tigers during Festivals.
D.Make tiger-shaped buns for them.
【小题3】What can you infer (推断) from Paragraph 3?
A.Tigers are important in Asian culture.B.Tigers are popular all around the world.
C.Life of Pi is a book about Asian tigers.D.Tigers mostly live in Eastern countries.
【小题4】What will the writer probably talk about next?
A.Traditions about tigers in the West.B.Introductions of endangered animals.
C.The importance of protecting tigers.D.Celebrations of the Chinses New Year.
【小题5】In which part of the newspaper can we read this article?

Jenny’s family live in Beijing. Jenny likes animals very much and her parents often take her to Beijing Zoo at weekends.

Today is Sunday and it’s a fine day, so they go to Beijing Zoo again.The zoo has many kinds of animals, such as tigers, zebras, pandas, monkeys and so on.

The tigers come from the north of China. They are yellow and black. They are very large and their mouths are really big. Jenny’s parents think tigers are dangerous.

The zebras are next to the tigers. They are from Africa. They eat leaves and grass. Like the pandas, they are black and white.

Then they go to see the pandas. They are from Sichuan, China. Their favourite food is bamboo. Pandas are very friendly and like sleeping. Look at the baby panda! It’s climbing the tree. How cute it is!

At last, they see a lot of monkeys. Some of them are playing with each other and some are eating bananas. The monkeys are very funny. Jenny likes them best.

Jenny’s family spend a wonderful time in Beijing Zoo.

【小题1】Jenny often goes to Beijing zoo with her parents ________.
A.at weekendsB.at weekdaysC.on SaturdayD.after school
【小题2】How is the weather today?
A.It’s cold.B.It’s rainy.C.It’s hot.D.It’s fine.
【小题3】Jenny’s parents think tigers are ________ .
【小题4】What is the baby panda doing?
A.It’s sleeping.
B.It’s climbing the tree.
C.It’s playing with other pandas.
D.It’s eating bamboo.
【小题5】What’s Jenny’s favourite animal?

In the animal world, the mother is usually the parent that does the most for the child. She gives birth to it and often raises it on her own. However, there are several aquatic animals that are turning this idea upside down.

One of the most interesting examples of an excellent ocean dad is the sea horse. The female lays her eggs in a pouch on the front of a male sea horse. When the eggs finally hatch (孵化), the dad gives birth by pushing the tiny new sea horses from the pouch.

Another father with a pouch is the Darwin’s frog. The female lays eggs and the male guards them for about two weeks. When the tadpoles (蝌蚪) come out of their eggs, the father puts them in the big pouch of skin under his chin, where they stay until they are ready to jump out into the dangerous world.

The clown fish was made famous by the Disney film Finding Nemo. After the female clown fish lays eggs, the male protects them until they hatch. That’s not all. If the mother fish dies, the dad can turn into a female and be the new mom of the family.

Another great ocean dad is the emperor penguin. These dads keep the eggs on top of their feet under a thick fold of warm skin. During the next two months of the Antarctic winter, these fantastic fathers go without food as they keep their eggs warm.

While each of these fathers is very different, they all take responsibility for their children. These dads of the water make sure their kids have a safe place to grow so they will have a good life in the future.

【小题1】What is the second paragraph mainly about?
A.How the male sea horse takes care of the eggs.
B.How the female sea horse hatches the eggs.
C.How the male sea horse lays eggs in a pouch.
D.How the female sea horse grows the eggs herself.
【小题2】________ fathers can protect the eggs by turning into females.
A.Sea horseB.Darwin’s frogC.Clown fishD.Emperor penguin
【小题3】The writer introduces the topic by ________.
A.giving examplesB.using numbersC.listing reasonsD.telling a story
【小题4】Which of the following statements would the writer agree with?
A.It is always the mother who does the most for the child.
B.The Darwin’s frog was made famous by a Disney movie.
C.The emperor penguin is an example of a great ocean dad.
D.The fathers all protect their children in the same way.
