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Heilongjiang Province(省) has a great number of tourists(游客)from China and other countries. The province is next to Russia and they have more than 3,000 kilometers of border(边界).

The province has a large forest. Its forest covers(覆盖)nearly 42% of the ground. The forest is the largest in China. In the province,there are also a lot of lakes and rivers,like the Heilong River and the Songhua River,the Xingkai Lake and the Jingpo Lake.

The province is covered by snow and ice for about 120 days a year. This makes it a very nice place to visit in winter. Skiing ,skating,winter swimming and ice fishing all make the Heilongjiang Province a good place during the coldest time of the year.

Fill in the blanks according to the passage. Only one word for each blank.

People at home and abroad (国内外)visit Heilongjiang Province. The province has 【小题1】 3,000 kilometers of border with Russia. The forest in Heilongjiang Province,covering nearly forty-two 【小题2】 of the ground,is   【小题3】 than any other forest in China. There are also many lakes and rivers in the province, 【小题4】 as the Heilongjiang River,the Songhua River and so on. Snow and ice cover the province for about four 【小题5】 a year. The weather makes the province a nice place to do winter sports.

知识点:自然景观城市地理概况说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Have you ever heard of Death Valley? It’s a national park lying in the east of California, the USA. The park isn’t scary as its name sounds. You can enjoy the desert sunshine there. At the same time, you can find there’s nothing out there but some special rocks called “sailing stones” . Some of the rocks in Death Valley weigh hundreds of pounds. And on the ground behind each rock is a mysterious trail(痕迹). It seems that the rock has been pushed along in the sand.

It was nearly 100 years ago that the “sailing stones” were reported for the first time. People have been trying to find out the stones’ secret ever since. Until the 1990s, one widely accepted opinion was that the rocks were stuck in sheets(片) of ice that were being blown across the desert. However, research later showed that to move such large ice sheets, the wind would have to blow at hundreds of miles per hour. There are strong winds in Death Valley, but not that strong.

Then in 2006, a scientist named Ralph Lorenz expressed his opinion. He suggested that in winter, thick ice forms(形成) around the rocks. When the ground begins to thaw(解冻), the rocks, wearing ice, sail along and leave trails behind them. Lorenz even did a test in his own kitchen for the purpose of showing his opinion was correct.

Has Lorenz succeeded in solving the mystery of the sailing stones? Perhaps. On the other hand, neither Lorenz nor anybody else has ever actually seen the stones move. Maybe it was aliens who moved the stones.

【小题1】Where is Death Valley?
【小题2】What can you find in this park according to the passage?
【小题3】When were the “sailing stones” reported for the first time?
【小题4】Was the wind able to move such large ice sheets ? Why?
【小题5】How did Ralph Lorenz prove (证明) his opinion was correct?
【小题6】What can you do to meet the mysteries (谜团)?

Rainforests are very large, they can be found close to the equator(赤道), in South East Asia, West Africa and Central and South America. They have very high temperatures and it rains all year round. In a year it can rain as much as 260 cm!

The rainforest is divided into three layers(层). The canopy(树冠)is the top layer of the trees where most of the animals live. These trees can be more than 30 meters high and it is the noisiest layer of the rainforest. The middle layer is under the canopy and has some shorter trees. The third layer is the forest floor. It has very little sunlight and is the quietest layer of the rainforest. It can take ten minutes for a falling raindrop to travel from a rainforest’s thick canopy to the floor.

Rainforests help to protect the Earth’s climate(气候)because they take in CO2, a greenhouse gas from the air, and give out O2. Many things we need such as medicines and food come from the rainforests, too.

Unluckily, these rainforests are disappearing. Every second an area the size of a football field is either cut down for wood, to make furniture(家具), to build houses or to be cleared for farming animals. Action needs to be taken to protect the rainforests now!

【小题1】In rainforests, it can rain ________ in a year.
【小题2】The forest floor has very little sunlight and is ________.
【小题3】Why do rainforests help to protect the Earth’s climate?
