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Each nation has many good people who help to take care of others. For example, some high school and college students in the United States often spend many hours as volunteers in hospitals, orphanages (孤儿院) or homes for the old. They read books to the people in these places, or they just visit them and play games with them or listen to their problems.

Other young volunteers go and work in the homes of people who are sick or old. They paint, clean up, or repair their houses, do their shopping or mow their lawns. For boys who no longer have fathers there is an organization called Big Brothers. College students and other men take these boys to baseball games or on fishing trips and help them to get to know things that boys usually learn from their fathers.

Each city has a number of clubs where boys and girls can go to play games or learn crafts. Some of these clubs show movies or organize short trips to the mountains, the beaches,museums or other places of interest. Most of these clubs use a lot of high school and college students as volunteers because they are young enough to remember the problems of younger boys and girls.

Volunteers believe that some of the happiest people in the world are those who help to bring happiness to others.

【小题1】Where can you often find volunteers in the United States?
A.At a bus stopB.In a parkC.In a hospitalD.In a shop
【小题2】How do volunteers usually help those who are sick or old?
A.They cook, sew or wash their clothes.
B.They clean, wax and repair their cars.
C.They tell them stories and sing and dance for them
D.They mow their lawns, do their shopping and clean up their houses.
【小题3】What is Big Brothers?
A.It’s the name of a club.
B.It’s the name of a film.
C.It’s an organization for boys who no longer have fathers.
D.It’s a home for children who have no brothers.
【小题4】Why do most of the boys’ and girls’ clubs use many high school and college students as volunteers?
A.Because they have a lot of free time.
B.Because they know how to do the work.
C.Because they like younger boys and girls.
D.Because they can still remember what they felt when they were younger.
【小题5】What do volunteers believe?
A.When they are happy, the others will be happy.
B.To make others happy, they have got to be unhappy.
C.The happiest people in the world are those who make themselves happy.
D.The happiest people in the world are those who help to bring happiness to others.
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Recently, community canteens (社区食堂) have become popular among young people. At first, community canteens mostly served old people. As the elderly may face challenges in cooking, and many young people cannot cook, these canteens have become perfect places for the two generations (一代人) to become meal friends. They can have lunch and dinner within a 10-minute walk, or the community workers can bring the dishes to them.

For only 20 yuan, Fang Wenjing could buy her lunch at a community canteen, which included a meat dish, a vegetable dish and a bowl of rice. “The dishes have a home-cooked taste, just as I expected. The canteen is also clean,” said Fang.

Now the number of young people who’d like to eat in community canteens increases rapidly. Almost 70 percent of its customers are young people. This also encourages community canteens to think of creative ways to provide food and make things easier for people. A canteen in Beijing’s Lugu Community brings out buffet-style (自助模式) dishes. The dishes are sold at 2.48 yuan per 100 grams. This price is lower than the restaurant nearby. A canteen at the Zhanongkou Community in Zhejiang province recently introduced “blind box”. They cost just 6 yuan but have one meat dish and a vegetarian dish. To keep what’s inside each box a surprise, stickers (贴纸) are placed over the see-through top to cover the “main dish”. The “blind boxes” often sell out very quickly.

The rise of community canteens is impossible without the efforts of local governments. The government provides support for these canteens, either by providing free space or reducing water and electricity costs. There are now more than 6,700 community canteens in China. And many cities are responding to the call to build service canteens in their communities.

【小题1】Why are community canteens popular according to paragraph 1?
A.Because they are cheap.
B.Because they are convenient.
C.Because they are healthy.
D.Because they are delicious.
【小题2】How does Fang Wenjing like the food in the community canteen?
【小题3】What do we know about the “blind box” in the canteen?
A.If we buy one blind box, we can get stickers.
B.It is not popular among young people.
C.We can know the main dish through the top of the box.
D.Pay six yuan for it, one meat dish and a vegetarian dish will be served.
【小题4】What does the passage tell us about community canteens?
A.Community canteens are no longer only used by the elderly.
B.Young people like to go to community canteens because of their creative activities.
C.Without government’s help, community canteens can also become popular.
D.Either young people like to go to restaurants or elderly people like to go to restaurants.
【小题5】How does the writer feel about the development of community canteens according to the last paragraph?

Have you ever thought of what life is like for older people, especially for those who live alone? Can they get help when they need it?

Six grade-10 students from Beijing 101 Middle School looked deeper at this question and wrote a proposal (提案) to the China Youth Model Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. They found that most nursing homes couldn’t satisfy the old people, so they advised to build more seniors’ service stations in communities. They also gave suggestions for how governments, neighborhoods and hospitals can work together to make this happen.

________. It offers things like daytime care, cooking, cleaning and friendship to seniors who live in their own homes. The students surveyed more than 1,100 people, about 90 percent of whom said they would prefer to use the stations’ services to moving into a nursing home. However, there are not enough of these stations, and many don’t run very well.

The six students came up with a solution after reading more than 60 related studies, interviewing 108 people and visiting 25 different organizations. Their proposal beat out almost 100 others to win the Best Proposal Award in 2021.

“This experience allows me to understand the responsibilities of us young people. Also I see the light and potential in us,” said Xu Wanqing, one of the students. “Participating in the China Youth Model CPPCC has been good for students,” agreed their teacher and adviser Li Jie, “They’ve grown their civic awareness, as well as gotten more confidence in our society since they’re seen how they can contribute (贡献) to it themselves.”

【小题1】At the beginning, the writer introduces the topic of the passage by ________.
A.listing a factB.giving an exampleC.asking questionsD.explaining differences
【小题2】Which of the following is the best to fill in the blank ________ in Paragraph 3?
A.A seniors’ service station is facing a lot of problems
B.A seniors’ service station is different from a nursing home
C.A seniors’ service station is less popular than a nursing home
D.A seniors’ service station has a very long way to go in the future
【小题3】Which of the following proverbs has a similar meaning to the last paragraph?
A.No pains, no gains.B.Easier said than done.
C.One for all, all for one.D.After a storm comes a calm.
【小题4】You might read the passage in a ________.
A.newspaperB.storybookC.science bookD.tourist magazine

If you have free time and would like to take part in more activities in our community, our volunteer positions(职位) may fit you. If you are interested in one of them, please contact(联系) Volunteer Information officers and they will help you find a position that meets your needs and interests. For more information, please call Volunteering Geelong at 52211377 or visit our office at 192 Myers St, Greelong. Besides, you can find more positions at www. volunteeringgeelong org. au.

Drivers needed

We are now looking for volunteers who are willing to use their own vehicles(交通工具) to send medical things to Health Care Centers.

Patients need help

Do you enjoy people? If you are interested in helping people read, we can provide you with a chance to do that. At present, we are looking for a team of volunteers to support our patients, we are looking for a team of volunteers to support our patients. We provide online training lessons before you take this job.

Cafe waiters wanted

Stella’s Cafe needs some waiters. You should be between 18 and 35 years old. If you are good at serving customers, then this is the volunteer role for you! You only need to volunteer 2 hours each day.

【小题1】Which way is not mentioned to get more information about the volunteer positions?
A.By asking on a website.B.By writing to Volunteering Geelong.
C.By calling Volunteering Geelong.D.By visiting Volunteering Geelong.
【小题2】What do volunteer drivers need to use their vehicles to do?
A.Feed the patients with the medicine.B.Buy some medical things for the patients.
C.Serve the meals for doctors and nurses.D.Send medical things to Health Care Centers.
【小题3】What should you do before you have the position to help patients to read?
A.Be a doctor firstB.Pay some money for the position.
C.Get some training courses online.D.Be at least 18 years old.
