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One day I was sitting on my bike outside of a little store. A ______ with an old man and three kids pulled up. This old man was about ______ his late 70s. The ______ got out and went into the store. A minute later, the old man got out and came over and started a ______.

I asked what he was doing here and he said that his wife had just passed away(去世). I saw that he was getting sad. I put my hand on his shoulder and asked ______ he was OK.

The whole time we talked, I ______ he was looking up into the sky. I thought he was looking into his past as he talked. He said when he and his wife got ______ they bought a bike and at that time he worked ______ an airline(航空公司). They would fly to different countries with the bike. He also said that he and his wife ______ around the world over the years together by plane or by bike.

By this time I had tears running ______ my face. He then said that the last word his wife said to him was that she lived a(n) ______ life with him. He looked at me and suddenly he turned and   ______ to his car and showed a box of his wife’s ashes(骨灰) through the window and walked back to me.

He told me that he asked his grandsons to take ______ to his home village, a beach village. He would like to live there ______. Now he was taking his wife on the last ride. He looked at me for a second and then he reached over my bike to shake my hand and said, “My name is Leon. Thanks for ______ an old man.”

“Listening is a good way to help others.” That is what I want to tell you.

A.listening toB.talking toC.looking afterD.helping
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You may have heard of the saying “YOLO” . It _______ “You Only Live Once”.

Teenagers often use this saying. Having a YOLO attitude (态度) means that you make the most of every day. It means you enjoy your life, _______ you only get one. You might do lots of fun activities, or always _______ your friends.

US rapper (说唱歌手) Drake used YOLO in his song The Motto. Then the saying became even more _______. Children like to use _______ like this when they talk to their friends online.

But scientists think it might be more than just a popular saying. They made two groups of students from a United States university do a(n) _______.

Group A was told to pretend (假装) they were _______ to a new city in 30 days, and Group B was not. Group A did lots of activities and spent time with their families and friends. Group B did not _______ their behavior (行为).

At the _______ of the experiment, the students did a survey (调查). It was to find out how ________ they were. Group A was much happier. The survey shows that having a YOLO attitude is good for your health!

A.looks forB.leaves forC.makes forD.stands for
A.come up withB.meet up withC.end up withD.fill up with

Peter and Joe lived next to each other. Both of them grew many different _________ in their gardens. Peter _________ watered his plants and didn’t pay a lot of attention (注意力) to them. But Joe was very careful with his plants and watered them often. Peter’s plants were small, but still looked okay,   _________ Joe’s plants were much bigger and greener.

One night. there was a heavy storm (暴风雨). The next morning, both of the two men _________ to check on (检查) their gardens. Joe saw that his plants had been pulled from the ground and totally (完全) died. But there was _________ wrong with Peter’s. Joe was _________ and asked Peter, “We both grew the same plants and I cared for my plants better than you did. How could your plants still be okay?” Peter smiled, “Because you gave your plants too much attention and care. You made it too easy for them to _________ I gave my plants just a little bit of water, so they had to grow deeper to take in more water. That is _________ my plants didn’t die.”

Sometimes, too much care can make us become weak and have fewer chances to be strong.

A.came outB.put offC.took up
