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Heart disease is one of the major killers in the world today. Many who suffer from it must have heart transplants. However, it’s difficult to get a suitable heart donation, and even if a patient survives the wait, his or her body often rejects the heart.

But there is now new hope for sufferers of heart disease. According to a study published in the journal Advanced Science, researchers from Israel’s Tel Aviv University printed a 3D human heart on April 15.

“This is the first time anyone anywhere has successfully engineered and printed an entire heart,” Professor Tal Dvir told CNN.

Unlike the previous 3D-printed heart structure, the new heart is complete with cells, blood vessels, chambers and other structures a heart needs to function normally. But scientists still have more to figure out before the 3D-printed heart can be fitted into the body. For one thing, the experimental heart is only the size of a thumb. And, although it can contract like a muscle, it cannot pump out blood like a real one. At present, the heart prototype is like a tiny airplane that has all of the right parts, but can’t fly.

However, the development is still regarded as a major breakthrough in medicine.

In the experiment, the researchers turned human fat tissue into human heart tissue with stem cell technology. The tissue was then turned into “bio-ink” for a 3D printer to ensure that tissue in the heart came from the patients themselves. So ideally, if it were to be placed in the body of someone in need of a transplant, there would be less risk of organ rejection.

“Patients will no longer have to wait for transplants or take medications to prevent their rejection,” researchers told USA Today. “Instead, the needed heart will be printed, fully personalized for every patient.”

But the scientists think that 3D printing can be used to create other human organs. They foresee a time when the 3D printing of organs will be an everyday medical practice.

“Maybe, in 10 years, there will be organ printers in the finest hospitals around the world and these procedures will be conducted routinely” Dvir said.

【小题1】What’s the function of the first paragraph?
A.To tell us what the major killers are.B.To explain why it is difficult to have heart transplants.
C.To describe how difficult the heart transplant is.D.To lead into the main topic.
【小题2】What problem do 3D-printed hearts have?
A.They cost too much.B.They are too small.C.They can’t contract.D.They are hard to produce.
【小题3】Why would there be less risk of organ rejection with the 3D-printed heart?
A.It would be made with stem cell technology.B.It would be made from human fat tissue.
C.It would come from a patient’s body.D.It would be printed according to the patient’s condition.
【小题4】What’s the writer’s right attitude to the future of 3D printing of organs?
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You probably know many of the things that you can do with the hundreds of different muscles in your body. But have you ever thought about how the muscles in an animal's body are different from yours? An animal's muscles are made to do the things that are most important for its life.

Lions are hunters. They depend on their ability to catch other animals. Lions must be fast in order to catch their prey(猎物). The powerful muscles in their back legs allow them to run at the speed of more than 30 miles per hour. They can also jump a distance of more than 35 feet. The strong muscles in their front legs help them catch their prey.

Snakes also use their muscles for hunting prey and for movement, but their muscles work in very different ways than lion's do. Because snakes do not have any legs, they use their muscles to push against the ground or other objects to move themselves forward. Their muscles also allow them to eat things that seem much too large. For example, a snake may eat an egg that is larger than the width of its body. How does this happen? The snake's strong neck muscles work together to push the egg down the mouth.

The elephant's long nose has a lot of muscles. Scientists believe that the nose alone has more than 100000 muscles! This is because the elephant uses its nose much in the same way that people use their hands and fingers. Even though the nose is large, it can perform surprisingly tasks. For example, an elephant can pick up a small leaf from the ground. The nose can also be a powerful tool. An elephant can use its nose to pick up a tree by its roots or even to lift a baby elephant.

The great muscles of these animals seem pretty unbelievable. But the muscles in your body work exactly the way you need them to. After all, it might be fun to be able to jump a distance of 30 feet, but as a human being, there is just not much need of it.

【小题1】The underlined word "hunter" in Paragraph 2 means persons or animals that ________.
A.keep animals for funB.raise animals for meat
C.catch animals for foodD.run after animals for exercise
【小题2】All the followings are talked about in the passage EXCEPT ________.
A.An elephant's nose is strong enough to pick up a tree by its roots
B.The strong muscles in the back legs help lions catch their prey
C.Snakes can't move themselves forward without their muscles
D.Muscles in an animal’s body are not the same as a human’s
【小题3】According to the passage, what makes the muscles in your body different from an animal's?
A.The exercise.B.Your work.C.The environment.D.Your needs.
【小题4】Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?

It is quite normal for us to poop(拉粑粑). But do plants poop? They do, in fact. But plants poop differently from us. They poop to get rid of(除掉)things they can’t use or that might hurt them.

       The Venus flytrap(捕蝇草)is one example. This plant eats insects with its “mouth” —two big leaves. It can eat the soft parts of insects, but can’t eat the insects’ harder parts. So the flytrap opens its “mouth” to get rid of the hard parts. You can think of this as the plant pooping.
       But actually, the way that plants get rid of salt or other things is more poop-like. They get rid of them through their leaves, bark and roots. For example, mangrove(红树林)trees often grow in salty water. They take in a lot of salt from the water. They will move most of the salt to their leaves. As time goes by, the leaves take in a lot of salt. Finally, the leaves fall off the trees, taking the salt with them.
【小题1】What does the Venus flytrap use to eat insects?
A.Its flowers.B.Two big leaves.C.Its bark.D.Its roots.
【小题2】What does the Venus flytrap poop out after eating insects?
A.The soft parts of insects.B.The harder parts of insects.
C.The salt in insects’ bodies.D.The insects’ poop.
【小题3】How do mangrove trees get rid of salt?
A.By moving it to its leaves and letting them fall off.
B.By taking in more salt through its roots.
C.By washing its leaves in water.
D.By losing its bark.
【小题4】What is the story mainly about?
A.Why we need to poop.B.Why insects are important.
C.How some plants poop.D.How to keep plants healthy.
【小题5】Which magazine can we probably read the passage in?
A.National Geographic.B.Science World.C.News Week.D.Photography.

① The “April snow” is here! It’s not real snow, of course-it’s catkins (飞絮) from willows (柳树) and poplar trees (杨树) in spring. The female trees grow lots of flowers. When these flowers finish growing, they produce cotton-like seeds (种子) that spread through the air. For some people, this “snow” is not welcomed. Catkins can cause allergies (过敏), making people’s noses, eyes ,and skin uncomfortable.

② Luckily, scientists have found many ways to control catkins. Doing “gender change surgery (变性手术)” on willow and poplar trees is one of them. People cut off the branches (树枝) of female trees and replace (替换) them with branches from male trees. This cuts down the number of catkins. However, this way is slow and expensive. A skilled worker can do the “surgery” on less than ten trees a day. From 2008 to 2018,only around 1,000 trees were treated in Beijing, reported Outlook Weekly in 2022.

③Scientists in Wuxi, Jiangsu, use special injections (注射剂) to reduce the number of catkins on trees. These injections make the trees mainly use their energy to grow bigger and get more leaves, not to reproduce (繁殖) and make catkins. Xu Qinming,an expert in Wuxi, told Science and Technology Daily that this method is safe for the trees. However, the trees need to get injections every year to keep the catkin numbers under control.

④ Other than injections, the trees can take “medicine”. This medicine can be sprayed (喷洒) onto the trees before the catkins form, which can quickly reduce catkin numbers. Still, people need to be careful about how much of the medicine they use and when they use it, or they might hurt the environment.

⑤It is sure that with the development of the science and technology, there will be more convenient ways to deal with the problem.

【小题1】What can we infer from Paragraph One?
A.Catkins are hard to see.B.It’s usual to snow in April
C.People welcome willows trees.D.It’s uncomfortable to breathe in catkins.
【小题2】What does the “gender change surgery” refer to?
A.Cutting off the branches of female trees.B.Planting more male trees.
C.Planting more female trees.D.Changing the female trees into male ones.
【小题3】What is the structure of the passage?
A.①—②③—④⑤.B.①—② — ③④⑤.C.①—②③④—⑤.D.①②—③④--⑤.
【小题4】What’s the disadvantage of using injections according to the passage?
A.Trees need to be injected every year.B.It needs many skilled workers to do it.
C.It is slow and expensive.D.It’s bad for the trees and environment.
【小题5】What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.How to deal with allergies.
B.How to control catkins with new technology.
C.How to tell male and female willow trees from each other.
D.How to protect willow and polar trees.
