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If you live in Shanghai, you might have taken a “lesson” in sorting (分类) garbage, as the city introduced new garbage-sorting regulations (规章) on July 1, 2019.

As China’s first city to carry out strict regulations on garbage sorting and recycling, Shanghai requires its residents (居民) to sort garbage into four categories (类别), namely recyclable, harmful, dry and wet waste. If people fail to sort their garbage properly, they can be fined up to 200 yuan.

Since the regulation took effect, the amount of total daily waste in Shanghai has been reduced (减少) by an average (平均) of 15,500 tons, dropping 26% from the end of 2018, while the average daily weight of recyclables hits 4,500 tons, five times higher than the end of 2018, according to the Shanghai Landscaping and City Appearance Administrative Bureau.

The city also rebuilt 21,000 waste-sorting stations and more than 40,000 waste bins have been updated (更新). The city’s waste collection and transportation system (运输系统) is complete, according to the bureau.

“Proper waste sorting protects the environment and saves natural resources,” said Deng Jianping, director of the bureau. “Led by the central government, Shanghai is making efforts to develop long-term solutions to garbage management.”

However, there have also been some problems. Some people complained that it is difficult to deal with wet garbage, as they are asked to remove wet garbage from its bag when dumping (倾倒). According to the sorting rules, the wet garbage must go in the wet waste bin and the bag must go in the dry waste bin.

This separation is necessary, as it makes sure that the wet garbage will decompose (分解) properly and become useful organic (有机的) waste.

Plastic bags can affect this process. Some people in Shanghai are instead using paper bags that can biodegrade(生物降解)or plastic containers that can be washed and reused.

【小题1】What does the third paragraph tell us?
A.The garbage-sorting regulation has already brought improvements.
B.Recyclable waste comes out to two-thirds of the total daily waste.
C.In 2019, people produced less waste than in 2018.
D.Shanghai needs stricter rules to deal with waste.
【小题2】According to Deng Jianping, Shanghai ________.
A.is still looking for long-term solutions to deal with garbageB.has had problems with garbage management
C.will help other cities make garbage-sorting regulationsD.has added more than 40,000 waste bins
【小题3】What does “this process” in the last paragraph refer(指代) to?
A.The process of sorting garbage.B.The process of dumping wet waste.
C.The process of decomposing wet waste.D.The separation of wet waste and dry waste.
【小题4】This article mainly tells us ________.
A.why Shanghai must sort their garbage.B.how Shanghai sorts their garbage
C.the regulations and some achievements of Shanghai garbage-sortingD.how to protect our environment
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Our world in danger

Thanks to Earth, we have fresh air to breathe, clean water to drink and warm sunshine to enjoy. But it seems that we may have considered those things natural and haven’t realized that our planet is getting “sick”. Now scientists have given us a warning.

More than 15,000 scientists around the world have written a letter to warn about environmental threats (威胁), the Washington Post reported.

Among those environmental challenges, climate change sits at the top. Global average temperatures have risen by more than 0.5℃since 1992. A half-degree temperature rise is a big deal. It means that heat waves would last around a third longer and rainstorms would be about a third more intense (猛烈的). The increase in sea levels would be much higher, according to NASA. Countries like Singapore and Tokyo that are at low altitudes (海拔) may be covered by the ocean in the future.

But this is not the only problem people are facing. It’s getting harder to get fresh water. Ocean pollution has become serious. Since 1992, the human population has grown by 2 billion, while the populations of all other animals have dropped by nearly 30 percent.

Scientists say that we are experiencing the sixth mass extinction (物种大灭绝) in history. More than two-thirds of the world’s wildlife could be gone by the end of the decade if action isn’t taken soon, according to the World Wildlife Fund. The Amur leopard (远东豹), black rhino and cross river gorilla (克罗斯河大猩猩) are some of the most endangered animals.

However, we have made some progress by making the hole in the ozone layer (臭氧层) smaller. That’s because we gradually stopped using chemicals that can break down ozone.

This progress shows that we can make positive changes when we act decisively, the letter says.

【小题1】What does the underlined word “warn” mean?
【小题2】Global average temperatures have risen by________ since 1992.
A.more than 0.1℃B.less than 0.5℃
C.more than 0.5℃D.more than 5℃
【小题3】A half-degree temperature rise is________.
A.not a big problemB.good news for people
C.a bad thingD.a usual thing
【小题4】Since 1992, the human population has grown while the populations of all other animals have________.
A.reducedB.grownC.increasedD.not changed
【小题5】The purpose of this passage is to________.
A.tell people the current state of the Earth
B.call on people to protect the environment
C.display letters written by scientists
D.introduce climate change
Easter is still a great day for worship(敬拜), candy in baskets and running around the yard finding eggs, but every year it gets quite a bit worse for rabbits.
And no, not because the kids like to pull their ears. The point is because of weather change, and some researchers found that rising temperatures are having harmful effects on at least five kinds of rabbits in the US.
Take the Lower Keys Marsh rabbit as an example. It lives on the islands, but it is seriously affected(影响)now by rising sea levels. According to the Center for Biological Diversity, an ocean level rise of 0.9-meter would destroy their living place completely.
The snowshoe hare, on the other hand, has a color problem. Most of these rabbits change their fur color from white in the wintertime to brown in the summer, which gives them better cover from predators (捕食者) . As the number of days with snow becoming less, more and more rabbits are being left in white fur during the days of both fall and spring, making them an easier mark for predators.
American pikas or rock rabbits might be the first of these species to go die out because of the weather change. Pikas live high in the cool, damp mountains. As global temperatures rise, they would naturally move to higher ground – but they already live on the mountaintops. They can’t go any higher. The National Wildlife Federation reports that they might not be able to stand the new temperatures as their living place heats up.
The volcano rabbit has the same problem. Recent studies have shown that their lower living place has already moved upward about 700 meters, but there are not right plants for them to move higher, so they have to stay in the middle.
Native to the US, pygmy rabbits weigh less than 1 pound and live in the American West. They are believed to be the smallest rabbits in the world. Their living places have been destroyed by development. They also live on winter cover, but lesser snowfall is leaving them unprotected.
All of these give new meaning to dressing up in a huge rabbit costurne(服装)this Easter.
【小题1】Why does the writer mention Easter at the beginning of the passage?
A.To raise the problem about rabbits.
B.To remind people of Easter traditions.
C.To show the importance of Easter Day.
D.To discuss the relationship between Easter and rabbits.
【小题2】Why can some rabbits be easily discovered by predators now?
A.Because they have moved to the places with fewer plants.
B.Because they can hardly live on color cover as before.
C.Because they can’t change their color into white.
D.Because they are left to more skillful hunters.
【小题3】What is the problem faced by rock rabbits and volcano rabbits?
A.They are both affected by less snow.
B.Neither of them can find enough food.
C.Neither of them can move to higher place.
D.They are both affected by rising sea levels.
【小题4】What can you infer from the passage?
A.Predators are more skillful than before.
B.The weather is getting much hotter now.
C.There will be no rabbit costurne for Easter soon.
D.People should care more about the rabbit problem.

Since January 2013, many cities in China have seen a lot of foggy days. In Beijing, only five days in January were free of smog (雾霾). What’s the difference between fog and smog?

According to scientists, fog is made up of tiny drops of water and also ice particles (颗粒) during very cold conditions. Smog is dirty air that looks like a mixture of smoke and fog, caused mainly by smoke from cars and factories in cities.

An official for the Ministry of Environmental Protection told Beijing News that PM2.5 pollution is the main problem with air pollution. PM2.5 refers to pollution with small particles 2.5 micrometers or less in diameter.

According to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, two major factors that cause PM2.5 are motor vehicles and the burning of coal.

Poor air has done harm to people’s health. Children and the elderly are more at risk. A report from Beijing Children’s Hospital shows that from January 5 to January 11, 2013, half of the patients in the hospital came for respiratory (呼吸道的) problems.

To respond to the air problem, the Chinese government and many Chinese people have started to _______________.

Beijing announced plans to use clean fuel (燃料) in cars and plant trees. It also asked citizens to set off fewer fireworks for the Spring Festival celebration. They suggested that cars with large emissions (排放) should be banned and factories should be closely watched.

Three students from No. 4 High School in Beijing wrote a report to advise how to fight the air pollution. “We hope more people will join us in making a difference. With all our efforts, the blue skies will certainly return for good,” said Shi Yucong, 15, one of the three students.

【小题1】Which is TRUE about fog and smog according to the passage?
A.Smog is known to be the dirty air.B.Smog is formed during cold periods.
C.Fog is made up of drops of water with smoke.D.Smoke from cars and factories cause fog.
【小题2】Paragraphs 3 and 4 are mainly about ________.
A.how to prevent PM2.5 pollution and what PM2.5 looks like
B.how seriously PM2.5 affects us and how to deal with PM2.5
C.What PM2.5 is and how to protect ourselves against PM2.5
D.What PM2.5 is and what causes PM2.5
【小题3】Which of the following is the best to fill in “________” in the passage?
A.worry about the situationB.take action right now
C.know about the smogD.spend time on the environment
【小题4】What is the best title for the passage?
A.Prevent smog and PM2.5B.Learn about fog and smog
C.Make the skies blueD.Protect ourselves from illness
