补全对话-7选5 较难0.4 引用1 组卷104
A: Look at that strange thing, Wei Hua! What’s that?
B: It’s a key. 【小题1】
A : Auto-bike ? What’s it then? 【小题2】
B : It’s a battery-operated machine and it was invented by my father!
A : 【小题3】
B : It’s used for riding or flying.
A : Flying? 【小题4】
B : You can just ride it like an auto-bike and it will fly as it goes faster enough.
A : 【小题5】 I think your father is so great!
B : I think so. He has invented many things.
A.Who invented it?
B.It’s used for opening and locking our auto-bike.
C.May I have a look?
D.How can it fly?
E.What’s it used for?
F.How was it invented?
G.That sounds interesting.
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A: Hi, Lisa. Are you preparing for the school project? It is 【小题1】 in only three days.
B: Yes, I’ve got everything ready.
A: Wow, wonderful! By the way, what is your project about?
B: A uniform for school students.
A: Sounds interesting, but I’d like to remind you of the 【小题2】. We were told to work on a science project instead of a fashion (时装) show.
B: Well, let me introduce it to you. Although my uniform looks just like a 【小题3】 jacket, it has some smart points.
A: Oh, I’ve never heard about anything like that. Can you give me any details to 【小题4】 it? I mean you can introduce it more.
B: Yes, sure. My uniform is so smart that it can 【小题5】 the temperature according to the change of the weather.
A: That’s a cool idea! We won’t have to change clothes in 【小题6】 seasons. By the way, can your smart uniform 【小题7】 one person from another? After all, many uniforms look almost the same. Students sometimes may take the uniform by mistake after P. E class.
B: It’s easy. My smart uniform has voice recognition (识别). An alarm will go off unless its 【小题8】 wears it.
A: Does the uniform need washing by hand or machine?
B: 【小题9】 is needed. It’s made of a kind of special 【小题10】. When it gets dirty, people just need a piece of wet cloth to clean it.
A: That’s really fantastic! I hope your idea will work out soon!
