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Do you know that overnight success usually takes at least 10 years? One man said, “My overnight success was the _______ night of my life. I spent many days and nights just getting there! Rome was not _______ in a day.” Many people are waiting for their ship to come in when they’ve not even sent it _______ of the harbor. You see, winners simply do what losers don’t want to do. And they keep doing it _______ they get the success. Success is mostly just hanging on after others have let go! So the most important trip you’ll ever make is when you go the _______ mile.

One guy said, “The secret to success is to _______ from zero and to keep on trying.” Don’t give up trying just _______ your trying times are many. The great inventor, Thomas Edison, tried a certain _______ hundreds of times, but it didn’t work. So his assistant said to him, “It’s too _______ that we did all that work without any results.” But Edison said, “Oh, we have lots of __________! We now know 700 things that won’t work.”

If we hold on, we can complete almost __________ we want. And the American President Calvin Coolidge said, “Nothing can bring success __________ persistence (坚持). Talent cannot, for there are many talented people __________ are not successful. Education will not, for the world is full of educated losers. Only persistence and determination(决心)can give you the __________ to succeed.” You see, you can succeed just like anyone else, just keep wanting it enough to keep __________ for it enough. So why not decide it today to start going the extra mile on the road to your success?

A.anythingB.somethingC.nothing elseD.something else
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A man is walking by an elephant camp and finds that trainers (驯兽员) don’t _______ the elephants in cages or chain (囚禁) them. All that is a small piece of _______ —it is just around one of their legs.

When the man looks at the elephants, he doesn’t know why the elephants just don’t _________ the rope and run away? They can easily do so, but they don’t.

The man wants to know the answer, so he asks one of the trainers _________ it is so.

“When they are very _________ we use the small size of rope to chain them, and at that age, it is just right for them. When they grow up, they still think that they can’t run away. They think the rope can still chain them, so they never think of being _________, the trainer answers.

The man leaves away _________ but feels sorry that these animals can be free if they want, but it is just because over time, they think that they don’t have the _________.

How many of us live like the elephants—thinking we cannot do something just because we fail (失败) at it once or some times before?

Failure is part of _________. If we failed once or a few times, it doesn’t mean (意味) we can never make dreams come true. We should never give up (放弃) trying when we __________ failures in life.

A.turn offB.cut offC.show off

Everybody knows that Edison is a famous scientist who invented the electric light bulb. But maybe fewer people have _________ his being kind and forgiving towards others. The following is a true story about him.

At one point in his experiments, Edison had at last _________ a working bulb—the final result of hundreds of trials. It was the first electric light bulb that had ever been made, and Edison was full of _________. He had dreamed of this moment for years. “Take it upstairs, Jimmy,” he said, handing it to his assistant, Jimmy Price. _________ there was a crash, and Edison turned around to see that his precious bulb had fallen to the ground and broken into pieces on the floor. Jimmy had let the bulb slip (滑落) through his fingers _________.

Edison said nothing, but everyone can imagine what his thoughts were. He went back to his work table and set to work once more to make another _________.

A few days later, a new bulb was finally ready. There it _________ on the table in front of its maker, fully completed. Then Edison did a very big thing. With a smile, he handed the new bulb to Jimmy. “Be careful this time,” he said. He was giving the young man another _________. Jimmy did not break it, so we have millions of bulbs in the world today.

As a proverb says, “Not the power to _________, but its very opposite, the power to forget, is a necessary condition for our existence.” Life is too short and no one is __________. If we can forgive those who have hurt us, we will have a better life.

A.heard aboutB.worried aboutC.brought aboutD.looked about
