完形填空 适中0.65 引用1 组卷35

One day a little mouse was thirsty. She looked around for water to drink. She climbed up on a table. And she saw a bottle on the table. The mouth of the bottle was _________. The little mouse looked inside the bottle. “Aha, there is _________ milk in it. That’s great.” She went into it and drank. She drank and drank. After a moment she had drunk enough. Her stomach was too big and she couldn’t come _________ the bottle. She cried for help. Just then a cat came up to the table. _________ he heard the cry, the cat jumped onto the table so _________, “You'll be my nice lunch.” The little mouse was very clever and she _________ for a moment and said, “Brother Cat, you mustn’t roll(滚)the bottle.”   _________ ?” asked the cat. “I would get dizzy(头晕目眩的).” said the mouse. The cat said that he would let her _________ quickly. So he began to roll the bottle. Suddenly the bottle fell down onto the floor and broke into _________. The little mouse ran __________ as fast as she could. When the cat jumped off the table and ran after her, the mouse had already gone into her home.

A.littleB.a littleC.fewD.a few
A.intoB.upC.out ofD.down
A.to dieB.dyingC.dieD.died
知识点:寓言童话常见动物 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

There was a large berry tree on the bank of a river. On this tree, there was a monkey called Rhesa. He was a clever and _________monkey. He offered berries to all the animals and birds who came to the river to quench their thirst. In the river, there _________a crocodile named Magar with his wife.

One day Magar came to the river bank to catch his prey. It was a hot and sunny day and Magar had caught _____________the whole day. Tired and hot, he _________himself with great effort to the shade of the berry tree for some rest. Then he heard somebody calling out to him, “Hello friend. I am here.”

Magar _________to find Rhesa smiling down at him. The monkey picked a handful of juicy berries and threw them down to Magar.

“Eat them. They will quench your thirst.”

“Thank you,” said Magar and ate the delicious berries.

From then on, every day, Magar would come to the river's _________and eat the berries dropped by Rhesa. Both of them became good friends.

One day Magar took some berries home to his wife. She found them delicious. "Mmm…If the berries are so tasty, how delicious the monkey's _________would be after eating these berries for years," she said. “I want to eat it.”

“I can't do that!” replied Magar. "He is my friend. _________can I kill him?" But his wife would not accept no for an answer. "If you don't bring me his heart, I will starve _________to death," she cried.

So Magar went to meet Rhesa. "My wife liked the berries you sent her very much. She wanted to invite you home for dinner," said Magar to Rhesa.

"I __________surely come," said Rhesa,"but I cannot swim."

"Do not worry," said Magar, "I will carry you on my back."

Rhesa jumped on to Magar's back. Magar began to swim away from the bank. __________reaching the middle of the river, the crocodile began to dive under water. "Hey! What are you doing?" panicked Rhesa. "I told you I cannot swim."

"Sorry my friend," replied Magar. "My wife wants to eat your heart. So I have to kill you".

Rhesa __________that he was in great danger. But he came up with a good idea. "Is it my heart you want?" he asked in a __________voice. "Why didn't you say so before? I would have gladly given it to you. But we will have to go back because my heart is at home now."

The foolish crocodile turned around and swam back towards the bank.

Rhesa immediately jumped down from Magar's back and jumped up the berry tree. "You are a fool Magar. How could I be alive __________I left my heart behind? You are not a __________friend. Our friendship is over," said Rhesa.

Word Bank
quench解渴   crocodile鳄鱼   prey猎物   starve饿死   panic恐慌【小题1】
A.looked forB.looked atC.looked backD.looked up

It was a beautiful spring day in a forest. High up in a tree, a mother bird was resting in her nest(鸟巢). She had just given birth to six baby birds. Five of the baby birds were strong, but the youngest one was ________ . The mother bird called him Little Six. His elder brothers and sisters often laughed at him. “Look at Little Six,” said the eldest brother, “he’s so weak and he can hardly move.” Little Six felt upset. The mother bird ________ him much.

However, Little Six had a strong will(意志). He made a ________ that he would do exercise to become strong. Every ________, Little Six would get up early. ________ his brothers and sisters woke up, Little Six would finish all his exercise. He trained his wings over and over again to make them ________.

After a couple of months, all the birds grew up. The mother bird got her babies together to teach them to fly. To everyone’s ________, Little Six was the first one to start flying! “Look at me!I can fly!” Little Six was crying ________ while his brothers and sisters were trying hard to fly. He finally achieved his goal(目标) and how proud he was of himself!

A.turned onB.worried aboutC.put away
       There is a girl named Little Red Riding Hood. Everyone ________ her this because she always wears a red cloak and hood.
       One day her mother asks her to ________ some bread and cakes to her grandma, who lives in the middle of a forest. On her ________ to her grandma’s home, she meets a friendly farmer and a bad wolf. The wolf is very ________ and knows where she will go. So he runs to grandma’s house and eats her grandma, then he dresses up as her in the bed.
       When Little Red Riding Hood gets to the house, she sees the door is ________. “It’s me, grandma!” she calls out. There is no answer, so she goes into upstairs to grandma’s ________. Grandma is in bed, but she looks ________. “Grandma, what big ________ you have!” she says. “All the better to hear you with, my dear!” answers the wolf. “Grandma, what big eyes you have!” she says. “All the better to ________ you with, my dear! Come closer, child.” answers the wolf. “Oh, grandma, what big ________ you have!” says she. “All the better to eat you with!” the wolf says and jumps out of bed and eats her. Luckily the friendly farmer comes in time and sees what happens, so he lifts his axe (斧头) and kills the bad wolf. At last the little girl and her grandma are saved.【小题1】
