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Martha Payne is nine years old. She lives and goes to school in Scotland. In the past, Martha had lunch in the school canteen every day; and every day she and her classmates had to eat really terrible food.

Then one day, Martha decided to start a blog. She called it Neverseconds. Martha had a simple idea: to take a photo of lunch at school every day, and then to put it in on her blog. Very quickly, Martha’s blog became very popular, and in seven weeks it had two million hits.

The blog’s popularity was great news for Martha, but it wasn’t very good news for the school. Every day, people around the world could see the terrible meals that they were serving. After a while, the school decided to do something to stop this.

Martha describes what happened on her blog: “This morning the head teacher took me out of the Maths class and I went to her office. She said that I could not take any more photos of my school dinners because of a headline in a newspaper today. I only write my blog, not newspapers, and I am sad I can no longer take photos.”

However, the story has a happy ending. People from around the world began to protest (反对) against the actions of the school and Martha was able to write her blog again. What’s more, meals at the school have now got much better. At the age of only nine, Martha is someone who has already made a big difference.

【小题1】Why did Martha start her blog?
A.To show her school meals to others.B.To raise two million dollars for her school.
C.To make herself a popular student.D.To express opinions about her classmates.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “this” refer to?
A.The fact that Martha’s blog received too much attention.
B.The fact that Martha got terrible test results for many times.
C.The opinion that students should eat lunch at their homes.
D.The opinion that the environment of the canteen was bad.
【小题3】What was Martha asked to do by the school?
A.Stop writing passages for the newspaper.
B.Stop taking the math classes in school.
C.Stop putting photos of school meals online.
D.Stop taking photos of the head teacher.
【小题4】What may be the best title of this passage?
A.Having School Meals TogetherB.Running a Successful Blog
C.Communicating with TeachersD.Making a Difference
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We would never know what happens after helping others.

One day, Denson went to a job interview after losing his last one. While waiting for a bus, he saw an old man kicking his car. Clearly, there was something wrong with the car. Denson quickly went up to give a hand. When Denson finished repairing the car, the old man asked to pay for the service. Denson refused and said he just helped someone in need, and that he had to rush for an interview. The old man said, “I could take you to the office. It’s the least I could do.” Denson agreed.

When he arrived, Denson found many people waiting to be interviewed. Denson’s shirt got dirty after repairing the car, but he didn’t have enough time to change it. One by one, people left the interviewer’s office, disappointed. Finally, Denson’s name was called. The interviewer was sitting in a chair facing the office window. He asked, “Do you really need to be interviewed?” Denson’s heart sank (心情沉重,情绪低落). “Wearing a dirty shirt, how could I possibly pass this interview?” he thought. Then the interviewer (考官) turned around the chair. To Denson’s surprise, it was the old man he helped in the morning. He was the boss (老板) of the company. “Sorry I had to keep you waiting, but I was pretty sure I made the right decision to have you as a member of the company before you even walked into the office. Congratulations!”

【小题1】Denson agreed to take the old man’s car because ________.
A.it was difficult for him to wait for a bus
B.there was something wrong with his car
C.he would be late for the job interview
D.he wanted the old man to show his thanks
【小题2】Denson probably felt ________ when the interviewer asked him the question.
【小题3】Denson got the job finally because ________.
A.he had great skillsB.he was a helpful man
C.he waited till the lastD.he offered a perfect answer
【小题4】Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Denson got some money from repairing the car.
B.Denson didn’t have money for a new shirt.
C.Denson felt disappointed when he got the job.
D.Denson would work together with the old man.
【小题5】What can we learn from the passage?
A.Never give up.B.Try to help others.
C.Be hopeful to life.D.Make more friends.

Humans first conquered(征服)Mount Qomolangma (the highest point on Earth) in 1953 and the Challenger Deep (the deepest point on Earth) seven years later. But no single person had ever visited both until Victor Vescovo dived to new depths in 2019. Vescovo is a retired US Navy officer and now an investor(投资人).

The Challenger Deep, at nearly 11 km beneath the sea surface, is not just the deepest point in the Pacific Ocean, but also the deepest point on Earth. By sinking to 10, 925 meters deep, Vescovo holds the Guinness World Records certificate of “the deepest dive by a crewed vessel(载人舰艇)”.

Sinking to such a depth was not easy. It had to be backed up by strict planning, a huge amount of money and a special deep-sea submersible(潜水器). Working with Triton Submarines, Vescovo spent over four years developing a new submersible. It needed to handle a pressure level that is more than 1, 000 times that at the surface. The result was the DSVLimiting Factor — one of the most advanced deep-sea crewed vessels in the world right now. However, Vescovo knew that he needed not only the best technology but also the best people. He teamed up with talents from all around the world. These included experts in everything from geology and marine(海洋的)biology to sonar mapping(声呐测图).

Vescovo and his team did two dives into the Challenger Deep in 2019. On his first dive, Vescovo spent a total of four hours at the Challenger Deep — longer than anyone had ever spent there and not a moment was wasted. “The key thing is to video as much as possible,” he explained. “It was all about collecting science.”

【小题1】What kind of person is Victor Vescovo?
A.A comimon worker.B.A marine scientis.C.An adventurer.D.An investor.
【小题2】What can we learn about the Challenger Deep?
A.It’s about 11 km away from the US.B.No other place is deeper than it on Earth.
C.No humans have visited it until 2019.D.It was discovered by Victor Vescovo in 1960.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “advanced” in Paragraph 3 mean in Chinese?
【小题4】What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.How Vescovo prepared for his dive.
B.How Vescovo chose talents and formed his team.
C.What difficulties Vescovo had to face underwater.
D.What courses Vescovo had taken in order to do the dive.
【小题5】Which is TRUE about Vescovo’s first dive into the Challenger Deep?
A.It turned out to be just a waste of time.B.He tried two times before he finally got there.
C.It took him four hours to sink to the bottom.D.He collected a lot of information there.

A school was across from my house. I often watched kids playing basketball from my window. One day, I saw a little girl playing basketball with a group of boys. She was short, but she played so well that no one could stop her. Sometimes, I saw her practice by herself from morning to night.

Another day, I met her in the school and asked her why she practiced hard. She said, "I want to go to college. The only way is to get a scholarship(奖学金). If I can play basketball well enough, I can get a scholarship. My father told me if the dream is big enough, the facts aren't that important."

Two years later, I saw the girl sitting in the grass with her head down. She seemed upset. She said, "I'm too short. My teacher said I could never play for a top college's basketball team." "What does your father say?" I asked. "He disagrees with my teacher. He says the teacher just doesn't understand the power(力量) of a dream. Nothing can stop me if I really want to get something."

The next year, a recruiter(招生人员) was interested in the girl after he saw her play basketball. And she got a full scholarship to a college. Her dream came true.

【小题1】Where was the writer when she first saw the little girl?
A.In a restaurant.B.In the school.C.In a park.D.At home.
【小题2】Who gave the girl the power when she was upset?
A.The writer.B.Her father.C.Her teacher.D.Her friends.
【小题3】What's the best title for the passage?
A.The college educationB.The love for basketballC.The power of dreamD.A piece of advice
