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Take a look inside a high school classroom. You will most likely find a teacher at the front of the class and students sitting at their desks. Yet, look closer, and you might notice a familiar scene: many of these students are not paying attention. Instead, they are dozing off(打盹)or even completely asleep.

Today, the majority of high school students are not getting enough sleep. This lack(缺乏)of sleep is a serious problem, especially as students are doing more than ever with their time. They come to school early, spend hours listening to teachers and taking tests, then run off to practices and meetings, and come home to be faced with even more work. And the homework load these days is not light; teachers give hours worth of homework each night.

Most kids need at least nine hours of sleep per night in order to function properly. Yet the period of this nine hours shifts as a child gets older. After puberty(青春期), the body's internal clock changes so that it is difficult for teens to fall asleep before 11 p. m. So even if a student falls asleep at eleven, they would need to sleep until at least 8 a. m. to get a full night's sleep. Considering the time at which most high schools in this country begin, those nine hours are clearly being shortened. Few high schools start after 8 a. m.

However, there are schools that have paid attention to this research and pushed backward the start of their school day. In schools where the start time is after 8:30 in the morning, the teachers believe that there has been a real change in their students. They note that the students miss class less, pay more attention in class, perform better in class, and report lower levels of depression(沮丧), The researchers of these studies say that the results are quite important and that more schools should consider pushing backward their start time of their school day.

【小题1】Which of the following would the author agree with?
A.High school students must go to bed before 10 p. m.
B.High schools should begin their school day at a later time
C.Most schools should push forward the start of their school day.
D.Kids should shorten their sleep time gradually as they grow older.
【小题2】The second paragraph mainly discusses ________.
A.why high school students should get more sleep
B.what's life like for high school students at present
C.why high school students feel sleepy in the classroom
D.how to lighten high school students' homework load
【小题3】The underlined word "shifts" probably means "________”.
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【小题1】 My dad lost his job and he is quite anxious. My mum is a housewife, so she has no idea how to help.
【小题2】 My mom is always on her phone. I want her to spend more time with me.
【小题3】 My parents are giving me the choice to teach my sister piano. Any tips?
【小题4】 My mom tells me to get rid of some of my things, but they all seem special.
【小题5】 My parents argue a lot. I wish I could make them stop. It’s really upsetting.
A. Ask yourself whether you really value and use them. To help you decide, try an experiment. Notice what you use over a month’s time. At the end of the month, you might consider giving away what you didn’t use. Knowing that your things will bring happiness to someone else may help you let them go.
B. Your mom may not realize how you feel. Ask her if there’s a time when you two can sit down to talk about something that’s on your mind. Also, you can start a daily“team”routine, like washing dishes together. Chores can be a great time to talk, sing, or tell jokes.
C. You’re not alone. Adults disagree at times, just as kids do. They must solve their own disagreement. If you feel unhappy, focus on things that’ll help you feel calm. Do activities you enjoy, or write or draw to express how you feel. At a time when things are calm, tell your parents how you feel.
D. Tell your parents how you’re feeling. Although they may not have all the answers right now. Give one another a little more space.During times of change, it’s natural for people to feel sad or upset more often than usual. Remember to be kind and supportive as your family decides how to move forward.
E. What an exciting chance! Talk to your parents and sister about what they expect. Together, make a clear plan for the lessons. This will help you up for success. You could also consider using a piano book, which may help you plan each lesson. Finally, remember to be patient with your sister.
F. It’s common to see parents push their children on their studies because they always care about the results. You had better have a talk with your parent about your worries and stress and ask for their understanding and support. I believe things will be better if you communicate well.
