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People around the world felt excited on the night of April 10, 2019. For the first time in history, people saw a photo of a black hole. The photo became popular immediately(立刻). But do you know it has something to do with a computer scientist Katie Boumna? Without her, there wouldn't be this photo. Black holes are very far from us, so it is very difficult to take photos of them. It's like taking a photo of an orange that is on the moon. Many scientists had tried.

However, none of them succeeded. These failures didn't stop Bouman from trying.

Several years ago, she started working on a special computer program. During the past years, she has improved the program many times. Finally, it turned telescope data (望远镜数据) into a photo of a black hole.

Bouman received lots of praise because of her work. However, the young woman said the success mainly depended on(依靠) her team. "None of us could do it alone," she said.

Would you like to make history as Bouman did? Set a goal for yourself and work hard at it. Maybe you will make it come true in the future.

【小题1】When people saw a photo of a black hole for the first time, they felt very ________.
【小题2】How did the scientists take the photo of a black hole successfully?
A.By taking a photo of an orange carefully.
B.By working on a special computer program.
C.By turning telescope data into a photo of a black hole.
D.By using more advanced cameras with the help of others.
【小题3】What's the best title of the passage?
A.A surprising photo of a black hole
B.A great computer scientist Katie Bouman
C.A goal to become a computer scientist
D.A photo of a black hole and Katie Bouman
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On December 25, 2021, a new and exciting age of space science started when the James Webb Space Telescope was launched* into space. According to NASA, Webb is the largest and most powerful space science telescope ever built.

At first, Webb was planned to cost half a billion dollars and launched in 2007. But it turned out to be impossible. As designed, Webb’s orbit* is about 1.6 million kilometers away from the earth. It is too far for the astronauts to repair if it breaks down. So everything has to work perfectly on the first try, and it is the main reason why NASA spent nearly 30 years and 10 billion dollars getting it ready for launch.

Considered as a successor* to the old Hubble Space Telescope, Webb will allow us to look deeper into the universe than ever before. Hubble mostly sees what we see—which is known as visible light. But Webb is designed to focus on the infrared* light, which is invisible to the human eyes. That means Webb can see through dust* in the universe and make new discoveries by examining stars inside those dust clouds. It will try to collect light from the very first stars when the universe was young. By collecting the light, the telescope can see galaxies as they appeared in the past, which could help to explain how the universe began. It will also study the planets around other stars, looking for signs of life.

In order to collect the light and focus it into its camera, the mirror* Webb uses is 6.5 meters across much larger than Hubble’s 2.4-meter-wide mirror. The size advantage gives Webb 6.25 times more surface area to collect light in the universe, letting it see further and more detailed. However, the mirror also needs to be small enough to fit into a rocket to be launched into space. To fit the telescope in the rocket, engineers built the mirror with 18 honeycomb-shaped segments* that could fold up. And during Webb’s journey to the orbit, they will unfold, creating one large mirror.

Now, Webb has been in its orbit for several months, and it will send back its first images in June. By the time, the results will prove it is of great value to put so much time and money in building it.

【小题1】NASA put off sending Webb into space because ________.
A.there wasn’t enough money for the further research
B.Webb’s orbit was too far away for the rockets to reach
C.it was not necessary to send Webb into space so early
D.it was hard to make Webb work excellently in its orbit
【小题2】Compared with Hubble, Webb improves itself by ________.
A.costing much more efforts to be designed and built
B.working in a shorter distance away from the earth
C.using a 2.4-meter-wide mirror to collect more light
D.collecting infrared light to explore the start of space
【小题3】Which of the following can be True about Webb’s situation now?
A.People still need to be patient for the results of Webb’s first try.
B.It’s close to the orbit and will send back its pictures this summer.
C.The mirror it uses has been half unfolded since it was launched.
D.It is the largest and most expensive space telescope in the world.
【小题4】What’s the best title of the passage?
A.Future of Making New Space Telescope
B.A Space Telescope with High Expectation
C.Challenges for exploring further universe
D.A Special Mirror for Collecting Lights

In the universe (宇宙), as we know, there is the sun, the moon, the earth and many stars. Through our geography lessons, we know the earth goes round the sun, and the moon goes round the earth. We have day and night because the earth keeps turning all the time. When our part of the earth turns to the sun, it is day. When our part of the earth turns away from the sun, it is night.

Just because the moon is closer to the earth than the sun, it looks much bigger than the sun. Big things will look smaller when they are farther, and small things also look bigger when they are nearer,

The sun is bright enough to give out very strong light. The moon can’t give out any light at all, but it looks quite bright too. Why? In fact, the light from the moon comes from the sun. The moon looks much bigger and brighter than the stars. But actually (事实上) the stars are much bigger and brighter than the moon. They look smaller than the moon also because they are farther away from the earth.

There are still many other planets (行星) in the universe. All of them move round the sun. But of all these planets, only on the earth there are living things and people can only live on the earth too. At 9:00 a.m., on October 15th 2003, Chinese pilot (飞行员) Yang Liwei was sent up to space. He stayed there for 21 hours. It was the first time for Chinese to get into space.

【小题1】We find the sun ______ than the moon because it is ______ to us.
A.bigger; fartherB.smaller; closer
C.bigger; closerD.smaller; farther
【小题2】When our part of the earth turns away from the sun, the other part of the earth is ______.
【小题3】When did the pilot from our country return to the earth?
A.On November 15th, 2002.B.On October 16th, 2003.
C.On May 5th, 2004.D.On October 15th, 2003.
【小题4】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The moon goes round the earth, and it can’t give out any light at all.
B.The moon goes round the sun, and its light is from the sun.
C.The sun goes round the earth.
D.Only the earth goes round the sun.

Imagine you are taking a bus home at night. Suddenly your cellphone loses its signal. The television on the bus has no programs. Everything around us black-except for some strange colorful lights dancing in the sky. What is going on?

These are just the kinds of problems a solar storm might cause. Solar storms happen when solar flares (耀斑)break from the sun and travel towards Earth quickly. Actually, since Sept.4, 2017, the sun has burst out two big solar flares, the most powerful ones since at least 2008 according to NASA. They hit Earth on Sept.7.

Normally, Earth is protected by its magnetic field (磁场). But when strong solar storm mix with it, things change. On the one hand, the colourful lights of the aurora (极光)can be seen from the US and Europe, rather than just from polar (极地的)areas. But on the other hand, the storms can stop the satellite systems that control our computers, cell phones and GPS. They can even cause blackouts (断电) for weeks or months.

, but they can put astronauts in danger. Spacewalking astronauts might have only minutes to hide. For this reason, NASA never plans spacewalks during solar storms.

Scientists now have a new tool called EEGGL, which can predict solar storms and hopefully give us warnings when they arrive. As for the recent storm, scientists say it is still too early to know its effect on our technology. They are closely watching for any long-term effects.

【小题1】A solar storm might cause problems EXCEPT that ______.
A.the cell phone loses its signalsB.we get hurt in the eyes suddenly
C.we have no TV programsD.everything around turns black
【小题2】Which of the following statements is TRUE ?
A.Solar storms happen when solar flares travel toward the sun quickly.
B.The aurora can only be seen from polar areas during a solar storm.
C.Satellite systems can't work unless they're connected with solar storms.
D.It took two solar flares 3 days to come to Earth in September, 2017.
【小题3】Which of the following sentence can be put in “ ”.
A.Solar storms are good for people on the ground
B.Solar storms have great effect on people on Earth
C.Solar storms hardly harm people on the ground
D.Solar storms can harm people on Earth seriously
【小题4】The passage is written in a /an ______ tone(语气).
