阅读理解-单选 适中0.65 引用1 组卷78

Name: Grace
Age: 91

I studied skiing in my forties. On a skiing trip, I broke a rib (肋骨). As the years passed, I developed a bad backache. I could not breathe well. I tried an exercise program. For six weeks, I exercised three times a week, two to three hours a day. I did weight training, bike and breathing exercise.

Finally my breathing improved and the backache disappeared. Exercise played an important role in my improvement.

Name: Robert
Age: 80

Since I retired (退休) in 1987, I have exercised five times a week. I strongly believed exercise stops me from illness. My present exercise includes body strength (力量) work using weight machines (15-20 minutes every day), two miles on a running machine (25-30 minutes every day) and five miles on a bike (20-25 minutes every day).

Name: Lucy
Age: 66

I attended my first dance class 23 years ago. In the beginning, it was difficult to follow quick movements, but I tried to keep doing it for six weeks. Now I am still taking dance classes twice a week. My backaches disappeared years ago and I am full of energy. Dancing helps me in making better decisions and feeling warm outside in winter!

【小题1】Grace does all the following exercise except (除了) __________.
A.breathing exerciseB.bicycleC.danceD.weight training
【小题2】Grace thought doing exercise was __________.
【小题3】Robert spent at least __________ minutes on his three exercises every day.
【小题4】From the passage we know that Lucy __________.
A.has a bad backache nowB.began dancing many years ago
C.takes dance classes twice a monthD.stops attending dance classes now
【小题5】What can we learn from this passage?
A.Grace used to go skiing.B.Lucy only dances in winter.
C.Robert retired at the age of 60.D.Both Robert and Grace have backaches.
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